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Posts posted by Cash

  1. Yeah what's the deal guys? It's still basically the beginning of 2014 so why are people checking their lists now? Give it another 8 months :-P

    When you're working on a big project, you don't just check at the end to see if it was completed. You divide the project into smaller tasks, and keep tabs on the progress of the project at various stages. The same thing with New Years resolutions, check in periodically on your progress, motivate yourself. That's why I'm checking my list now, and I think others will agree.

  2. finish more remixes.

    So far, no. I still have so many unfinished remixes. I'll start something, then get sick of it before I can finish. I still only seem to be able to finish remixes in competitions, and I've joined less of those this year.

    I really should start doing the PRC. Whenever I think about doing a remix for PRC, the deadline is so close. I need to pay more attention to when they start!

    submit a remix to the judges panel.

    Not yet, but there's plenty of time left in 2014.

  3. I will eventually fire it up again and see if i can change it in ways that make it more interesting while branching off from the verbatim notation. Can be done easily in theory, but it's harder once you have something you consider pretty much finished. Interpretation has to come in organically, not in a "gotta make it eligible for that site" kinda way :)

    Yep, definitely agree with you. It can be tough to add in new variations to a basically finished track. I've tried and failed.

    Anyway, good luck if you do decide to submit this! :-)

  4. This mix needs a lot of work, but I wasn't any better when I first started. So just keep at it.

    The bass and drums do not fit well with the other instruments. They also tend to overpower everything else. The saxophone or trumpet (can't tell from the sample) is very mechanical and the sample has an unpleasant tone.

    The drums lacks variety, the same pattern is used throughout the track. Change things up a bit. The quality of the samples aren't great, I'd say add some more processing. For example, the hi-hats are sounding dry, so I suggest adding reverb or delay.

    The arrangement of the bass is not very exciting, the notes change, but the arrangement remains basically the same from bar to bar. Also, as I mentioned above (and Anorax as well), it does overpower at times, and tends to bury the drums.

    The arrangement of the other instruments fairs better, with a few changes the original melody. Overall, the arrangement is passable, which is the best part of the track.

  5. I enjoyed this, especially the metal aspects. I think the only thing holding this track back is the synth work. I think the synths are too basic sounding, they don't have much depth. Other than that, a solid track. Nice work!

  6. I found a random bug, I'm not sure if it's at all related to the changes.

    When I click on any game, select a song, then click back on the game name, (not the orange hyperlink, but the one below it) I get the following error:


    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/ocremix/public_html/includes/config.php:101) in /home/ocremix/public_html/redirect.php on line 36"

    Here's a screen shot.


    I've tried 4 or 5 different games and songs, same result.

  7. Confirmed. Not actually an issue with the code, per se - not happening on other artist pages, just Nobuo, because his queries generate the largest tmp tables on the MySQL side. Looking into it, obviously need to fix ASAP.

    I'm getting the same error as ZPedro, only this time on every remix on the front page. Error reads the same except for:"/home/ocremix/public_html/remix.php on line 57".

    And apparently now the front page itself is throwing the same error, again on a different line: "/home/ocremix/public_html/includes/php/classes/lists/ReMixList.php on line 145".

    By the way, I'm using Firefox on Windows 7.

  8. Thanks for weighing in and making your opinion known! I really want this to be optional as well; how would you feel, though, about the implications being that the mix might not show up in some prominent places - for example, a list of trending/popular mixes - if ratings were disabled? Is this an acceptable compromise?

    Yeah, that sounds reasonable. On remixes that I don't wanted rated, I don't think I'd want them to show up in prominent places either. Sometimes I'll post incomplete remixes to get some ideas and I'm not necessarily looking to get a rating, or reach an audience. So having such a remix excluded from prominent places would actually be preferrable.

    We need to encourage people to leave ratings enabled, because we'll want people to use the rating system as much as they're comfortable with, but at the same time we want to give artists like yourself a choice, for each mix... it's just that the choice might come with tradeoffs.

    Yep, I understand there will be tradeoffs. Just on the surface, I like to idea of expanding the workshop. I'll be able to give more feedback once the specific plans are laid out. I am excited to see some of this stuff in action down the road.


    Harsh reality is, that is exactly the point of a ratings system. That IS how quality control would work.

    Judging art by numeric values, in a democratic fashion no less, is stupid by design. It's also immensely practical for some purposes.

    Yes, that's true. However, the point of the workshop is to help "newbs" improve their craft. Getting downvoted into oblivion because you're new at remixing doesn't really help meet that goal, especially if people are skipping over your remixes.

    Another point, just because a piece of music gets high ratings doesn't mean it's any good. When I used to check out remixes on Newgrounds, I came across plenty of bad ones that had high ratings. Ratings do not necessarily provide quality control.

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