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Everything posted by KM*

  1. I'm sure anything with "I like it" or similar would lead to disappointment if it didn't get Yes votes by the judges. I just hope most people have the sense to realize I'm not a judge.
  2. Yeah, I can see what DarkSim said working. Talk to Megaran (@Megaran on twitter) and see if he's willing to work on it. I know he likes to do collabs, especially on game stuff.
  3. This is gonna be a long one, *deep breath* The intro, I'm not sure if it's supposed to be that way, but it is all out of key. The drums are very thin and lack any sort of substance, they also sound pretty robotic. The bass is also very thin. Some of the pads seem to not fit well with the song. Some of the counter-melodies clash with either each other or the main melody. Some of the bell like synths reach into ear piercing territory it terms of high freqs. At 1:59 the bells start being out of key with the rest of the piece and again at 3:32. the warbling synth doesn't seem to fit in with the song much. The song also just seems to end out of the blue without a specific crescendo or climax. A few other things, but I think getting into more specifics isn't going to help at this point. Overall, this mix needs a lot of work and I didn't touch on everything. Keep working on it and post an update, see what everyone says and go from there.
  4. The intro seems to drag a little long for me. The only soundclip I'd keep is the first Falcon Paunch. A good ol' massive drum hit could work a lot better instead of more 'falcon paunches' I'm not sure if I dig the disc scratchings half way through the song. Also, throughout the entire song is sounds to me that drum are a little on the weak side, especially the snares. Also pulling back the high frequencies on the synths a tad will give a little ear-piercing on them. But overall, doesn't sound too bad. Keep going.
  5. I like how the tune varies extremely from the original, but there are few things that aren't quit there yet. Over all the guitar just doesn't sit well with me, it seems a little too fuzzy. At 0:40 when the bass part of the piano starts, it sounds very robotic. I like when it hits 1:06. The toms and hi-hats at 1:47 again sound really robotic. That's just a few things, but this remix has the workings to become a really awesome remix. Things like the drums being more organic and working on the EQ will really bring the quality up. I look forward to hearing an update.
  6. The mix seems a little empty to me until 0:44 with the intro flute being a little weak. The somewhat randomized synth that comes in deters from the main focal point of the song and makes for non-smooth listening experience. Also, I don't think the song varies enough from the main melody of the original for a remix, as it seems to follow the whole song pretty closely. A little more variation in the main melody and a bit more focus on the mixing and you could have yourself a pretty good remix.
  7. First impressions are that the percussion are little bit on the higher frequency but not too ear piercing. But when the song kicks in at 0:21 it seems to come down a bit. The hands claps/snare at 0:40 seem a little weird to me, the velocities are so varied/random on it, it sounds like two instruments playing instead one cohesive instrument. The synth at 1:44 starts getting a little ear-piercing and really bad at 2:05 and really deters from the quality of the song. But in general it's a pretty good song and if certain things were fixed I think I'd give it a yes. Looking forward to the next update.
  8. I'm KMDES on LoL. I'm only level 10 so I wouldn't call myself a pro, but I'm getting there.
  9. Happy birthday Shael.
  10. Well, it's just like the 3D GTA games. The fact you can throw a car across a city with a swing set, or you can jump out of car before a cut-scene and see the car run over the cut-scene actors during the cut-scene makes the games more awesome. It's fun because it's unusual and unexpected and not frustrating like crashes or the inability to continue in the game like in Just Cause when you get stuck in a car and can't get out until someone comes and kills you.
  11. I think the inability to kill children in the game really breaks the suspension of disbelief. It's like I can obliterate everything into pieces, but this small child can survive a nuke without a scratch.
  12. Tree Mammoth. http://i.imgur.com/XSjl5.jpg
  13. Hi, my name is KM. Long time fan, first time poster. I've been listening to OCremixes since about song 150 and even tried to do my own remixes at one point, before I was really adept at making songs. Hopefully I can back into trying to get a remix of mine on the list, and cross that off my bucket list of things to do in life. I've been playing guitar for about 9 years, composing for 11 and I've been enjoying video game music for about 25. When I couldn't have the sound turned up too loud on the TV, I would hum entire soundtracks like Final Fantasy and Super Mario 3 to myself as I'd play, because I enjoyed them that much. My favorite soundtracks are Legend of Mana, Chrono Cross, FF6, Terranigma. Currently I run a website devoted to promoting Indie video game music that's called TIG Tunes. It hasn't seen much success from the smaller time indie dev communities, but I hope I can find more of an audience here at OCRemix, since you guys definitely know how to appreciate video game music. So, nice to meet you guys and all. Hopefully I can supply you with some excellent tunes.
  14. I did absolutely nothing special today. >_>; Was thinking about getting married today, but that probably wasn't gonna happen.
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