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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. But honestly, that website you linked to is mainly for pop singing, and even then they aren't set rules. There is a lot more liberty than you would think, and in classical singing it's a whole different story. I probabaly know a lot *more* about this stuff than you, no offense. I have two Japanese teachers at Johns Hopkins, plus a Japanese vocal coach at Peabody Conservatory of Music... :roll:

    Well, 18th century theory principles aren't the be-all end-all of composition either, but they apply to other genres as well and following them keeps music from sounding weird. Besides, Chrono Trigger isn't exactly what I'd call classical Japanese music. :)

    Of course, if your two Japanese teachers and Japanese vocal coach say it's all right, then I suppose I can't disagree. Carry on.

  2. That's because they are crossfaded into the next track. You should play them all back to back to get the full effect. :)

    I see what you're saying Dhsu, and I appreciate the effort. But the reason there were a few spots like that are because the lyrics were written first in English by Claado Shou, and *then* translated. I had to sing the text that was given to me according to the music that was provided, so the two didn't always match up. I tried to make the best of the situation.

    Honestly, I've been studying and singing in the language for almost two years now, so I know the loops. I think you're being just a tad picky.

    Hey, people are paid to be "picky"! :D Besides, that's about as picky as saying you should avoid parallel 5ths in your partwriting assignments, or that you shouldn't drink soup with a fork. It's not just a matter of "to-may-to" vs. "to-mah-to." :P

    Of course, I did realize the circumstances you had to work with, but before I posted, I went back to listen to your Zelda64 arrangement and noticed the same issues, and in that case you were at a greater liberty to change the notes or words. So yeah, my comments weren't meant as an attack, I just wanted to make sure it wasn't an honest mistake. I hope you understand how it could've come across that way.

  3. Heh...seems the pixie tracks are getting a lot of attention. :) I personally think they're great too, but there were some issues with pronunciation that were distracting to me. Particularly the pronunciation of combination vowels as a single syllable. When singing in Japanese, each vowel is pronounced individually over separate syllables. The same goes for ending n's. So "chiheisen" would be sung "chi-he-e-se-n," in five beats, not three. In addition, in the case of doubled consonants, the preceding vowel is extended by a beat. So "ikkai" would be sung "i-i-ka-i," over four beats instead of two.

    Check out this helpful page if you want more info (or if you just want to make sure I'm not pulling your leg ;) ).

    Great job with the project in general though. Thanks and congratulations to everyone who participated!

  4. For now, I'd just post them in the ReView thread, but you can go ahead and send a copy to Larry as well. In the future, when sheet music is integrated into the OCR database, I would assume including it with your submission would be preferable.

    Liontamer edit: If it's in, then I'd say post here and your ReView thread and that's all set. But yeah, once it can be integrated into the database, you should include that in the submission letter in the future. Otherwise wait till it's posted.

  5. The purpose of this thread is to serve as a central location to provide sheet music or tablatures for applicable OCR arrangements. If you have made sheets or tabs for any of the ReMixes on the site, please post them here, as well as in their respective ReView threads. If you are a ReMixer and have not made sheets and do not plan to in the future, you may also state so here.

    And the rest of you...enjoy. :)

    NOTES: You will need the latest Finale notation software in order to view .MUS files, Adobe Reader to view .PDF files, and the Sibelius Scorch plugin to view Scorch sheets. You can open MIDIs in notation software like Finale, Sibelius, Noteworthy Composer, or Anvil Studio, but if they are recorded performances, i.e. not manually sequenced, and have not been quantized, they will just look like a jumble of notes (you can figure out the notes, but all the rhythms will be off.)


    Kirby's Dream Land "Chopinesque Kirby" (PDF)

    Super Mario World "Grand Valse Mario" (PDF)

    Yoshi's Story "Oh, Say Can Yoshi" (PDF)


    Final Fantasy IX "Hunter's Etude-Scherzo" (PDF) - Chase of the Hunter (original version of "Hunter's Etude Scherzo")

    Super Mario RPG "Waltz of Pain" (original arrangement, not the same as OCR version)


    Final Fantasy VII "Beyond Midgar" (MIDI)

    Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past "Into the the Golden Sunset" (MIDI)


    Castlevania III "A Clockwork Vampire" (PDF - MUS - MIDI)

    Chrono Trigger "Another Fair" (MIDI)

    EarthBound "Nirvana" (MIDI)

    Final Fantasy VII "A Life Without Parole" (MIDI)

    Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages "Nayru's Love" (MIDI)

    Mario Kart 64 "Rainbow Snowland" (MIDI)

    Super Mario World "Koopa vs. Kefka" (MIDI)

    Tales of Phantasia "Sweet Dreams" (MIDI)

    Dr. Fruitcake

    Super Mario RPG "Mario's Tropical Paradise" (MIDI)

    Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time "Party in the Shop" (MIDI)


    Final Fantasy VII "Aire Tam Break" (PDF)

    Game Over

    Punch-Out!! "Little Mac's Confession" (tabs: rhythm guitar / solo guitar)


    Star Ocean "Summertime" (chord listing)

    Kevin Stephens, trickwaters

    Fire Emblem "Etude for Piano in F# Minor" (TIF)


    Chrono Trigger "600 A.D. in Piano" - Nana's version (PDF)

    Final Fantasy IV "Tale in Piano" (PDF)


    Castlevania: Symphony of the Night "Scriabin's Long Library" (TIF)

    Chrono Cross "Dream Shore Fantasie-Sonata" (PDF)


    Mega Man "Cut Man Sonata" (PDF)

    Neil Benjamin

    Chrono Trigger "To Far Away Memories" (tab)


    Final Fantasy VII "Jenova for Classical Piano" (PDF)

    posu yan

    Wild Arms "Adlehyde Castle Flow" (MIDI)

    Mega Man 3 "crystal potion" (MIDI)


    Sonic & Knuckles "Tomorrow's Wake" (page 1 - 2 - 3 - 4)

    Reuben Kee

    Chrono Trigger "The Place We Knew" (PDF)

    Street Fighter II "Ryu for Four Pianos" (PDF) - Arrangement for 3 pianos (PDF)


    Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past "A Rose for Zelda" (tab)

    The Wingless

    Silent Hill 2 "There Was a Hole Here" (PDF)


    Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past "A Link to the Piano"



    Chrono Trigger "At the End of All Things" (Finale 2006) - broken

    Benjamin Briggs

    Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time "Anthem of a Misguided Youth" (tab - karaoke) - broken

    Christian Pacaud

    Secret of Mana "On the Day the World Changed..." (PDF) - broken


    Final Fantasy IX "Messenger in the Key of Black" (Scorch) - broken


    Liontamer Edit: Yeah, good call David. I was literally mentioning to the judges earlier that I was going to start this myself after seeing you post sheet music in the "Clockwork Vampire" ReView thread. I should stress that we should only accept sheet music, tabs and MIDIs written or verified by the ReMixers themselves. We'll try to gather as much as possible, especially for older tracks, so that we can host them for their respective ReMixes, as per my pending proposal to djp. I'm sure it'll be alright, so thanks for getting the ball rolling.

    Requests for known transcriptions (please provide a copy here):

    Kevin Stephens has sheet music and a MIDI for Fire Emblem "Etude for Piano in F# Minor" - contact him via email: artemisjaeger@gmail.comREMIX

  6. I just friggin' beat the Savato archetype in Trauma Center. Not the hardest boss ever, but definitely one of the most frustrating. It's a 10-minute operation, and if you mess up at the very end, you have to do the WHOLE FRIGGIN' THING all over again. Gahhhhhhh....

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