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Everything posted by tesselode

  1. I have nothing to add that other people haven't already said. The lead synth could still be a little more interesting, and the ending should be longer. I think this sounds great, though. The production sounds fine to me.
  2. The whole thing sounds a little underwater to me. Brighten up the drums, that should help a lot.
  3. I agree about the string section; it's quite nice. As for the rest of the song, I definitely like the calm feel of it, but I think it has a problem with just sounding weak in general. For example when the main melody starts at 0:52, the synth playing the main melody is kind of quiet and weak-sounding and could use more expression. Really the whole song is kind of quiet and has a lot of trouble building up to anything. The part at 3:11 definitely sounds like it's supposed to be louder than the other parts, but it's not. I think a lot of this can be fixed by more dynamics and more moving parts. I also don't like the ending, but that's the thing I'm least worried about currently. If you can make the song slightly less wimpy, it'll sound great.
  4. Well it certainly sounds silly enough to make it into a YouTube video.
  5. I think the drums do need to be louder and punchier. I don't mind the bit-crushing though (although it is a *little* muddy), and overall I like the song. Nice job making that in 75 minutes.
  6. Not my favorite song, but it has a good amount of style and personality in it. It's a fun listen.
  7. It's an IRC channel (a.k.a. chat room).
  8. I'll join you!
  9. This is a really cool arrangement. There are a few things I don't like so much, but those are purely a matter of taste and I'm not going to tell you what they are since you shouldn't change them. The only I thing I think you should change is making the flute at 1:15 louder. It's kind of getting overpowered by the other instruments.
  10. Adding to what everyone else has said, that bass drop is kind of weak sounding, so see if you can't make the bass fatter or something. Also, my first impression of the sounds is that they're slightly weak. Maybe they need a bit more reverb.
  11. I'm not sure I really like the dubstep feel of the track, but I like some parts near the beginning. I think if you focused on the fast percussive sound effect that you had at 0:40 more it would make the song sound pretty cool. That's really just my personal preference though.
  12. OK, I think I'm going to leave this song on hold and work on trying to improve my production with other songs, because my lacking production skills are making the song sound weak, and I think they are, indeed, the reason why the drums seem boring.
  13. I can't get the song to play. It's probably a problem on my end, but can you upload the mp3 somewhere else? I've had problems with Tindeck before.
  14. Sounds great to me. I think at the end it loses steam a little bit, but it might just be that my volume was too low. Anyway, great job.
  15. Since it looks like no one has any ideas, I'm gonna go ahead and ask for a mod review now.
  16. I need ideas. What can I add to the soundscape to make the song better?
  17. OK, I went ahead and sent all the instruments to one reverb track. Hopefully this makes the reverb more consistent and makes the song sound better. Tell me if you notice any improvement.
  18. So I'm currently having trouble using reverb in a way that sounds good. I will research how to correctly use reverb.
  19. It sounds pretty cool, but I feel like in some of the songs the drums are having trouble standing out. Very good work though.
  20. That synth at the beginning bothers me because it has a lot of clashing tones. Anyway, throughout the song I'm noticing a lack of movement and variation. The entire song consists of the melody and another synth holding out notes. You need to have some movement somewhere! Also, I'm not sure what's with that weird-sounding wobble bass in the middle and the abrupt ending. You might want to work on those.
  21. Update! I went ahead and made the hi-hats softer and varied the drums a little bit more. The new mp3 should be finished uploading in a few minutes. I'll get to work on improving the soundscape a bit. Edit: I honestly do not know how to improve the soundscape. I can see that the beginning could use an extra synth or something, but I don't know what to add which would actually contribute to the song. Also, once the melody comes in, I think it's full enough. So for now, I'm calling this finished.
  22. Wow, looks like tindeck is having issues. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/37768120/aquatic%20ambiance.mp3
  23. OK, I redid the drums. Hopefully there's enough variety now. I also tried adding some effects in certain sections such as flanger and reverb, but I couldn't quickly come up with any way to actually make them sound good. Do you think the drums could use some effects to make them more interesting (or I just need more variety in the loops)?
  24. I think this is drum and bass but WHERE ARE THE DRUMS? Seriously, they're getting completely covered up by the other instruments (especially the snare). Make the drums stand out instead of being quieter than everything else. I can't give you specific advice on mixing because I'm not very good at mixing myself. :\ Also, the sounds seem a little bit low quality. I would recommend equalizing them and cutting out unnecessary frequencies. This way they'll be overall less loud, which will reduce the compression and hopefully give the drums a fighting chance of being heard. You might also use the EQ to make the sounds more interesting.
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