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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. Yay, then we could play DM! DM is the only thing that gets me pining after DotA.

    Heck, I think I could even dust off my install of Ghost++ without too much effort.

    Of course, I haven't played much DotA since 6.64, so I'm unfamiliar with the new heroes and items.

    I think HoN actually has Deathmatch mode. I wouldn't mind trying it sometime.

  2. Well, no. This campaign is mainly for fun. To be honest, the only thing we're really trying to to is get noticed and generate interest so that maybe Sega will take notice and say "ha! these guys are pretty good! and they got balls!". It's a fun way to make people aware of OCR and Sonic music. The chances of us actually doing the music for Sonic 4 Episode 1 are slim-to-none, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun drumming up support. :)

    Maybe we could lobby for a track in the soundtrack CD?

  3. Turn based RPGs have like


    as a basis for their gameplay


    Have you even played Final Fantasy 1-10, Bleck.

    (Admittedly 10's combat was actually pretty good, but that's because they got the idea from Grandia.)

  4. Well without any HP items to speak of, he must have had all of 900 health. :P I recommend checking out a Geometer's Bane build sometime BTW - 3x the mana burn and better chase to boot.

    Anyway, first time with Pharaoh in a serious game today. Whee!

  5. I would assume it's so someone can't just slap together a Flash game in 5 minutes so they can stick an original track in it and arrange it. If an indie game has *any* sort of popularity at all, I don't see there being a problem arranging a track for it. Knowing Larry though, I am sort of curious what the absolute, definite criteria are on the matter.

  6. If it's an OCR project it will be subject to whatever release schedule djp decides is best.

    As for scope, it does differ slightly from being a strict superset of BadAss. While any villain theme is fair game for BA, HvV seems to have a more narrow focus towards archenemies, i.e. "final" bosses associated with the game's main protaganist. So there's a lot more room and flexibility for BA to explore more obscure or unique villain themes.

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