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Everything posted by JoeFu

  1. omfg new post for pics gifs i stole from neogaf by some guy named ant1532
  2. omfg i am downloading the mario video now... 5%!!!!!!!!!!!! http://media.nintendo-europe.com/compel/video/C_g6BRRIqwjrL5FRko2ZHsidYuj27aoR.mov !!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHH NINTENDO SITE GETTING BOMBARDED! GETTING 10KBS!!! BOOOOOOOOOO http://rapidshare.com/files/20070081/C_g6BRRIqwjrL5FRko2ZHsidYuj27aoR.mov rapidshare. You might get lucky and be able to download like i did. OMFG BEST VIDEO EVER!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH I CANT WAIT FOR IT!
  3. Sucks that Nintendo had to sell stock this week. Because of that they have to abide by the laws and could not talk about anything in the future. That is most likely why Miyamoto's keynote sucked so much. Oh well, MARIO GALAXY VIDEO!!
  4. Well, i sat in front of my computer reading updates on Miyamoto's Keynote. It was alright, not much about games, but at least there was a mario galaxy video! I hope we get to see it today.
  5. Freaking IntSys. They make such awesome games. I just got Paper Mario TTYD and that game is awesome. I can't wait for Fire Emblem and Super Paper Mario. Need a killer app?? SUPER PAPER MARIO IS OUT NEXT MONTH!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Well, I don't care if they are delayed, I just hope between now and the end of the year Fire Emblem and Metroid Prime 3 comes out. Mario needs to be perfect and so does SSBB. Metroid should be perfect already.
  7. omfg, new super paper mario videos and gametrailers, gamevideos, ign, and gamespot. SPM is going to be so freaking awesome. I can't wait to play it!!!!!!!!!! ONLY ONE MORE MONTH!
  8. It's my senior year and I don't think we will be doing anything. Some guys just want to give everybody a marble before graduation, and when we go up to shake the principal's hand, we hand him a marble. That would be retarded, but he would have about 1200 marbles by the end of the day if we did that... And some guy ran through the cafeteria in a penis costume
  9. Sorry evilhead, I saw it like last month. Maybe I'll look for it again. Well, I found it evilhead, but the price is back at 34k yen... It was 27k yen last month. http://kotaku.com/gaming/only-in-japan/japanese-retailers-used-360s--used-ps3s-233705.php
  10. Really? I saw on some Japanese website/gamestore thingy the ps3 20 gig was like 27k yen or something.
  11. I really do want to own a PS3, but wtf it is expensive. I don't care that it's a blu-ray player and that it is cheap compared to the others, I care that it is a video game system though. I just wish the price wasn't so freaking high. In the end, PS3 is the most expensive gaming system right now and it pretty much killed my interest because it costs a ton of money. Anyways, I find it kinda sad that the PS3 is selling lower than the GC was selling in the same time frame in japan. I know bahamut doesn't care about sales, but in the end developers make games for systems that sell well. I wish I was in Japan right now though. The used PS3 there is like 250 dollars.
  12. Sensor bar has nothing to do with Sonic. Controls are alright until like AarowSwift said, you get the new skills. I have no problems moving sonic around where I am right now.
  13. Drack, its great compared to Sonic standard. I'm about 6 hours in and just got to the skeleton dome. It's really fun, but starts out kinda slow. Once you get all the speed skills the game is aweeeeeeeeeeesome.
  14. Uhh... SimCity DS came out in Japan like last week I think. You can find impressions if you look.
  15. Cheap and crappy games on the wii!! WOO HOO! SO DID NOBODY ELSE GET SONIC? IT IS A GREAT GAME.
  16. Gosh, the videos for Sonic 2K6 are so rofltastic.
  17. SATSR is really fun, just not in the beginning. You need to get the speed up skill and turning skill and stuff first. I'm on the fourth world and the game is just fun. Also, the fourth world doesnt have crappy music!!! and Evil foundry's is alright. WHOS GONNA ROCK THE PLACE?
  18. I've already spoiled the crap out of Fire Emblem. I really can't wait for it. And those who are wanting super awesome graphics in an SRPG, don't expect that soon. I mean the best SRPG's of last gen have visuals that look like ps1 games. I really want Fire Emblem.
  19. just messing around Top 3 most wanted Wii games for me are 1. METROID PRIME 3... WTF JUST RELEASE IT ALREADY! 2. FIRE EMBLEM: WHATEVER THEY WANT TO CALL IT HERE. 3. Super Mario Galaxy. I hope we get Fire Emblem for the summer.
  20. No one ever reads my posts I posted the trailer back a few days ago. I think I might need a sig Anyways, with all the new info from that one japanese dude who got the game a few days ago I am so excited for this game. I want Fire Emblem more than Mario Galaxy. http://www.velthomer.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=5523 is the link to the forum with all the info. WARNING SPOILERS GALORE!
  21. I really don't mind the no pointer thing. I would most likely make more mistakes using the pointer than the dpad, but it would have been nice if they included it.
  22. Anybody mention that Ouendan is getting a sequel?
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