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Posts posted by XPRTNovice

  1. Hold on with the speculation here.

    That's not any fun. I think Squaresoft is actually going to hire the entire Balance and Ruin team for a billion dollar contract. Nobuo Uematsu is getting old, so they need us to fill in the gap. That's really what this is all about.

    Or...OR...Square is suing us because some of their employees that inadvertently stumbled on some of the works-in-progress had their faces melted off. Then the guy who delivers the inter office mail came around the corner and slipped in a pile of liquid face and twisted his ankle, so we're getting sued for negligence.

  2. So I recently bought/downloaded a "World" sample disc from Image-Line, and it basically dumped a bunch of wav files on me. I know with other sample discs that have Kontakt associated with them, they will map the samples that are closest to the pitch you are trying to play and make it play that particular wav in conjunction with your midi sequencer.

    My question is: with a bunch of samples that have no joining file like kontakt, how can I map them out so that when I play a Bb (or a pitch that's close), the Bb sample is played, when I play the G (or A, or F), the G sample is played?

    Or am I going about this in entirely the wrong way and asking the wrong questions...

  3. DUDE. YES.

    My only criticism is that, with everything else so full and live, the horns at 1:30 (by themselves) are a bit jarring and sound synthetic. I noticed in your original post you list people as though they were players, though, so maybe my ear is off. They blend nicely everywhere else, but after 1:30 I noticed that they were there a lot more, if that makes any sense.

    Other than that, this kicks ass. This source tune is great, I laughed my ass off the first time I played it on Rock Band.

  4. Hey, do you guys want me to post pics?

    And yes, it was the Video Game Art museum. The exhibit was actually kind of meh (only 3 rooms, not much I hadn't already seen or known about) but I did catch a presentation by the guest curator Chris - the guy who put the whole thing together - which was pretty cool.

  5. Very clever to have the "you suck at this game" noise as part of the beat (the low-heart count sound).

    Personally, I hate that taunting, miserable noise...but it's effective here.

    Overall I think this is a really clever mash up of a lot of the sounds of the game. You had me tapping my foot and feeling like I should rave, and you took that minor feel in just the right direction. I always liked this melody, and it works nicely the way you spun it.

    If anything I would say it goes on too long - the reboot of the main theme at 4:20 ish sounds like it should have been the main theme. In my very humble opinion, you risk ear fatigue if you keep twisting with the theme around like that. I think it could have ended a bit sooner with a big ka-boom to greater effect.

  6. Hey there,

    To caveat anything I say, I am by no means experienced in any technical aspects of remixing. In my opinion, I got way lucky in that contest, and it was mostly due to my skills with live instruments and NOT my skill with DAWs.

    To me, the intensity of your drums don't match the rest of your samples. I get a very chiptune feel from this, but the drums feel, to me, like they're about to explode into a PROG METAL MASSACRE at any point - but they never do. The samples you lay on top are very 8-bit, if that makes any sense.

    I think what I'm trying to say is that your BEAT sounds like an intense dubstep sort of thing, but the sound quality doesn't round it out. the result for me is that I'm constantly waiting for your genius to unfold after a nice introduction, but I end up getting more treble-heavy chiptune, stuff. Does that make sense?

  7. Hi all,

    At Emunator's request, I'd like to introduce myself to the group and talk about some opportunities for collaboration.

    I've been around this community since about January of this year, at which point I decided to try my hand at remixing. I've since had one piece accepted (Not the Taxi You Whistled For) and took first place in Zircon's FFVI composition with a piece titled Gobble Snarf Snap. You can check out both of them at www.soundcloud.com/xprtnovice - there are some other samples there.

    If any of you are looking for: Alto sax, clarinet, piano, acoustic guitar, flute, or vocal percussion, I'm your man. I used to have a Syrian oud, but I've since sold it and am still shopping for a replacement.

    I am also, quite uselessly, an excellent whistler. Everyone has their strengths, right?

    Right now I'm a little swamped with a host of life issues whose sole purpose seems to be preventing me from doing things I actually enjoy, so I might be a bit slow, but if any of you have something you'd like me to lay something down on I'd be happy to. Emu has me looking at some of the shorter pieces on OOT to go for a remix (Shop, Mini Game, Shooting gallery, and Horse Race), and once my life decides to shut up for a while I plan on tackling it.

    Looking forward to being part of the project with you all!


  8. Can't say I was inspired by Rachmaninoff though as some of his ways of performance are considered INSANE, but I did want to see the Empire as this dominating political force that no one can seem to get away from, even with Terra breaking free from its grasp.

    Well, that's a lot of Rachmaninov's beef with Mother Russia, so maybe it's just a meeting of the minds. Was this a performance, or sequenced? It sounded performed to me, I was just making sure. You've got some nimble fingers. The best I could ever manage was an incomplete learning of Fantasie Impromptu, and I didn't really do it justice.

  9. XPRTNovice: hahaha,

    yeah that was reaction i suspected... although i took it completely seriously.

    I realize that may have come off wrong - I tend to laugh out loud in a slap-my-knee kind of way when I hear things that are clever. I wasn't insinuating that your piece was laughable! :oops:

    And Rexy I really liked the groove of your Umaro track. It felt perfect. The piano was, of course, beautiful in your Gestahl. It felt very Rachmaninovy, which is a good thing.

  10. Thanks Calum. In my opinion, I lack the ability to do things that are spine-chillingly-awesome because I have no real electronic skills - I would love to be able to produce something as outrageously cool as Mark of the Beatsmith or anything by Big Giant Circles or Zircon, but I don't have that level of knowledge. So I make up for the deficiency by doing "lively" things instead. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt :mrgreen:

    I thought the Blackjacks lounge-lizard vocal thing was awesome, by the way. I think I actually laughed out loud when I heard it.

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