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Everything posted by MindWanderer

  1. I should probably revise that, but what I have now doesn't include the source track name. A youtube link to the source would be helpful, though.
  2. About 38 hours to go, and I have zero submissions so far. Usually by the end of the second weekend I have a couple. I knownot to expect one from shift7, and Tuberz hit a (hopefully surmountable) stumbling block, but that leaves 6 teams I'm hoping have a chance to submit their entries. Don't forget!
  3. To be honest, I haven't been tremendously impressed with the music the last couple of weeks--the limitations of this compo were pretty clear. Not that anyone did a bad job, but that vanilla FL just isn't a great tool, and it showed. But this week was something else--you all did amazing jobs. Even Zerothemaster outdid himself. And DDRKirby's entry is going into my permanent collection; I didn't think I'd be saying that for this compo at all, and my threshold for doing that is pretty high. Just phenomenal.
  4. I was hoping to keep it as a separate thread because it's not tied to one episode in particular, and the lifespan of the discussion could easily exceed the lifespan of this episode. I don't want this to be the "podcast thread" that never dies.
  5. Rereleases in which the music hasn't been changed at all, such as Ecco the Dolphin, are fine. Rereleases with auditory "facelifts," such as Final Fantasy IV, are not (even if there hadn't been other FF games that disqualified it anyway). I can't think of an example where the original was remade, that doesn't also have recent sequels.
  6. Theme As we say goodbye to 2012, we remember other things that are no longer with us. All mixes should either: Be based on a source or sources from a series (at least 2 games) that we haven't had a sequel, spinoff, or remake of for at least 10 years, or Use any source, and be done in a genre of music that at least some people would consider "dead" (disco, ska, etc.). Let's not debate this--if there's a decent case for it, it counts. Pairings Cash and Change with SnappleMan Tuberz McGee with Argle Kuolema with HeavenWraith / ectogemia AlmightyArceus with pu_freak The Eluryahn with DusK Final Kingdom with Flexstyle Shift7 with Prophecy Esperado with hakstock Since both HeavenWraith and ectogemia seemed a little unsure how much free time they'd have, and only agreed to participate if they were needed, I put both down as Kuolema's partner. I'll let the three of you work out which Star has the most time to devote to this--and if you have to change your mind halfway through, that's fine. Just one star should provide help with the final product, though. I'd guess that the Community forum would be the best place to discuss a podcast. You can provide a link to it here.
  7. Does that count? There are only a couple places in that game where you can fall to your death, and I don't think that's one of them.
  8. 2-3 more stars means 2-3 more novices! Sign up if you're tempted! I don't by any means have time to do a podcast, but if anyone wants to take the reins on that, I'm behind it. If you schedule it for the second week of the month, you could discuss the results of the previous month, maybe interview one or both winners, and then go on to talk about the new month's theme and pairings, build some hype.
  9. Current Roster: Stars: Prophecy DusK Flexstyle Argle pu_freak HeavenWraith Novices: Cash and Change Tuberz McGee Kuolema AlmightyArceus The Eluryahn Final Kingdom Six and six! Almost 2 days left, though; don't let that discourage anyone from signing up anyway.
  10. Season 1, Episode 4: "Yesteryear" Current News Voting is concluded! Results are below. Results! First Place: "Are You Kidding Me?" by Kuolema feat. ectogemia, with 17 points. Second Place (tie): "Another Galaxy for Termina" by Cash and Change feat. SnappleMan, with 15 points. Second Place (tie): "All the King's Men" by Esperado feat. hakstock, with 15 points. Fourth Place: "Tak-Ka Mortaza" by The Eluryahn feat. DusK, with 9 points. Fifth Place: "Over My Head" by Tuberz McGee feat. Argle, with 7 points. Sixth Place: "Party Station" by Final Kingdom feat. Flexstyle, with 3 points. Download Season 1 Now! Theme As we say goodbye to 2012, we remember other things that are no longer with us. All mixes should either: Be based on a source or sources from a series (at least 2 games) that we haven't had a sequel, spinoff, or remake of for at least 10 years, or Use any source, and be done in a genre of music that at least some people would consider "dead" (disco, ska, etc.). Let's not debate this--if there's a decent case for it, it counts. Pairings Cash and Change with SnappleMan. Source: http://youtu.be/nRugw4mQnh4 Tuberz McGee with Argle. Sources: http://youtu.be/mSXFiU0mqik http://youtu.be/oUsPzxW2_p8 Kuolema with ectogemia. Sources: http://youtu.be/LSz6kGBH6VM http://youtu.be/GCSIH7vsmTY AlmightyArceus with pu_freak The Eluryahn with DusK. Source: http://youtu.be/rNkc-_U5T4Q Final Kingdom with Flexstyle. Source: http://youtu.be/weM6zxrGUGQ Shift7 with Prophecy Esperado with hakstock. Sources: http://youtu.be/lQv87Pp6u6k http://youtu.be/Zy8uJ44P2Gc About ReMixing With the Stars ReMixing With the Stars is intended to give beginning remixers some support, encouragement, and mentoring in their quest to become great, and as a sidenote, to become posted remixers. Beginners are mentored by experienced remixers to push their abilities to new heights and submit collaborative works according to the theme of the month. Who's a "Star" and who's a "Novice?" Any posted or accepted-to-be-posted remixer, as the only artist or as the lead arranger on a piece, is automatically considered a "Star." This isn't meant to be a statement on who's a "good" or "expert" artist, but it's a somewhat meaningful threshhold which doesn't require any subjective judgment on my part (however subjective the OCR judging process may be). Additionally, anyone who wants to sign up as a Star can also be put into that category. This is because a lot more "Novices" (who is everyone else) sign up than stars, and it's better to receive some mentoring from someone who's good but not posted than from no one at all. If you've done any of the following things, as examples, I strongly recommend you sign up as a Star: Contributed to an OCR album Had a submitted remix rejected but with one or more "Yes" votes Beat a posted remixer in direct competition (not counting forfeit) Sold your compositions (remixes or not) for money If you want to sign up conditionally (e.g. "I'd prefer to be a Novice, but if you need me to be a Star so more people can participate, that's fine too"), then go ahead, and bless you. Rules Enrollment/Pairings: For episode 2 and onward, pairings will be a little different. They'll still be first-come, first-served, except that Novices who participated in a previous episode get priority. This is so that the community can watch a consistent group of OCR newcomers grow in skills as the season progresses. (Don't worry, this won't carry over into next season, so people won't be matriculated through forever. In fact, for Season 2, Episode 1, priority will be exactly the other way around, with Season 1 participants getting lower preference for slots.) As before, once the signup deadline is reached, whichever list of signups has more people in it will be truncated, based on order of priority as described above, so the lists are the same size. Then Novices will be randomly paired with Stars, except that Novice-Star pairings won't be repeated twice in a season. Mixes: The Novice must be the primary remixer. Stars can contribute by giving advice, playing a live instrument or vocals, and with production, including minor adjustments to fix timing or dissonance issues. They may also contribute a short solo segment. No one other than the Novice and Star may help in any way. Submissions: All entries must be sent to me by the 12PM PST deadline via PM on the forums, with a link to a reliable host for me to download your mix from. Please don't use Tindeck, as it doesn't give you control over what the filename will be when downloaded. I also recommend you post in this thread that you've submitted your mix, since I know there have been issues in other compos with PM's not being received. Please submit your file as an mp3, preferably encoded at a high-quality VBR or 320kbps. Filenames must be in the following format: Novice feat. Star - Title (Game).mp3 Example: MindWanderer feat. djpretzel - The World's Worst ReMix (Pong).mp3 Proper file names mean I can do my job of getting the compliation done and posted faster, which means you get to hear the great music produced by this sooner. Schedule All deadlines are 12 PM (noon) Pacific time (PST). Signups until Wednesday, January 9, 1200 PST. If you're signing up as a Novice, and didn't sign up for a previous episode, you must post links to at least two samples of your previous work! They don't have to be good, they don't even have to be game remixes, you just have to prove you're not brand-spanking-new to this music production thing. Things you've posted to the WIP forum are preferable but not required. If you're signing up as a Star, say a little bit about your strengths, and maybe post a link or three to remixes you feel best represent them. You can mention anything else you think would be helpful in working with you (software preferences, instruments you play, etc). Announcement of the pairings and theme on Jan. 9. The theme will be broad enough to allow many, many options, serving mainly as a unifying factor. It's announced later so that no one gets a head start. ReMixing from Jan. 9 to Wednesday, January 23, 1200 PST (2 weeks). Rules and guidelines above. Voting from whenever I get the compilation posted (should be no more than a few hours after the deadline) until Wednesday, January 30, 1200 PST. Votes should be based on, in roughly descending order, use of source (i.e. interpreted but recognizable), arrangement, production, and enjoyability. How appropriate the submission was for the theme shouldn't be considered (since this is easier for option A than option . You'll pick your three favorites, in order. Your first-place vote will get 3 points, your second-place 2 points, and your third-place 1 point. Participants (both Novices and Stars) may not vote for their own mixes, but participants who vote will get a free first-place vote added to their score. Please send me a PM with your votes, like this: 1. First-place ReMix 2. Second-place ReMix 3. Third-place ReMix Thanks for your interest, and lets get this show on the road! Previous Episodes [thread=40611]Pilot Episode: "Beginnings"[/thread] [thread=41556]Season 1, Episode 1: "Spooky!"[/thread] [thread=41864]Season 1, Episode 2: "Origins of Home Gaming"[/thread] [thread=42143]Season 1, Episode 3: Special "You Can Never Have Too Much Mega Man" edition[/thread]
  11. Results are in! Results! First Place: "Charge! Toward the Sunset of Intergalactic Dictatorship" by HeavenWraith feat. DusK, with 19 points. Second Place: "Dark Wing Duck" by Tuberz McGee feat. wildfire, with 13 points. Third Place: "Sigma has an Electric Fence" by Cash and Change feat. ectogemia, with 10 points. Fourth Place: "Scalpalectic Immolation" by shadow24 feat. Rozovian, with 7 points. Fifth Place: "The Unfinished Gungaroon" by Trism feat. hakstock, with 5 points. The maximum possible score this month was 21 points, so special props to HeavenWraith and DusK for achieving almost a clean sweep. Lots of great work overall this round, though.
  12. Two days left to vote! Signups for the next round start immediately thereafter.
  13. Thanks, but I knew I wasn't going to have much time to work on it after that. It could definitely use some more work if I had time. Heck, if I had lots of time I'd redesign it almost from the ground up.
  14. Mixes are available for download. You have 2 weeks to vote, but with the holidays coming up, please try to vote early. New Year's Day is probably not the best day to try to squeeze in last-minute votes.
  15. I have entries, in various levels of completeness, from everyone but zerothemaster. Mixes will be up just a tad late today, maybe an hour or two from now. @SnappleMan: You're a posted remixer, so you fall into the Star category whether you like it or not. Next round's signups will begin Jan. 2.
  16. Seems Bundeslang didn't think to post it in this thread, but:http://sites.google.com/site/bambombim/prc http://bambombim.googlepages.com/PRCRemixList.doc
  17. 24 hours to go. I have submissions from HeavenWraith and Trism. Also shadow24 shared his WIP with me on SoundCloud, but I don't think it's done yet.
  18. Finally decided on a project to do for this, uncharacteristically using only one source (for now). Spent a good chunk of yesterday hunting for free VSTs and soundfonts for Chinese instruments. Anyone have any suggestions for a Chinese (or at least Asian) bass instument? Everything I've been able to find, even just to learn about, let alone find sounds for, is in the tenor-and-up range, except percussion.
  19. One week down, one to go. Will Elec Man jolt Reaper Sigma back to life? Is Protoman's evil doppelganger a match for the icy clones of Chill Penguin? Will the mighty hunter feast on mammoth barbecue? Stay tuned!
  20. Mmph. If the only options are to pirate it or shell out $99, I'm out. I can't justify a hundred bucks on a hobby I'm just getting started in. And I work for an ISP, so I know that yes, it is totally possible to get caught torrenting or downloading pirated software, they just usually don't bother because it's so commonplace. Let me know if y'all ever hold a Reaper compo.
  21. I haven't used FL Studio myself, only Reaper. It looks like the current free demo of FL has a severe limitation: you can't open a saved project file. Are people just using an older version, then? Or perhaps a better question: Is there a good starter guide on using FL for free? I used AMT's and Sir_NutS's guides for Reaper, and that worked out great.
  22. Sounds like an FL Gauntlet concept is a winner for the overall compo format. We still need an idea for content, though. If it's going to be a mashup thing, I think the idea of a judge-chosen "location" (or "event") is a good one. For the other source, either each participant could choose a character, to do it just like the WCGRC, or we could do something new. For more flexibility, each participant could choose a whole game. I'm personally not crazy about having to incorporate 3 or more sources--doing two is hard enough, and trying to use even more doesn't often go well.
  23. These are always good. I intend to do these for every mid-season special of RMWtS, in an "A vs. B" format (e.g. Mega Man vs. Mega Man X, Mario vs. Sonic, etc.). Of course, these are 1-shots rather than tournaments.I wouldn't be too excited about a compo where the point is to replicate an existing tune as closely as possible. It's a good challenge and good practice, but a lousy spectator sport.
  24. Good to know you haven't dropped off the face of the earth. And the source I randomly rolled is surprising good and should go really well with Elec Man. Gotta love Mega Man--you can pick a source using a random number generator and usually it'll be awesome.
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