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Posts posted by Cash

  1. Bad excuse to go Goldbaby over Studio Drummer.

    If you are incapable of making an extra $25 in at most a month, I don't think drum samples should be at the top of your "to buy" list. I would put maybe "food" and "rent" first.

    Well maybe someone set aside only a certain amount of money for samples, and not everybody has Kontakt. The point is you don't know someone else's situation.

    Whether or not Studio Drummer is better (never used it, so I wouldn't know), I stand by my recommendation, someone reading this can either buy them or not. Nothing more needs to be said, I'm done talking about this.

  2. The concern that I personally have with that system is that unless someone has some metrics on how many players are assholes on the games that this is being implemented on, there's a chance that either the percentage isn't high enough (so some people will never be auto-muted, even when they deserve it) or that the percentage will be too high (some unlucky players that play fair will suffer from auto-mute, as a result). A solid percentage will not be able to tell the entire story, after all.

    Good point, I haven't really thought about the percentage thing. I can see that being a problem.

    As much as the EC gang likes to put it in their video, this isn't just a gamer issue; It's a much larger societal problem that doesn't show any sign of slowing down any time soon.

    I didn't hear them say this is only a gamer issue. Yes, racism and sexism and such exist everywhere. However, I think such an attitude just glosses over these issues in gaming. We should focus on gaming, because, after all, we are gamers. One thing at a time. Addressing issues from a standpoint of society as a whole doesn't ever produce meaningful solutions, it's just too broad.

    I honestly think hate speech, misogyny, and racism is more prevalent in the online gaming community because of the anonymity and competitive nature of the activity. Maybe I'm wrong, but I've heard a lot of shit said on Xbox Live that I would never hear in mainstream society, at least in my experience. Or maybe I've lived a sheltered life, I don't know.

  3. I agree with the EC team about this issue. I like the sound of the auto mute idea, but I'm not sure how effective it would be, better than the current system maybe. For Xbox Live, you can report offending players and "review" them, I would imagine PSN has similar features. The only potential problem I can see with auto mute is that some players mute everyone because they don't want to hear anybody, which is what I find myself doing when I play online. Sure, you can go into account settings and switch off voice chat, but I find it much easier to mute players in game.

    As for trying to prosecute online harassment, it's hard to do, given the anonymity. Police are focusing their online crime fighting on things like sexual predators. Also, when does it cross the line from competitive outbursts to harassment? I'm not sure where that line is to be drawn.

  4. I live in southern Rhode Island. ;)

    My mom has (or had, can't remember) family down there.

    I'm not there right now, but I'm from (and my be moving back to) West Hartford, Connecticut!

    My sister's best friend lives in Hartford.

    I'm from NH, should try to get to PAX next year

    You definitely should, it's a lot of fun. Even if you only go for one day, it's worth it.

  5. Hey everyone,

    After going to PAX East and seeing the OC Remix panel, I was reminded of question I've been thinking about. How many people on this site live in the Greater Boston area? I've also been wondering who lives elsewhere in New England, if not near Boston. I live in southern New Hampshire, I can get to Boston in about an hour, depending on traffic.

    By the way, the panel was awesome. The live playing of Aquatic Ambiance was great, nice job Level 99, DragonAvenger, and OA! Also got to meet some of the panelists, really nice people. Definitely going again next year.

  6. Nice! I like the style, sort of like a jazz band! My main complaint is the electric guitar that comes in at 0:15 and plays until 1:03. It doesn't fit with the rest of the mix, it's too distorted. I really enjoyed the breakdown that comes after the first section, nice interpretation. I'm not sure if you plan on submitting this at some point, but if you decide to, I'd say it needs a bit more interpretation.

    Overall, I think this is well done.

  7. liberal bias

    Not really, NPR is balanced fairly well, in most discussions they include liberal and conservative viewpoints. Not sure what a liberal bias has to do with their coverage of music though.

    I'm glad they covered MAGfest, that's some great news.

  8. I listened to Espergirl, and I must admit, I didn't really enjoy it. I mean, it was obviously a job to make, that thing is bloody crazy, and I'm sure the production/tracking skill involved is astronomical, but I just didn't really like it much. I felt like it was too disjointed and didn't have any forward motion.

    It was an interesting mix, but I also didn't really like it all that much. Coming from a newbie like me and someone who dislikes pure chiptune songs, it probably doesn't mean much to say that. Not to take anything away from Espergirl, as great as it may be, surely people can do better than a 6 year old remix?

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