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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. OCR, hate those guys. >:[

    Jokes aside, a thread just for venting about communities you hate seems like kindling for a flame war. Maybe it's more important to discuss what can be done on your part or their admins' parts to mitigate specific factors that contribute to the aspects of their community you dislike.

  2. http://blog.dota2.com/2011/10/twice-the-blood-shall-i-shed/

    They’ll also use text chat to indicate their plans, so you can join in. For example, they’ll:

    • Let you know when they’re coming to your lane for a gank.
    • Communicate when they’re fleeing or losing a fight.
    • Indicate their high priority targets in upcoming team fights.
    • Expose their thinking about whether they should push or defend their lanes.
    • Call for assistance versus Roshan if they think the timing is right.

    I think this officially makes bots smarter than 90% of pubs.

  3. Generally you shouldn't be pushing a lane unless all the other heroes are elsewhere and accounted for -- if you get too far from your tower you have a much greater chance of being ganked. That's why you need to constantly be denying your own creeps to pull the line back to your own tower.

    Also you can't rely on the other creeps to scout for you...they can only see so far and it's too easy to get distracted and not notice another lane's heroes missing. Have wards up at all times.

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