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Posts posted by XPRTNovice

  1. Even though this was stickeyed, I just noticed it for the first time in the 6 months I've been part of the community. This is...awesome. I get to broaden my remixing horizons by not only picking tunes from games I like, and it's totally randomized, and it's totally awesome and I love you all.

  2. mick,

    You'll definitely want to checkout http://farlandswritersgroups.com

    It's a collaboration of online writing groups centered around SF/Fantasy, sponsored by David Farland (David Wolverton), author of the Runelord series. The community is very tight knit and has proved a great budding ground for me as a young author (check my website if you want to read a bit of how my career has gone in the last year at http://josephzieja.wordpress.com).

    You could also try absolutewrite.com, but that community is considered very cutthroat and a bit snooty. I recommend Dave's site.

    If you do sign up, send me a PM. My handle there is "PermanentNovice". I'll help you get set up.

  3. I agree with some of the comments about depth. I feel like I'm spending a lot of time in the upper frequencies. When that bass drum first came in, I thought you were going to do something Hans Zimmer ish - tribal drums of sort would work really well behind that.

    It's a short source, but I think you could lengthen it with some ambiance-type sounds in there too. You've got a good haunting quality going on here. If you listen to Mark of a Beatsmith, that's kind of what I'm talking about. He took a short source and really pulled everything out of it.

    The end is a bit abrupt for me. Maybe you could peel away more of the instruments so it's more gradual?

  4. I found a ReMix with a similar style to this one ( http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01466/ ). Oh Hey Flex, PM me please. You've done wonders with another track of mine, and I wanted to see if you'd be down with helping me on another track of mine.

    Dude! I've been looking for that mix forever! I found it on a website a while ago and didn't know it was up here. I love it. I wanted to collab with that guy but he never got back to me.

  5. Truth in advertising - I studied Caravan Palace and Django tunes for a week straight to prep my brain for arranging this piece. I have to submit this to the competition in two days, but assuming it doesn't win and get picked up for the CD I'd love to collab. Or, conversely, if you need a clarinet player to lay something down, you know who to call.

  6. Hey Guys,

    I only have a few days to get this ready for the competition, so I need some help. There are some obvious problems (a couple of timing issues, the guitar at 2:12) but I'm looking for an overall critique of this. Does it sound empty or repetitive, can I add pads to make it fill out more, are there any other suggestions...

    I wanted to take this into Django territory, for those of you who are jazz fans. I dunno if it worked or what. Guitar and clarinet are live, all else are soundfonts or samples.




  7. FL Studio (in song mode)

    Hit Record. Play.


    Hit Record. Play.

    Edifying, thanks.

    Anyway, I think I got this figured out. I'm not used to having to switch "patterns" every time I want to lay down a new track that doesn't conform to the format of any previous track. I feel like I'm making this more complicated than I need to, but I'll do what I've always done and muddle along for now.

  8. How do you record NOT INTO A PATTERN into FL studio? I have a beat down and I'm trying to use Sytrus to have a moving guitar melody. But it only lets me record for as long as the pattern is, then it repeats itself and layers over itself.

    Man, FL studio's interface is really nice but Cubase is way easier to work with when it comes to straight up recording...

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