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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. i've never used invoker and even after reading about him have no idea how that works

    Activating Q, W, and E (the "reagents") will each give you a different orby thing (or "instance") floating around you along with a passive effect. You can activate up to 3 instances at a time in any combination, so for example QQQ, QQW, QWE, etc.

    His ult invokes the spell and gives you another ability based on the instances you have activated. Each combination has a different spell. At level 2 Invoke you can "store" a second spell as a 6th ability.


    He has 10 abilities. He can use 2 at a time.

    That means there are literally a hundred different ways to play Invoker.

  2. I have a soft spot for blind/faceless heroes, so Defiler still wins in terms of concept IMO. Krobelus, like everything else in Dota 2, definitely takes the prize in execution though. Although why is she firing bats with Locust Swarm...?

  3. Lion and Lina are by far not the most imbalanced heroes in wtf mode, that honor probably goes to Clockwerk/Zeus.

    Haha, I forgot about the globals. Oh man Mercurial would be so annoying.

  4. Awesome.

    Bane Elemental? He's not that good or interesting IMO.

    I feel like he has a lot of potential, but I always mess it up because a) I suck at mid, B) I suck at Necro micro, and c) I suck at keeping track of who and where everyone (including me) is during team fights.

    So...yeah, I basically suck at the game in general.

  5. Long time no see, thread. Where you been? The bottom of page three? Oh, poor thread. Here, have some news.


    The special edition Zelda 3DS, that black one with the gold trim and emblem? It's not a Europe exclusive. GameStop is having a Black Friday sale (that's a US thing, sorry Canada) and they clearly depict the Zelda 3DS in the ad.

    So, shiny black with gold trim in the style of Zelda? Nice looking. But can Ambassador status be sent to a new 3DS?

    I will be the first to trade my Ambassador status 3DS and OoT + pre-order soundtrack to anyone who gets me one of these.

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