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Posts posted by XPRTNovice

  1. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I'm looking for anyone that might have already separated the wheat from the chaff on Youtube tutorials for FL studio. I'm looking through a bunch now but it seems like any moron with a screen capture program and a microphone is trying to teach neophytes like myself how to use the program.

  2. Dude this is really cool! I have near zero experience with anything other than live instrument recording, so I can't really offer much here.

    I LOVE the "I AM ERROR" dropout part there at 0:51

    I do have to say that between 1:15 and 2:00 I started to feel a little bit of ear fatigue because I heard a lot of repetition, but I don't have the musical patience for dubstep like a lot of people do, so that could just be a matter of taste.

    Solid beat, though. I like.

  3. So I'm working on my second remix. I wanted to take the idea of Kekfa's theme and work it out as a bluesy bassline, and then found out that there were other boss themes that fit really nicely into the groove. So it's a bit of an amalgamation.

    I'm not sure if I like the ending, and I know there are ways I can improve this, but I've been staring at it for the last couple of days without really making any changes. I feel a bit stuck.


  4. Thanks Flex! That goddamn accordion is giving me so much trouble. If I didn't like the way it sounded so much, I'd take it out. The soundfont that I used has a nice quality sound but it's realistic enough that you get the pre-noise hiss from an accordion, which effs up my timing. Good catch, I think I can just slide the bar there and be done with it. If not, it's coming out!

    And agreed on the ending. I think I can clean that up.

    Thanks again for the praise and the feedback. I'm glad my whistling skills have gotten some use other than annoying anyone in my house or workplace.

  5. Thanks Jean.

    Now, the whistling. Natural whistling is so harsh-sounding when recorded that I'm having trouble keeping the levels up without making my own ears hurt. I actually sent this to a professional friend of mine for advice, and he said "Nobody likes anyone whistling right in their ear". He actually suggested I back off, but I tend to lean on your side on this one.

    If you have any suggestions on how to do this without causing ears to bleed, I'd love to hear them.

  6. Wow, Jean, you went at that like a f@#kin' surgeon! Thanks! Those are all really helpful things. I think this could benefit from another version of most of the tracks once I make my room's acoustics a bit better. Then I can pull the right freqs out with the eq and avoid the background hiss. Thanks again man!

  7. Thanks guys, that's good stuff.

    Jean, the dobro (the instrument you were commenting about in the Gold Saucer section) is definitely a bluegrass instrument, but the sound font doesn't do it justice. I'm going to try a take with the mandolin, with maybe those synthetic instruments softly backing it up in the background, and see if it sounds any better.

    Today is Mando day. The whole mandolin track needs a reset, and I aim to give it one. It's less of a pain in the ass to just lay it down again than it is to go about time stretching and all that. I just need to make sure I can hear my metronome.

  8. I did some work on this over the past few days. Here are some things that I've changed:

    - Eliminated Fiddle de Chocobo

    - Blended transitions between themes

    - Added some guitar ornamentation (FF Prelude in the middle of the Saucer theme, too)

    - Re-recorded guitar/mando parts using different micing for clearer sound

    - Adjusted levels and gain to try to make it not so quiet

    - Some improved whistling ornamentation

    - Added a bass to the opening slow section

    I'd love some feedback - especially from those that called me out on my transitions.

    Here's the new link: http://soundcloud.com/xprtnovice/farmboy-v2

  9. Well, I have to say I'm totally in love with my own Gold Saucer section, but the Chocobo section is starting to bore me. I think I am going to find a way to bridge up the middle section so it's a smashup of Farmboy and the Saucer theme, and smooth out the transitions. I did like the idea of having a wailing fiddle solo in there, and Fiddle de Chocobo begs for a bluegrass arrangement, but I think it might just have to go.

  10. My main gripes with the current version are with the Golden Saucer and Chocobo sections. ...the transitions between themes are a bit jarring to me, more like a shameless medley. I'd cut one of the two additional themes out, or find a way of tying them more closely to the main theme via chord progressions or backing rhythmic motifs.

    This is my main problem with the arrangement as well. I got a little giddy once I heard the playback for the first section and just started adding stuff. I was trying to avoid shameless medley, but that's what I ended up with. Since they all revolve around the same general bluegrass chord progressions, I might see if I can blend the other two themes back into Farmboy, but I risk being overly repetitive.

    Thanks for the feedback doc, that's good stuff. How does the guitar sound? I'm not using really high end stuff so I was worried the live instruments don't have the quality.

  11. Hey Calum, that's great feedback, thanks. We'll see how this one goes.

    I think the plucky dobro instrument sounded very robotic and a little out of time with the acoustic guitar.

    When you say dobro, do you mean the mandolin? The dobro only comes in during the golden saucer and is playing the melody. the mandolin is the "choppy" instrument that is playing throughout.

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