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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. I see carry Accursed has moved up a tier.
  2. Dude if you're not gonna use your FF Tactics CD, send it to me. I'll even trade you a real coaster.
  3. Well Void Talisman gives +7 to all attributes, so the extra 60 or so HP from Shrunken probably isn't going to make that much of a difference. From my experience though, stuns are more of a threat for channeling heroes than physical damage. If you're not getting stunned but just get carry-raped before you can finish your channel, then Void Talisman seems like a fine choice. Assuming they don't have any nukers of course, because they will make your head asplode the second you activate that thing. Alternatively, Platemail costs 100 less gold for a 60% increase in EHP against physical attacks.
  4. http://psxemulator.gazaxian.com/ Great emulator with no config required whatsoever beyond setting your BIOS.
  5. Forget MJ, Point of No Return are the real people behind the Sonic 3 soundtrack!
  6. There is a MIDI of the arrangement in this ZIP file. The rest of his stuff is at that site too. I agree that it's a shame more people don't know about him, definitely a talented guy.
  7. What does CC stand for? Crowd control?
  8. LOL Anyway, picked up Okami. Thanks for the heads-up, Bahamut! Also got Trine for $10 on today's Steam sale. Hope it's worth it.
  9. And this applies to the sentry as well. Or himself. I see the teamfight combo as going Turret -> Ult -> Powder Keg -> Tinker Ult.
  10. I could see Assassin's Shroud being a good item on her. It'd help with both her disable and her ult. Edit: Also, damage reduction being spread over several attacks has no effect on overall damage. (.75 x 165) + (.75 x 165) + (.75 x 165) + (.75 x 165) + (.75 x 165) + (.75 x 165) + (.75 x 165) + (.75 x 165) + (.75 x 165) is still equal to .75 x 1485. Which incidentally is more than twice the damage of Wretched Hag's boosted ult. Edit 2: And what about jiggle physics? Anyway, I tried Engi and had a ton of fun with him - great animation, lots of great skill combos you can pull off with this dude, and of course the obvious TF2 inspiration helps too (Scout sappin' mah sentreh!). Seriously though, a cheap, fast, non-channeling, low-cooldown ward that scales with items and gets their procs? Oh baby. Seems like an ideal mid (sentry camp rune spawn = lolz), although you can tell he was designed to be a jungler with HotBL right in his recommended items. Definitely gonna be playing more of this guy.
  11. Not if you got one of the early ones with composite/component only.
  12. Wow, this looks awesome. Why was there no news on Steam when it came out?
  13. There's definitely a shift to team battles mid and late game, but in between is a good time to farm, as long as it's relatively close to safety, i.e. a tower, your base, or the rest of your team. Preferably 2 out of those 3. That game in particular was a little lean on farm for us support heroes though, since the other 3 were carries. If all the lanes are pushed to the enemy towers and everyone else is busy jungling, there's not a whole lot to do that I can think of. Maybe get/place some wards and stack red creeps? Edit: Also, if you need a lane switch, let someone know before you do it. Voted. I like the Flame Shield (moar like LAME SHIELD ohhhh) buff idea too.
  14. Hm, that is weird. The replay pages are still WIP though, so some things might not be entirely accurate. Maybe you bought a recipe and it thought it was the entire thing? (You should never buy the recipe first btw. )
  15. To add to the hilarity, check out BIess's inventory. First time I've seen that item on anyone.
  16. I finally caved and got the game using this deal ($29.99 + tax, free shipping): http://slickdeals.net/permadeal/26719
  17. Nicely done! Forgot how awesome Clone Wars was.
  18. You make it sound like it was completely wasted. What do you miss when a game drops, like 20 PSR? If you aren't having fun for that 70 minutes you got to play, you're playing games for the wrong reason.
  19. Leerooooyyyyy JENKIIIIINS Edit: Speaking of TF2 analogies, two words - Battle Medic. Edit 2: I like Plated Greaves! Great item for support heroes. Edit 3: Even though I guess it should've been pretty obvious, I ended up crunching the numbers and confirmed that Plated Greaves is by far the better survivability option over Steamboots. +5 armor by itself is a 30% increase in EHP, which becomes better than the extra 7 Str (133HP) from Steamboots once you have, oh...443HP. And it scales. The +3 to Int and Agi as well as the extra 12% EHP increase through the activated ability is icing. POOPSOCKING FTW. I still think the new recipe for Ghost Marchers makes no goshdurn sense though. Two Gloves = 24 damage??
  20. So yet another boot switcheroo! *cue Yackety Sax* Ghost (formerly "Enhanced") Marchers Marchers, 2 x Gloves of the Swift +70 movement speed +24 damage Steamboots Marchers, Bolstering Armband/Apprentice's Robe/Fleetfeet, Gloves of the Swift +60 movement speed +10 Str|Int|Agi +25 attack speed NEW! Plated Greaves Marchers, Shield of the Five, Plated Greaves recipe +70 movement speed +3 all attributes +5 armor Activated ability gives +2 Armor and 100% chance to block 10 attack damage to all allied units in a 450 radius for 30 seconds. 25 second cooldown. 25 mana to use. Thoughts? My main question is whether 10 Str or 3 Str + essentially 7 armor + 10 dmg block/attack gives more EHP. And what will be the fate of the now-orphaned Major Totem??
  21. Sounds like League of Legends might be more your thing, judging from what people are saying about it.
  22. I'm telling you guys, we totally need to do an All Scout match sometime. Arrows EVERYWHERE. All Valkyrie would be hilarious too.
  23. I think he was actually referring to Owen Pallett. Not familiar with his work though, so I don't know if he composed that particular piece.
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