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Posts posted by XPRTNovice

  1. It was nice finally meeting you all. I was telling Vinny that if I had to write a blog article about this, it would be called "How to do MAGFest Wrong". I was only there for a few hours with a pregnant wife and I missed mostly everything. That's what I get for working through thursday-friday and commuting to the con rather than getting a room. Oh well, next year!

  2. Don't make a big deal out of what you do, just do stuff. First you'll sound bad, then you'll sound either weird or generic depending on whether you try to sound different or not, and then, some times after that, you'll begin to have a style.

    Seconded. If I look at my stuff on OCR, so far I have a bluegrass whistle-a-thon, a Sufjan Stevens-esque indie rock thing with Theophany, and soon I'll have: a Rachmaninov-style concerto, a flamenco tune, gypsy jazz, and klezmer. If I tried to use that to pick my style...I think it would just be noise. Or slience.

    So far - and I've barely been here for a year, so take this with a grain of salt - I listen to source tunes and go "Oh, that would sound awesome as a ______". I'm not eletronica-oriented, so I've actually never "remixed" anything.

    I have no idea if I even remotely addressed the topic.../ramble

  3. What is a good piano library? The ones that come with Komplete are good? Alicia's Keys seems nice too.

    I've actually been really happy with the Komplete 8 piano libraries, particularly the Berlin and New York ones. I'm using them right now for a Rachmaninov-esque remix and it's sounding just as epic as I need it to. I also noticed yesterday that when you depress the damper pedal (if your midi controller has a damper pedal) you can actually hear the sound of the dampers lifting off the keys, which I think is cool.

  4. Hey, I like this. I would say that I think the guitar work in the beginning is choppy...might want to look at your sequencing or find someone to play it live. The second guitar entrance at around 1:50 is better, but I think that's because you're doubling it there so it covers up the "fakeness" of the sound. It happens again at 3:20 or so. To me, it's the unnatural cutoff of that sound - might want to extend the release and you'd be in better shape. Then again I'm a guitar player and I can be picky :)

  5. I might be branching off a bit, but I'm wondering - EWQL has that composer's pack, where you can choose 7 sample packs for under $1000. Does anyone know if that deal is also 50% off, or only the individual samples? I always said if I bought anything from EWQL, I would just save up and buy the composer pack, but that might change if it's going to leap to $2000 on January 1st...

  6. I'm trying to figure out the best way to put a player of my music stuff on my website that doesn't require me to buy anything. Soundcloud's option is OK, but it puts a different box on the website per song, from what I'm seeing, and my Wordpress site doesn't accept HTML5. I haven't done web design in a reaaaaally long time so I'm looking for some help on this. Thanks.

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