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Posts posted by Cash

  1. Relying on instrumental sample packs feels like a cheap crutch when there are humans available to perform those parts... or even sample libraries like Colossus, or any number of VST options. But the main difference is that Mr. Korb probably did have access to VSTs or musicians, but chose to "write" with the pre-made song sections instead.

    I'm confused, how is using an instrumental loop a "cheap crutch"? If anything, having to rely on a human player can sometimes be a hindrance. Relying on a human to play a part takes additional time and resources that may not be available. Using a sampled loop means you don't have to spend the extra time and resources.

    Maybe you'd say it's lazy writing, but it takes some degree of ability to produce an enjoyable piece of music that utilizes instrumental loops. You can't just throw together some instrumental and drum loops and expect a competent song as a result. You have to know what you're doing on some level.

    Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe playing instruments and being part of OCR, a site that frowns upon verbatim source usage or sampling the original song, contributed to how I feel about this kind of sampling.

    From what I understand, OCR only frowns upon verbatim source usage if there isn't any interpretation. Unless I'm mistaken, I think plenty of songs have passed the judges panel that contain some verbatim source usage. Provided there's enough interpretation in other parts of the track.

    As for sampling the original song, there have been remixes on this site that sample the original song. A recent example is 'Power Glove (It's So Bad)'.

  2. Using instrumental loops

    If you didn't write it, if it didn't come from your head, if you are not in any way emotionally invested in the material, it's not wholly yours and it's just a cheap product.

    I don't have a problem with instrumental loops if they are incorporated well and don't feel out of place. It's all in how you use the tools available to you.

  3. Hi Jillian,

    This is an incredible album! Such gorgeous vocals, the rest is excellent as well! I wish I hadn't missed Kickstarter. I bought the 3 CD combo from your bandcamp, and threw in a little extra. :-) I've listened to the album twice already, excellent work. Currently, my favorite track is Generations, it has a tribal, enchanting feel to it. Really well done!

    So yeah, great album! I look forward to hearing your future work!

  4. I want to start by saying you did a great job here. I really enjoy what you have so far. Well arranged, and well produced

    Production wise, it's a convincing orchestra. It sounds like what I would expect an orchestra to sound like. There's a two minute stretch when things are quiet, between 1:30 and 3:30, but I think it works as is. However, there are a couple spots of silence (at 3:46 - 3:48, and 4:13 - 4:19) which felt unnecessary.

    Arrangement wise, this is very competent. I enjoyed the variations of Lavender Town, and the way you arranged it really matches the mood of the source. It reminds me a lot of the soundscapes in Majora's Mask. Route 12 is also handled well, I enjoyed the buildup you've got going. Nice variations on the source.

    Right now the two themes feel separated, each theme has it's own section. The transitions to and from each source are well done, but it doesn't feel like a single song. Two themes put together, like a medley. You may be going for the two themes having their own separate sections, which is cool. But if you plan to submit this to OCR, you may want to consider having more of a merging of the two themes. Like one theme providing accompaniment for the other.

    I enjoyed this track, I look forward to hearing more!

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