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Posts posted by Cash

  1. A ratings system indeed makes sense, and like I said, I'd prefer to make it optional. A way of "liking" mixes WITHOUT rating them at all should ALSO be present. A way for artists to upload the mix but also embed a soundcloud or youtube preview would be supported. And of course, comments AND tagging (which handles genres to a certain extent) would be supported.

    I think it's important to make a rating system optional. I would not like having every remix I post in the workshop to be subject to a rating. I often post early works in progress that aren't in ready to be rated, I'd feel less compelled to post incomplete work were it subject to a rating. Maybe that's just me, but I'd wager other people probably feel the same. I'm concerned that remixes from newcomers who have just started remixing would tend to receive lower ratings. I'm also concerned that people would be more likely to skip over remixes that have lower ratings.

    If the rating system were to be optional, my concerns probably wouldn't be an issue.

  2. As of about 2 days ago, I wasn't planning on going at all. Then I realized: PAX East was one of my favorite things that happened last year! What am I thinking??? (This may or may not have been prompted by my sudden obsession with Anamanaguchi that started also 2 days ago, and finding out they're playing at PAX E.) So I bought my tickets.

    So yes, I will be there!

    Will you be there on Sunday and at the OCR panel? If yes, then I get to meet you in person!

  3. Plenty of people remix new soundtracks, why are you framing the topic with the assumption that people don't remix new vgm? That seems like a negative way to look at it.

    Anyway, I find older, simpler vgm easier to remix at my level. Newer vgm tends to be more complex (at least in my experience), and I don't feel ready to tackle new stuff just yet. I will remix new vgm at some point.

  4. If you think it counts, then it should be recognizable, and when it's borderline, well, that's something for the j00jes to pore over. :P

    In the end... I just provide one with every sub, and if I really like the sub, I plop it into my actual comments.

    Yep, I can certainly see the value of source breakdowns for the judges. If I felt a subbed remix of mine was liberal, I would probably give a breakdown for the judges.

    In general, I prefer to give a breakdown only when people are iffy on source. That's me anyway.

  5. I like source breakdowns. I personally tend to change a lot of things to songs when I remix them (like the key, backing chords and other stuff), so breakdowns work as a nice way to show what I actually did with the source! It also works the other way around of course, it's nice trying to see what people did with the sources.

    Sure, I can agree with that. Just as a personal preference, I like for people to hear my remix without reading a detailed source breakdown from the outset. If people are having a hard time hearing the source though, I'll give a breakdown. I'm just not a big fan of source breakdowns for every single song that I make. If others want to do so, I say go for it.

  6. That's an oversimplification of his POV, but divorcing that statement from him, I don't agreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

    I wasn't attributing my statement to Shariq. I understand his position is more complex than that.

    I was only giving my personal reasons for why I don't usually give source breakdowns. If I someone were to request a source breakdown from me, I would gladly provide it. I just don't like giving source breakdowns immediately upon posting a remix in the workshop or in a competition. I'm not against source breakdowns at all, and I understand they can be valuable, especially for you and the other judges. I should have made myself clearer.


    I'm not going to hold it against a track when I need to actively listen to it more than the usual track. It's more work for me, but that's like complaining that you had to pay attention to the actual words of a good book.

    I totally agree with you.

  7. I agree with Shariq about source breakdowns.

    Personally, I generally don't like to post source breakdowns of my own work, I like my remixes to speak for themselves. I'm not at all opposed to other people posting breakdowns, I just don't like doing so every time I make a remix. Though if people were having trouble recognizing the source(s) and I felt a breakdown would help, I'd gladly provide one.

  8. Cash – Another really fun and bouncy song. Nice instrumentation choices! As the others have mentioned, the arrangement didn’t feel quite as cohesive as it kind of bounced around between sections. Really cool tho and a nice nod to Marble Madness too ;)

    Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed my remix. I was also happy with the instrumentation, but yeah, the arrangement was all over the place.

    Cash: Not sure how I feel about that lead synth. it works in context of the song though. i guess it's just not the type of stuff i usually hear. not a bad thing, it's unique. more drum variation would help this one a lot. they could actually be a lot stronger to make the song sound bigger. good job though.

    Thanks, much appreciated! I was planning on more drum variation, but ran out of time.

  9. There is already a Sonic competition right now, I'd at least wait until it's over before trying to recruit for another. You also might want to give a lot more details, see MindWanderer's post. You should also read through the Competitions Code of Conduct and check out the formatting of some other competitions. You're current explanation is very strange.

    It's odd that you would make this thread after posting in the SZRC thread about being disappointed at missing the signups. I don't get it, is this some sort of response to missing the signups?

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