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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. I had fun with him. First time I've actually had moderate success harrassing people.
  2. Want to play with OCR people on TF2? TOO BAD IT'S ME BLACKSMITH!!!
  3. Haha, well then what does being underwater actually do?
  4. TO DO: Add HoN heroes to the OCR mascots database.
  5. Also this would kill every creep on the map (except Kongor, he's too tall) so you could pretty much get a Behemoth's Heart after one cast.
  6. rofl You should add "While underwater, all units experience the 'drowning' status effect, which drains 100HP every second. Zephyr is not affected."
  7. Someone explain to me what kite means, and more importantly WHY IN THE HAIL PEOPLE CAN'T JUST TALK ENGLISH.
  8. Sounds like the other team was just terrible.
  9. Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous. It's literally easier to just RTV.
  10. Haha, I forgot there's actually a hero called Pyro. So I revise my statement: There's really no point in Spy class other than to run around and rack up kills for yourself. There's no other class in the game that can get as many kills as a good Spy can on a decent team. Stealing most along the way.
  11. Hahaha, awesome. Also there's really no point in Pyro class other than to run around and rack up kills for yourself. There's no other class in the game that can get as many kills as a good Pyro can on a decent team. Stealing most along the way.
  12. I still have no idea how it started, but I have to say it's pretty hilarious.
  13. Mowing lawns reminds me of Grandia II and Final Fantasy VI, the games I played during those looong summers...
  14. Did I say that it did? :/ What makes the rule arbitrary (or at least your interpretation of it) is randomly deciding that having three people from the same clan on the same team at the same time is a cardinal sin regardless of the outcome. I am pretty dang sure every last member of [OCR] should be on the banlist if that's the case.
  15. Yeah, I've gotten that a couple times (except without the reboot D: ). However the more important issue here is that JOIN OUR CLAN AJAX PLZ. Edit: So, to anyone who's played them, how do League of Legends and Demigod compare to HoN?
  16. I was under the impression that "stacking" implied an imbalance of skill. If both teams are equally matched, it seems pretty irrelevant who's on what side. We do it all the time in HoN that's for sure (and still lose). I mean, what if all 24 players were just people from two clans? Under this arbitrary rule the entire server would be instantly banned.
  17. Too bad I am total balls at laning. %^( That said, this thread made me rofl - http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/showthread.php?t=26682 I need to start quoting it during games.
  18. Well the main question being "how I not ganked by Scout." I can't towerhug the entire game. :[
  19. http://www5.popcap.com/promos/pegglewow/
  20. Yeah, I am definitely epic failscoot, but whenever other people play him I seem to die within 30 seconds of getting back in my lane. D: Jargon shmargon, if they were REAL programmers they'd know it's a reserved word for "procedure." Anyways, I decide to go add this newfound knowledge to the glossary, and lo and behold, it appears I now have a rival...errr, fellow wiki editor! It seems he's done the admirable task of completely filling out the rest of the definitions. So yeah, huzzah for a non-useless glossary!
  21. What sort of retarded nerd lingo is that I don't even
  22. I've actually gotten the rage end of the Tensei stick more than once, but the best was when I was trying to recruit help to gank a dude at the bottom, and c3lly just happened to be on his way to refill his bottle. I thought he was coming to help me, but since he didn't say anything and had his sound off to listen to the soccer (YES SOCCER) game, we were both oblivious to each other's actual intentions and I casually yoinked the rune. Hilarity ensued (but only for me). P.S. WHAT IN THE NAME OF ZEUS DOES PROC MEAN.
  23. Yo Gyromancer, I'm really happy for you, and I'ma let you finish, but Bejeweled Twist is one of the best casual games of all time! OF ALL TIME.
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