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Everything posted by tesselode

  1. I have no complaints here. Beautiful performance from both of you. Direct post please.
  2. What is the source?
  3. Alright here we go: -It sounds like that electric piano at the beginning has no decay. That bothers me; it's unnatural sounding. -Everything feels too loud. You probably have some of the less important instruments, like the piano sound in the background, turned up too loud, and it's making everything feel compressed. As a side effect of this, the song has no variation in volume. -Last, I'm not sure what this song is trying to be. The piano part in the background gives it kind of a foreign feel, but the electric guitar and the drums make me disagree with that. Your song is a mixture of different styles, but it doesn't seem like anything in particular. So yeah, maybe I'll like your remix more if you give it a clear direction.
  4. OK, I'm going to point out a bunch of nit-picky stuff. -The first section is really nice sounding, but I don't like the way it switches at 1:44. It makes me briefly miss the first section. -However, when the drums come in, the song becomes really good again. -The sawtooth synth you use later in that section could be more expressive. -I feel like at 4:30 the song should end just like that. That would be a nice ending. Instead you have the first section suddenly come in again and it's jarring again. -The really-nicely-resolving chord at the end sounds kind of cheesy. Besides that, though, you've got a really good song on your hands. All of the different sounds work very well together, and although the melody seems like it should get a little repetitive, it stays interesting because something is always changing.
  5. When I'm looking for good music, a link to go to a random remix would be handy. It would also be a fun thing to have in general. Anybody?
  6. Updated! I changed up the drum loops some. Is this any better?
  7. Sources: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rh4iOJ6Kzs (the version from DKCR has a melody that's not in the original) Remix: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/37768120/aquatic%20ambiance.mp3 So yeah, this isn't exactly the most original source tune to remix, but hopefully my version is unusual enough to be interesting. Feel free to heap criticism on me! Updates (newest to oldest) -minor update. see if you can spot the difference! -more drum variance, softer hi-hats, minor changes -redid drums, are they better yet? -varied up drum loops, transitioned some things better
  8. Can we see the project file? If not, something like Maximus can cause clipping even if there's a limiter.
  9. It sounds like it's clipping because it's too loud.
  10. That sounds awesome. I kind of wish there was some build-up somewhere, though. Anyway, you should make music for Blizzard or something.
  11. This song needs more love. It's got a really weird, but cool feel to it. I think I might try to remix it sometime, but it would be cool to see what someone else does with it. Thanks to anyone who takes up this challenge.
  12. The sounds are pretty cool, but it seems like this is just a re-instrumentation of the original. It could be so much cooler if you made some other alterations.
  13. The song feels pretty random. The instrumentation switches up so much it's hard to find a pattern. This probably has a lot to do with the fact that the original song is kind of random and the melodies aren't very distinct, so this song might be better if more things stayed the same to hold the song together. Also, I feel like everything is going on in the low-mid to mid frequencies, and there's not much bass, so it feels like there's holes in the song. Or it could just be that there's sub-bass that I can't hear with my speakers. Mainly you should create a really obvious structure for the song to hold together the rather random source material. I do like the glitchy stuff you have going on, and the instruments do sound good, so good job on that. Hopefully I'm not sounding completely negative.
  14. I think you should make you should make a song where the chord progression doesn't return to the original key. That way the key constantly drifts up or down.
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