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Everything posted by MindWanderer

  1. No and no. If there was an official, legally released game for console or PC that includes the source in question, even if it's a port or rerelease, it's out. The Super Game Boy and GBA Adapter are only OK because they're hardware designed specifically to emulate the portable system. Unless you want to turn it into mariachi, of course.
  2. Theme and pairings are up. Big thanks to chimpazilla, Flexstyle, and Argle for their last-minute signups to make this happen! And of course to pu_freak and last season's Novice champ Kuolema, too.
  3. MRI is unrelated. Its happening or not happening has nothing to do with RMWtS.
  4. Wow, just two stars and only 24 hours left in signups... if we don't get a couple more, I think this show will take a hiatus for a while.
  5. Hm, some of those numbers are busted. I'll have to double-check them tonight. Edit: Had some extra time. Fixed.
  6. Ok, I crunched some numbers. I have two sets of statistics: The percentage of votes each participant earned each round, multiplied by the number of participants in each round and averaged across all rounds in which they participated, and also the total number of competitors each participant outranked in each round. So the first is a measure of effectiveness on a per-round basis, while the second is a measure of overall productivity and kick-assery. Numbers below are rounded. On the average effectiveness index, HeavenWraith is the winner among Novices, having participated in, and won, only one round, and by a significant margin: he earned 35% of the votes, out of 5 participants, for a rating of 1.76. Daffydd came just behind, with a rating of 1.73. But for consistency, Kuolema takes the cake, with 4 entries and an average of 26% of the votes across all 4, for a total rating of 1.38. Among the Stars, SnappleMan has the highest index (1.36), having guided Cash and Change to a respectable tie for second in the one round he participated. Sir_NutS technically comes in second, but it's mainly due to Dafydd's sweeping victory in episode 1, in which Dafydd said that he never got a chance to implement Sir_NutS's suggestions. So the consistency award goes to wildfire, who maintained a rating of 1.28 over her 3 rounds. On the total "victories" index, Kuolema came up atop the Novices' dogpile, with 14 opponents defeated over the course of the season, just edging out Tuberz McGee at 13. Honorable mention goes to Cash and Change, for defeating 10 1/2 opponents (one was a tie) by not missing a single episode of the season! This ranking was a close race among the Stars, with wildfire leading her students to victory over 9 1/2 opponents over her 3 rounds, and never ranking lower than second place. Flexstyle also participated in 3 rounds but was one tie less effective overall, with just 9 opponents beaten; ectogemia ran the same total over his 5 rounds, the most of any Star. Kuolema urdailywater Tuberz McGee Cash and Change ladyWildfire AlmightyArceus ProjectSpam shadow24 Trism Dafydd The Eluryahn The RexAsaurous HeavenWraith Esperado Final Kingdom Anorax Average Rating 1.38 1.30 1.01 0.81 1.26 1.00 0.54 0.65 0.85 1.73 0.85 1.13 1.76 1.06 0.50 1.43 Total Defeated 14 5 13 10.5 4 2 0 3 3.5 5 7 2 4 7 2 4 Sir_NutS Flexstyle Jason Covenant DusK TheGuitahHeroe Rozovian ectogemia Gario wildfire urdailywater Dafydd hakstock SnappleMan Argle Syllix pu_freak Average Rating 1.328 0.999 1.111 0.908 1.259 0.748 0.932 1.243 1.282 0.533 1.133 0.966 1.364 0.636 1.190 0.595 Total Defeated 6 9 3 8 4 4 9 3.5 9.5 0 2 5.5 3.5 1 3 0 Thanks again to everyone who participated, especially the Stars who were so generous with their time! A special shout out to ectogemia and DusK, each with us for over half the season. Altogether 16 Stars helped out our 16 Novices (although Dafydd and wildfire participated in both categories). Let's make the next season even better!
  7. Gonna run some stats tonight, based on rankings, points, etc. Look for it in a few hours.
  8. Season 2, Episode 1: "Country Road" Current News Results are in! Results! First Place: "The Boss Must Dance" by Cash and Change feat. pu_freak, with 20 points. Second Place: "There's an Ape in My Coffee" by Trism feat. Argle, with 18 points. Third Place: "Olato's Star" by Esperado feat. Kuolema, with 17 points. Fourth Place (tie): "An Adept's House Party" by Final Kingdom feat. chimpazilla, with 10 points. Fourth Place (tie): "The Mystic Sands of Nightfall Desert" by Cosmic Sounds feat. Flexstyle, with 10 points. Download Season 2 Now! Theme It's spring break, and spring break means ROAD TRIP! So your task this week is to work with music you're likely to encounter on the road. All mixes should either: Be based on a source from a portable game system than has never appeared on a non-portable system. If any particular tune has appeared in any game on a full console or PC (emulators don't count), it's out. So, for instance, Wood Man's theme from Mega Man II is fine, but Charge Man's from Mega Man IV is not. Game Boy games are fine despite being playable on various SGB adapters for consoles. iOS and Android are fine. Or: Be based on any source, and be done in a style of music that seems to be the only thing you can get on the radio when you're in the middle of nowhere. In my personal experience, that's country western, mariachi, and contemporary Christian music. You may base this choice on your own experiences. Pairings Esperado with Kuolema. Source: Cosmic Sounds with Flexstyle. Sources: http://youtu.be/D-6IpCz1VBg http://youtu.be/0nZCh9PYPXI Trism with Argle. Source: Final Kingdom with chimpazilla. Sources: http://youtu.be/DpRtYPxwklc http://youtu.be/AYhczz6_FZo Cash and Change with pu_freak. Source: About ReMixing With the Stars ReMixing With the Stars is intended to give beginning remixers some support, encouragement, and mentoring in their quest to become great, and as a sidenote, to become posted remixers. Beginners are mentored by experienced remixers to push their abilities to new heights and submit collaborative works according to the theme of the month. Who's a "Star" and who's a "Novice?" Any posted or accepted-to-be-posted remixer, as the only artist or as the lead arranger on a piece, is automatically considered a "Star." This isn't meant to be a statement on who's a "good" or "expert" artist, but it's a somewhat meaningful threshhold which doesn't require any subjective judgment on my part (however subjective the OCR judging process may be). Additionally, anyone who wants to sign up as a Star can also be put into that category. This is because a lot more "Novices" (who is everyone else) sign up than stars, and it's better to receive some mentoring from someone who's good but not posted than from no one at all. If you've done any of the following things, as examples, I strongly recommend you sign up as a Star: Contributed to an OCR album Had a submitted remix rejected but with one or more "Yes" votes Beat a posted remixer in direct competition (not counting forfeit) Sold your compositions (remixes or not) for money If you want to sign up conditionally (e.g. "I'd prefer to be a Novice, but if you need me to be a Star so more people can participate, that's fine too"), then go ahead, and bless you. Rules Enrollment/Pairings: Since this is a new season, pairing priority (should it be an issue) is flipped: newcomers get the first slots, while returning Novices will be dropped, by order of signup, if there aren't enough Stars to go around. As before, once the list of Novices is reduced to the same size as the list of Stars, novices will be randomly paired with Stars. Since this is a new season, Novices may be paired with a Star they worked with last season. Mixes: The Novice must be the primary remixer. Stars can contribute by giving advice, playing a live instrument or vocals, and with production, including minor adjustments to fix timing or dissonance issues. They may also contribute a short solo segment. No one other than the Novice and Star may help in any way. Submissions: All entries must be sent to me by the 10PM PDT deadline via PM on the forums, with a link to a reliable host for me to download your mix from. Also please include a YouTube link to your source(s). Please don't use Tindeck, as it doesn't give you control over what the filename will be when downloaded. I also recommend you post in this thread that you've submitted your mix, since I know there have been issues in other compos with PM's not being received. Please submit your file as an mp3, preferably encoded at a high-quality VBR or 320kbps. Filenames must be in the following format: Novice feat. Star - Title (Game).mp3 Example: MindWanderer feat. djpretzel - The World's Worst ReMix (Pong).mp3 Proper file names mean I can do my job of getting the compliation done and posted faster, which means you get to hear the great music produced by this sooner. Incorrect file names annoy me, and an annoyed host is an unhelpful host. Schedule All deadlines are 10 PM Pacific time (PDT). Signups until Wednesday, April 3, 10:00pm PDT. If you're signing up as a Novice, and didn't sign up for a previous episode, you must post links to at least two samples of your previous work! They don't have to be good, they don't even have to be game remixes, you just have to prove you're not brand-spanking-new to this music production thing. Things you've posted to the WIP forum are preferable but not required. If you're signing up as a Star, say a little bit about your strengths, and maybe post a link or three to remixes you feel best represent them. You can mention anything else you think would be helpful in working with you (software preferences, instruments you play, etc). Announcement of the pairings and theme on April 3. The theme will be broad enough to allow many, many options, serving mainly as a unifying factor. It's announced later so that no one gets a head start. ReMixing from April 3 to Wednesday, April 17, 10:00pm PDT (2 weeks). Rules and guidelines above. Voting from whenever I get the compilation posted (should be no more than a few hours after the deadline) until Wednesday, April 24, 10:00pm PDT. Votes should be based on, in roughly descending order, use of source (i.e. interpreted but recognizable), arrangement, production, and enjoyability. How appropriate the submission was for the theme shouldn't be considered (since this is easier for option A than option . You'll pick your three favorites, in order. Your first-place vote will get 3 points, your second-place 2 points, and your third-place 1 point. Participants (both Novices and Stars) may not vote for their own mixes, but participants who vote will get a free first-place vote added to their score. Please send me a PM with your votes, like this: 1. First-place ReMix 2. Second-place ReMix 3. Third-place ReMix Thanks for your interest, and lets get this show on the road! Previous Episodes Season 1 Compilation [thread=40611]Pilot Episode: "Beginnings"[/thread] [thread=41556]Season 1, Episode 1: "Spooky!"[/thread] [thread=41864]Season 1, Episode 2: "Origins of Home Gaming"[/thread] [thread=42143]Season 1, Episode 3: Special "You Can Never Have Too Much Mega Man" edition[/thread] [thread=42485]Season 1, Episode 4: "Yesteryear"[/thread] [thread=42797]Season 1, Episode 5: "Ultra-Modern"[/thread] [thread=43124]Season 1 Finale: "Touched by a Star"[/thread]
  9. Results! First Place: "Hair in the Wind (Bang Your Head)" by Kuolema, with 18 points. Second Place: "A Song to Heal All Ills" by Cash and Change, with 14 points. Third Place: "Borrowing Danimal's Cannon" by Tuberz McGee, with 12 points. Fourth Place: "Sweet Dreams" by Final Kingdom, with 8 points. Fifth Place (tie): "Run Boy Run" by Esperado, with 7 points. Fifth Place (tie): "The Eye of Crystal" by The Eluryahn, with 7 points. Although there wasn't a lot of consistency in the voting, nearly all the voters ranked Kuolema, who in my opinion nailed every criterion: personal improvement, adherence to the theme, and making a just plain great mix. But everyone got at least some votes, and everyone submitted something they should be proud of. Next season will open up in a few minutes. I probably can't mention in too many places that the deadlines for all phases will be moved to a new time: 10:00 PM PDT, still Wednesdays but 10 hours later than this season.
  10. Reminder: Votes are due tomorrow. I only have 5 so far. Also, results will be up late tomorrow, around 10 PM PDT, and deadlines for next season will be the same.
  11. Sure. I'll take his OCR contributions one at a time. Fear My Lowering Coefficient of Friction: Features some brief synth instruments at 2:00, and extensively from 2:29 through the end of the piece at 4:30. Mega Manhood 3: It's hard to hear it, but from 2:14 to the end of the piece, the bass line is backed by synth effects. This one's very subtle, though. BTMNTBAMLOL: This one is straight rock band, but it's also a collab with two other rock band performers, including one other from Armcannon. Enter the Shredder: The opening and various sound effects throughout, obviously. Background elements from 1:11 to 1:22, and from 2:00 on, there's the SFX "metronome." And of course the "skips" at the end.
  12. Been very busy this week, and just had a chance to listen to all these, and their points of comparison, now. My reviews, to help organize my thoughts, are below. They're a bit more on the critical side than I try to be, so buckle up. Cash and Change: Huge improvements in production: Even though it's still synth, the instruments are much less grating than in your old pieces. Good use of minimalism. It's a conservative arrangement, much less adventurous than your older mixes, but where it does break out of the mold it does a good job of it. It's hard to compare with the other uses of the Song of Healing on OCR, since neither of the two posted mixes use it as a primary source (I should have made that a requirement, in retrospect, but I didn't, so it's on me), but it certainly isn't anything like either of them. Tuberz McGee: Mad guitar, but I'm surprised at the lack of lows compared to your pre-RMWtS pieces. I think I actually preferred your older work. Also, granted, Danimal favors the high end, as you do here, but he keeps his bass lower and makes good use of kick. He also rarely does straight guitar mixes, except when he's playing with Armcannon. This is one of my favorites of the round taken by itself, but not by the voting requirements. Kuolema: Where I see the biggest improvement over your older work is that this does a much better job of keeping the listener entertained, mixing things up. It still does get a little monotonous in places, though. The equalization is also an improvement over your older pieces; this is much cleaner, with less instrumental overlap and less muddiness on the guitar. Harmony could stand a little improvement; it seems off where it takes center stage in 2:55-3:11. The piece does have something in common with "Distorted Star," in that they both mix electric guitar and "classic" acoustic instruments (Celtic in your case, orchestral in theirs), but the actual arrangements are quite different. Esperado: As with Kuolema, I see your main area of improvement in that you're learning to mix things up. Trance is all very well and good, but even it has to break things up. This mix, much more than your earlier ones, keeps things lively and different throughout... once it gets past the one minute intro. Channeling zircon is a tough task, since he doesn't really have a consistent style. What he does do consistently is mix synth, "real" instruments, and a powerful percussion line. You have some piano here... and otherwise I'm just not seeing it. Note to self: The MP3 lists Castlevania, not Castlevania II, as the source, I have to fix that when I get a chance. Final Kingdom: A+ for improvement! Good soundscape, good variety, clever arrangement. Vocals are hard to produce properly; you need to work on it a bit (could use a tiny bit of pitch correction in places), but you certainly have the voice to make it worthwhile to get this down. It does have a fair bit in common with "Fifty Rings to Ride" and a little bit with "Sahasralah's Homecoming," so not quite so many points from me on theme. The Eluryahn: Your earlier piano work was pretty darn solid, so improving on that was a challenge, but I think you did it. Good use of the whole piano, enough arrangement to keep it interesting, though the actual pacing remains close to the source until close to the end--but this is something kLuTz does, as well. Submitting this in imitation of pianist kLuTz much have been an easy choice for you, but even beyond that, I can see the influence. Was "600 A.D. in Piano" a specific inspiration? Because the pattern of it is much like the one here. One thing kLuTz does well that you could work on is play around a lot with velocity and tiny changes in timing. Very hard to imitate for a human, and even more so digitally, but there's always something to shoot for. And, this is why I make you play your own instruments for these things; no fair riding on (or failing by) someone else's talents.
  13. Hm, I thought it was time for the third Grand Robot Master Remix Battle (there never was one in 2012), but moar Wily mixes+++. If we're doing teams again, I'd be interested in teaming up with anyone who has no realistic intentions of winning.
  14. Mixes are up! Next time, everyone please remember to double-check your file names and make sure your music is downloadable. The zip file also includes a text file with everyone's pre-season compositions, their sources, and the links to their "comparison" pages on OCR (either the other mixes with the same source, or the remixer they imitated). That's all on the first post of this thread as well. Remember to use those criteria when voting!
  15. http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/PRC239 I submitted this to the last round of the PRC, and didn't get much in the way of constructive criticism, so I thought I'd put it in front of the firing squad over here. I like the way it came out a lot, so I'm hoping folks can either 1) give me pointers to bring it to the next level, or 2) rip me a new one and tell me what's horrible with it. I'm never going to get better if I can't identify flaws in my own work! There are a few things I'm aware of, that I'll work on if I do decide to improve this: - I didn't humanize at all. This is an extremely time-consuming process for me, so I'll only do it if I really love everything else and just need to perfect it. - Some of the harmonies are a little strange. I'd especially like some feedback as to what worked and what didn't. - I haven't decided whether I should just stick to level 3 and riff on it some more, and maybe save level 7 for another mix. For me to do everything I'd like to do with both would be a 10 minute song, but the best of both sources might also be a viable approach. Again, please be brutal. Last time I posted stuff to the WIP board, everyone said they liked it until I put it up for mod review, when it got trashed. Please trash it sooner than later,
  16. Echo'd. The lead violin and woodwind parts could benefit a lot from better samples. There are some very good free ones out there (illustration: my PRC239 entry). And I understand wanting to pay homage to the original source and not try to improve on a good thing, but ya gotta be willing to go out on a bit of a limb. Mix it up, use both the classic bass and one or two alternatives. Also the bass solo is a bit long.I did enjoy your riffs a lot, and the epic orchestra chords. You could do a lot more if you took this mix more in that direction.
  17. Sent Bundeslang my choice this morning. He must be busy today; usually he gets the new round up within a couple hours. Or else he didn't get it?
  18. One week down, one to go. Hope you're all making good progress. Since there weren't any signups this round, I don't know who's participating, so there won't be any last-minute reminders or extensions. What I get in a week from now is what goes up.
  19. Mine will be done after all--the wife left me at home for the day. The actual amount of completeness is yet to be determined, but I'll definitely upload something. Edit: And submitted. Incidentally, Bundeslang, the forum post says that the max file size is 6 MB, so I spent some time compressing and optimizing, but then ThaSauce's limit is actually 20MB. You should probably fix that.
  20. If you want to play and record it yourself, that's fine. But no other people, please. I personally find that samples and soundfonts do a pretty decent job with piano, though you do have to humanize. Not that I'm a good judge of such things my any stretch of the imagination.
  21. I had an idea, and got maybe a quarter of the way done before I got too sick to continue. Not anywhere done enough to submit. It was a super-slow orchestral piece featuring harp and English horn. Oh well.
  22. Got it.LOL... I checked them out, and SoundCloud invited me to "Follow Tuberz McGee, CNN, Big Boi, and others on SoundCloud." The Holy Trinity! Somehow I don't think there's a ton of overlap in those audiences. Perhaps that's the point? Edit: LOL again... now it's added Al Jazeera. Who does it think I am?
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