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Posts posted by Cash

  1. As for the Colbert thing.... I'm kind of amazed at how hard gamer gate is being exploited for monetary gain and exposure in the media.. Anita herself there talking about it? Well ok. I still think it was very wrong for Anita and Zoe to antagonize people (including using the hashtag directly to insult people) and announce whenever they're threatened on twitter but it seems to be working out for them now that GG is purely focused on them and their topics.

    No, she's getting exposure because she has valid points, and partly because of the way people reacted (i.e. death threats, rape threats, etc). I've not seen any evidence of Anita insulting and antagonizing people, do you have any specific examples? Anita and other women, on the other hand, have been repeatedly harassed and threatened. I really don't understand how anyone can accuse Anita and Zoe of insulting people, when they are the ones who were targeted.

    By the way, gamergate started with harassment of mostly women who were critical of sexism in gaming culture, and people attempted to change the subject to "ethics in game journalism". It's strange to me that so much anger was stirred simply because some women want more diversity in video games, and have spoken out against harassment of women by some in the gaming community.

    (edit: changed wording a bit)

  2. I generally work on something every few days or so. I'll open up FL Studio and work on a remix that I previous started, or mess around with random ideas. If I join a competition or get some inspiration, they'll be stretches when I'm working on a song everyday. They'll be days, or weeks, when I'm not in the mood or too busy for music, but I'm usually doing something. Even if it's just playing around.

  3. Here's the Kickstarter for a game some friends of mine have been developing: Bacon Man: An Adventure. If you're a fan of games like Earthworm Jim, Rayman, and Mega Man, you'll probably like Bacon Man. Plus the soundtrack is great. The game is currently on Steam Greenlight as well. Really worth checking out.

    The biggest thing since "Sliced Bread", one of the most popular Kickstarter campaigns of all time -- please help make my dreams a reality! :-D


    Edit: Yesss! The Kickstarter is a success, but DEFINITELY get your pledges in. It's gonna be worth it!!

    You sold me.

  4. I just discovered a group called The Crystal Method. I'd describe them as a combination of Gorillaz and Daft Punk. A lot of their songs also remind me of something zircon and tefnek might do. They do a lot of electronica and break beat. Definitely recommend them, I'm really enjoying their music.

    Here's their first album:

    I find out about these these guys thanks to a show on Fox called Almost Human (which was canceled). The show was alright, but I really dug the music. Today on a whim, I remembered the show and looked up the composer, and it was The Crystal Method.

  5. Logged on just to say I'm so pumped. The trailer is so gorgeous, it's so incredibly well-done and the tracks are absolutely pristine. I don't remember the last time I've felt this way about an album.

    Yes! So excited! The last time I felt this way about an album was when waiting for Double the Trouble!

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