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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. Great stuff. Personally, I thought this song could've used even more power in the vocal department...it just felt half-hearted at times, like you were being lazy with your voice by using only lower half of your range. Maybe if you transposed up a couple keys?

    That aside, though, I agree with djp...this song sounds very natural and, as Shna suggested, sounds like it could've straight out of an episode of "Smallville." I'm also not ashamed to admit that the "why try" segment made my pee-pee hard.

    Nice work. :nicework:

  2. Asking why Zelda has two pictures may seem irrelevant, however, what to do with those two pictures are not.

    If you click on ocr4_mascot28.jpg should it bring you to the exact same bio as ocr4_mascot94.jpg?

    If not, what would be different about the two bios?

    Can I make my own mascots if I provide the bio information? :P

    Well, obviously the one on the left is from a different game than on the right, and a part of these bios is/may be the games this character has been in. So, I suppose in a sense the bios would pretty much be the same, except for the game section. Unless in order to save a page one could direct both pic-links to the same page, and in the game section just say [young zelda] or [mature zelda] for whichever game corresponds accordingly.

    The two Zeldas are, in fact, two different people, from different eras/timelines, and therefore would have completely different backgrounds. There are multiple Links as well.

    This might be an issue for the two Samus mascots, though.

  3. Excellent, excellent work everyone. Great source material, all-star team...what more could you ask for? Every track was a joy to listen to...I don't believe there was a single "dud" among the bunch. I only regret that I didn't have the time to participate in this project myself.

    Congrats to the project members, especially DarkeSword for (finally) bringing it all together. I look forward to seeing more of these posted on OCR.

  4. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    SO GOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I LOVE IT!

    Of course the music student (graduate?) loves it. :P

    But I just wanted to say that I wholeheartedly agree with him. Mazedude never ceases to, well...amaze. Simply incredible arrangement.

  5. Alright, good news and bad news.

    Good news, the lovely pixietricks has agreed to collab with me on The Dream Will Not Die. :D

    Bad news, we're both going overseas for the summer. :(

    Is there any way you guys could extend the deadline until we get back if we promise we'll get it finished? ;) I actually have concepts for both "Dream..." and "Aviators," but haven't had a chance to get them recorded yet.

    Pretty please? ^_^;;

  6. Hmmm...Is the Dream Will Never Die in the SNES version? Not that it matters, but yeah.

    Alright, in case anyone hasn't noticed, ToP actually has one less song on its list than ToS. I took something off awhile ago (before removing Castle of the Dhaos), but I can't remember what or why, and I never replaced it with anything. If I put The Dream Will Never Die on the list, Dhsu, will you take it?

    Actually, Aviators would probably be easier...it's kind of growing on me now. :D But yes, I'd like to. The only problem is that I'll be overseas for the next two months, so it's unlikely I'd be able to work on anything during that time. If I don't have WIP's within the next couple days, feel free to give the spots to someone else (like Sir Nuts...it'd make an awesome dance track).

    BTW, be sure to let me know if you plan to have anyone singing over my piece, because that could significantly change the way I arrange it (it'd be a little more karaoke style). ;)

  7. Yeah, I had someone mention the Dream Will Never Die to me; the problem it is, how can you do it? It's like, actually a full song, with lyrics, and real instruments and stuff. :P

    The piano is a real instrument. :/ As long as it has a melody, it can be arranged, "full song" or no.

    And it's the game's opening theme, for crying out loud! Seriously here! It'd be like having a Zelda project without the Overworld, or a Secret of Mana project without Angel's Fear.

    But whatever, fine. I might take Aviators. It's catchy enough.


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