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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. I suppose I neglected to mention that Nayru is the goddess of wisdom in the Zelda universe, as well as the Oracle of Ages in Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages. Nayru's Love is a spell in OoT that makes you impervious to damage for a short period of time. I thought it'd be a clever way to reference both games with the same title.

    Sil: A lot of people have mentioned the Gymnopedie resemblence...I can only assume that Kondo had Satie on the brain as well when he composed the OoT title theme. :)

    Thanks for all the comments, guys! Vig...I had no idea. 8O

  2. To our resident Japanese-studiers here...would it technically be "MEE-ts-da" as opposed to "mit-SU-da"? I've said it and have heard other people say it the second way the whole time, but when I think about it and from what I know of Japanese pronunciation (which is not a whole lot, granted), the first one would make more sense.

  3. More lyrics! Considering what metal lyrics is usually about I don't think the challege is that great :)


    Anytime I hear a new mix start off fine, only to find that it has vocals in it, I just think 'Why? Why did you ruin this promising piece with vocals?' And I immediately stop listening and never listen to it again.

    "Good" singing already sounds terrible enough. Don't encourage people with even less training to ruin their songs.

    Uh...thank goodness you're in the minority.

  4. Love the update, wangless. Splash screen is Korea-tastic. Kinda miss the old MP3 player, but the new one's cool enough. A bit disappointed the click-wheel has no actual functionality, though. And The Deeplands is amazing. Love what you got going there...now all you need are pictures and little movies that teleport you to different islands when you touch them. :D

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