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Everything posted by MindWanderer

  1. I was shocked when I realized that there were Mega Man Robot Masters missing from the avatar list. Profiles: Sprites: Given that the sprite for Hyper Storm H didn't come out so well (because he's HUGE), I won't be offended if only the profile pics end up in the list. Sadly, it won't be in time for 4B2C, but oh well. Next time. LT: None of those came out well, including the profiles. The first 2 sprites seem sharp enough, but need to be brightened. There's a lot of messyness and degradation with the other 4. Perhaps link to a page with the sprite sheets and ask others to give it a go.
  2. Results are in. Only four people voted, and the votes were almost 100% consistent. There will be no new episode right now. Not only has interest significantly waned, but most of the regular contestants and myself are doing the grueling 4B2C compo right now, and most likely the WCRG is coming up right after that. So maybe late summer/early fall for the return.
  3. Yeah, mixes were up a day late, so the voting time was also extended. I only have three votes right now, so yours makes a difference!
  4. Mine is coming along reasonably well. Production still isn't nearly where I'd like it to be, but it's an improvement over my previous efforts, due in part to some advice from a hedgehog who will remain nameless. It'll be a fun listen, I think.
  5. I think I can guess what your third one is, so it doesn't really matter.
  6. My ideas aren't gelling as well as I'd hoped, so long auditory break to do some reviews. Prison of Needles: For its length, it takes a long time to get going--it's a third over before either source starts. I can hear Prison Lane, but it's pretty quiet and there isn't much of it. Try to spread your frequencies out a bit more--Prison Lane is all in the high bass range, and it gets buried under the mid range melody, and there's no high at all. Checkmate: Very nice work! Probably the best production I've heard out of you. Good setup from traditional re-instrumentation to interpretation to original work back to interpretation, and then the pacing is pretty much perfect from then on, too. The last verse did get a little muddy, but that's my only complaint, other than the fact that Prison Lane is second fiddle here again. Chrome: Two tough sources to try to integrate here. Try to get some more melody in there next time--there's a lot of this aharmonious ambient sound, which is nice for original work, but as a remix it doesn't quite do the job. And then there's the lack of ending. Keep working on it, though! Spin Like Turbo Man: Nice use of the Toxic Caves bass line, but the Turbo Man melody is a bit hard to pin down. It's recognizable, but I wouldn't have picked it up if I wasn't listening for it specifically. Great original content, just too much of it. And I have to agree with Mirby on this one, each section is a bit longer than it has to be, IMHO. TurboTox: Great arrangement, but God, the instrumentation! A little too much use of the whole spectrum--really low lows, downright painful highs, and I'm not a fan of the "wandering" panning. Awesome solo, though! Good use and interpretation of the whole Toxic Caves. I couldn't pick out more than a hint of Turbo Man, though. Quicker than Marbles: There's that wandering panning again.... The Marble Zone part is the start of a good remix of it alone, but the transition between sources is really awkward, they just sound crossfaded together, and the ending is equally abrupt. The Waking of Sha Wujing: I really need to work on the very low end, it always sounds good to me at first, but everyone else did a much better job in that department. I definitely need practice on EQ and balance. This is my first time working with electric guitar soundfonts and I guess it shows. But I'm proud of how I made use of both themes in their entirety and integrated them together, though some of the transitions are a little weak--oddly, most the transitions are taken almost verbatim from Aquatic Base, they just sound better against its ambient background. SoulAquas: Nice harmonies on the low end. Definitely going to try for that myself in the upcoming rounds. Aquatic Base is so minimalistic that when you arrange it at all liberally, it instantly becomes unrecognizable, and I think that happened here. Not a fan of that ending, it feels like you kind of ran out of ideas. Overall a really lovely piece, though, I look forward to hearing more like it. I appreciate the chance to go up against you, and hope to do it again!
  7. Nice. Better bring your "A" game, Cash & Change. I got an idea for this one as soon as you chose it, and it's a good one.
  8. Sooner rather than later please. The more time to work on this during the weekend--especially a weekend when my wife is out of town--the better.@Mr. L: At least you know how to EQ at all. It's still a big mystery to me, for the most part. Submitted.
  9. That lead synth is pretty wimpy up against the powerful instruments. Beef that sucker up! The original content doesn't really go along with the rest of the song very well. It's very cool in and of itself, and if it came from a different game and was supposed to be a mashup, it would be great, but as it is, it's too much for this piece.
  10. Yeah, this one has been done a lot. Star Salzman's "Duck Blur" has been on my playlist for years. The strings at the beginning sound a bit muffled to my admittedly untrained ears. I think they're missing some of the highs. The flute sounds sound cut short after the french horns come in. Probably competing for that middle range, as AngelsDen said. Trumpet is a bit piercing. The french horn at 0:48 isn't strong enough to carry the melody. It sounds as if you just forgot to include a melody line in this section. Similarly, the guitar needs something (probably EQ) to keep from drowning. Overall the orchestration is coming along nicely, though.
  11. I take it back. Should have been in bed and asleep 5 minutes ago, but I think this is as good as it's gonna get. The fact that I had no idea what to do with Aquatic Base will be painfully obvious, methinks.
  12. I could certainly use the time as well, I'm scrambling to finish right now... but spending that time on next week's mix is probably just as good.
  13. Sorry, I get off work at 7:00 PM PDT, so it's a while before I can get to my computer (thus, the usual 10PM deadline). Mixes are up.
  14. Now you just have to find an issue where the heroes get trapped in a giant pinball machine.My phone did something weird this morning: When my alarm went off, my usual ringtone ("Block Clear" from Castlevania III, incidentally) was accompanied by Darkesword's dulcet tones. My browser wasn't even open, and when I did open it, Soundcloud wasn't even one of the running tabs. I guess my phone really likes Toxic Caves.
  15. Cosmic Sounds sent me a broken link, and it wouldn't be much fun with just two entries. The posting of the mixes will be tomorrow.
  16. Um... in my case... yes?Also, sad there are no Wily Wars avatars here. I think I'll submit some after the summer compo madness.
  17. About 36 hours remaining. I will be particularly intolerant of bad file names and formatting this time. Please double-check them. I have to choose between getting these mixes ready and working on my own BBBBCC mix, and the latter needs all the help it can get.
  18. Also echoing this: I would guess the answer is no, since Darke linked to specific YouTube sources, but let's just get that out there. This would apply to Green Grove (which makes only a small difference, the two acts are based on the same melody) and Aquatic Base (which makes a big difference).
  19. FUCKThis round might just end up being a throwaway, but I'll do my best to make you work for your win. I have something that sort of kind of vaguely seems like an idea.
  20. It's not a time zone thing unless Darke lives in Hawaii or something. Since he hasn't answered questions or made team changes in a few days, I assume something came up in his life.
  21. Speaking of which, and this goes for Cash and Change, too, you might want to try to finish your RMWtS entry today if possible.
  22. Hyped here too, but nervous. 6 songs in 6 weeks is going to be exhausting. I've listened to all the first choice Sonic sources; some of them I'm excited to try remixing, others I have no idea what I might possibly do. Cosmic, I have no idea how you plan to make 6 different mixes working with Aquatic Base level 1, the thing has practically no melody. Hm, Darkesword never clarified, like SuperiorX did: If someone picks a zone with two levels or acts, can we use either or both of them? Aquatic Base level 2 might be a little easier to work with.
  23. Yeah, I know, but it would be nice if everyone got their first choice. There seem to be some people, like therex and Mr. L, who would be happy on either side, and others, like Cosmic Sounds, Xarnax42, and myself, who have very strong preferences.
  24. This format would work with any even number of participants, so it could in theory be run even now. On the other hand, Team Mega Man is at 6 while Team Sonic is only at 4, so without two more Sonic players, someone has to switch sides.
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