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Posts posted by XPRTNovice

  1. I just want to say that in the first couple of hours of the release, I've had 155 hits on my website. The most I've ever had in a single day due to any of my writing publications was 145.

    I fail as a writer :puppyeyes: I should just give up and become a permanent Theophany contributor.

    In all seriousness though, this album is amazing.

  2. As for using it on one channel of a dual channel setup, go right ahead. The only thing I do when miccing with more than one mic is to make sure there are no phase issues. Using a different preamp on one channel is similar to using two different mics for a different character to the recording. If both mics are condensers then it's not really a matter of gain, you'll have plenty of room to mix and EQ. If you're running dynamic mics, or a condenser+dynamic I would test the preamp with the different mics and positions on the guitar. This way you can get an idea of what each mic sounds like through the preamp and you can gauge the noise:tone ratio and figure out what you're comfortable to work with.

    Alright, good advice. My current mic inventory is an SM58, an Audix i5 (basically an SM57) and the MXL 990 991 condenser package. I like the sound I'm getting with the i5+991 combo.

  3. Woot Jersey! I grew up about an hour away from there and used to go down there for band/choir events all the time. I don't know that I'll be able to make it, but everyone who goes is required to have a slice of pizza for me.

  4. As most of my music purchases go, I found a deal on a Behringer MIC200 tube preamp so I bought it on a reflex. It is a single channel (looking at the picture, I thought it was two channel, oops) and it has a bunch of presets as well. It's a really simple little preamp that's perfect for my really simple studio.

    For those of you that record live a lot - do I want to be using this every time I record anything live or are there situations where I don't want it at all?

    Also, I have a two-mic stereo setup that I use especially for guitar, since the mic position on the neck of an acoustic will pick up radically different freq ranges than at the end of the body, so that brings up a second question of whether or not it's okay to use a preamp on only one of the two mics, or if using a non-preamped mic in conjunction with a preamped mic will negate the benefits.

    Just looking for some sagely advice.

  5. Thanks for the opinion Swifthorn. Joe Juba's review in Gameinformer basically called The Last Story lackluster, saying that "in a genre where so many games are mediocre, it shouldn't have been this hard to make something above average". I think his problem was that it was just another JRPG. I was really disappointed when I read that review, because in the past he and I have linked up almost 100% in our opinions of games. I'll have to put Xenoblade and TLS in my queue though.

  6. I haven't checked this thread in a while; looks like we're moving, albeit slowly. We need more bones!

    A few days ago Shinra Shuffle came up in my playlist for the first time. If you haven't heard it yet, you need to: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01847/ It's basically what I envisioned Wiesty talking about, and that makes me love the idea even more.

    I have an idea for a big band ballad arrangement (if you've played big band stuff before you know exactly what I mean) for Eyes on Me. If I ever get around to it, I'll jot it down and see what we can do with it.

    I'm really curious how this is going to work with 17 people recording on different equipment, but Im still all for it. Keep recruiting! BONES! WE NEED BONES!

    Oh, and if you want to give me like 1500 dollars, I've always wanted to buy a bari sax....

  7. Old Thread...rise from your grave, to save my daughter! [/obscure Altered Beast reference]

    So did anyone ever play this? Thanks to my move I'm way behind on my games, but I heard absolutely amazing things about Xenoblade Chronicles and absolutely abysmal things about The Last Story. Did anyone play TLS or both of them?

  8. So, I had a remix bypass the panel and get accepted in April 2012, and I was curious about when it was going to come out. I could really use the million dollars it's going to make me.

    Also - and this is a legitimate question and not intended to be snark - what is the process you guys go through that gives you such a huge backlog of remixes to post? To an outsider it might seem like step one would be: post remix on website, but I know there's more to it than that. Again, not trying to sound impatient; this is genuine curiosity about the work that goes into posting.

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