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Posts posted by Cash

  1. I'm glad you're happy with my gifts, Rexy!

    From Rexy, I received a stuffed Elec Man, some neat-looking marbles, and some cookies (each individually wrapped in foil). Thanks Rexy! I'll post pictures later.

    Question for Rexy: are the marbles and Elec Man a reference to the fact that I've chosen Elec Man and Marble Zone multiple times in compos? (sorry if you mentioned that in your note, your handwriting was a bit hard to read in some places)

  2. I'm sick of people continuing to slander and demonize Anita Sarkeesian. It's one thing to disagree with her views, and deconstruct her arguments, but to attack her character is utterly pathetic, and shows that those who do so have no argument whatsoever. No one here knows here personally, and yet people act like they are intimately familiar with her personal motivations and "real" goals. Why intelligently deconstruct her argument when you can just make shit up?

    This thread seems to have turned into the demonize Anita thread, I hope this thread gets closed, or at least a topic change.

  3. I don't know how to search it with their system (notoriously bad at using twitter, all I do is type in the text and hit post status) but search for instances where Anita or Zoe used the #gamergate hashtag and ask yourself if any of it seems antagonizing

    You're the one making a claim here, you support it. Two women are continuously harassed and threatened, and somehow they're the ones antagonizing and insulting other people? I don't buy it.

    This isn't her directly insulting someone, but I think it was in pretty poor taste of Anita to post this: http://femfreq.tumblr.com/post/58161053721/spider-man-recruits-the-help-of-anita-sarkeesian-to

    Am I missing something here? It looks like a fanfic from a tumblr that creates fanfics based on user submission. What about this is poor taste? Is there more to the story that I don't know about?

  4. Really? My understanding was that the initial thing was the "female game dev sleeps with gaming journalists for good reviews" (which appears to have been debunked, but was still the issue that got everything started) and it sort of merged with the people who already hated Sarkeesian and the like already (or the people making noise about Quinn were the same group of people making noise about Sarkeesian and the two originally-separate issues assimilated each other?) at some later point.

    Yes, they were false allegations by her former boyfriend. But also it started with various articles critical of gamer culture and sexism in the culture, than #gamergate was used to harass those who made such criticism. I should say gamergate started with harassment of mostly women who were critical of sexism in gaming culture.

    But my point was that it didn't start as ethics in game journalism.

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