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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. I thought this was gonna be about Diplomacy but it's a good thing it wasn't because I was going to warn everyone about your LIES.
  2. I guess as long as he knows the next offense is a ban...kicks themselves aren't taken very seriously usually.
  3. It was an HL1 mod, with the sequel planned for HL2. But now they're doing their own engine (and charging money for it). :[
  4. I tried NeoTokyo last night and had a pretty terrible time. It seems pretty generic honestly, in terms of both gameplay and general look and feel. I dunno though, maybe it gets better when you learn the nuances of using squads and stuff.
  5. Decent series, I watched some of it with my brother when he rented it from Netflix (he loved Gasaraki).
  6. Wow, I actually almost have all of those individually due to previous Steam deals. Definitely worth it if you don't have them though. And don't confuse with Railroad Tycoon with Rollercoaster Tycoon. Anyone play the board game before by the way? Good stuff.
  7. You might need to replace your power adapter then.
  8. I was recently made aware of a game type called "surf." Has anyone played a surf map? Are they any good?
  9. I definitely need to get that team-colored flame, I never have any idea what's going on when I end up going pyro vs pyro. :[ Edit: Haha, saw this on the Steam forums -
  10. Tell that to the people who bought the Wii. It's very nice, just the act of pulling a trigger instead of clicking a button makes for a satisfying tactile experience, and the recoil and reload feedback add to that. I haven't really played much TF2 with it, but they've got some very interesting forces, some of which are just neat touches (like teleporting) and some I could see actually improving your game (the damage feedback instantly lets you know which direction you're being shot from, and the collision forces would let you know when you're stuck on geometry). That said though, I think I'm definitely going to stick to servers without stats for now.
  11. Cool, thanks for the link. Unfortunately I don't have sheets for any of my arrangements on AnimeRemix either. I might try to get a few done this summer, but I really can't promise anything.
  12. As some of you know, I bought myself a Novint Falcon a little while ago (you might've noticed the ninja update they had a few days ago that added Falcon support to the Orange Box). It's a 3D directional force feedback controller for people like me who prefer consoles because of the rumble. Like most people though, I've been mainly of the opinion that it's great for single-player stuff but I could never use it for multiplayer FPSes, even though Novint has always claimed that it's a viable option for competitive play. Well it looks like now they're putting their money where their mouth is. They're giving away a free Novint Falcon to anyone who can beat one of their employees who uses the Falcon. All you have to do is sign up here. It's definitely a cool gadget, so it's at least worth a try. If you win one and don't like/want it, they're in high demand on eBay so that'll get you a cool $150 at the least. If you lose and still want one, they've got a really good promotion going on right now. And let me know too if you're getting one, since I think you get a discount if you're referred by someone. Update: Lulz, their guy is losing all his matches. Looks like this is gonna be an expensive promo.
  13. BlazBlue is an HD game. The Wii is not an HD console.
  14. Nice arrangement of a great track from a great soundtrack for a great game. So short though! But yeah, welcome to OCR, Freddie! Hope to see more of you.
  15. Definitely heard a nod to Naruke's "Bramble Brush Symphony" arrangement near the end. Great stuff, and welcome to OCR, blue.nocturne! Good to see more of the talent at SS/SEMO joining us.
  16. It's about durn time you got a mix on OCR. Been a fan ever since you remixed Ikaruga way back when. Definitely lovin' the Japanese high school anime vibe you got goin' on here. Kudos also for covering a lesser-known game...I've never played it, but I encourage this behavior in general on principle.
  17. http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=56475 http://www.usatoday.com/life/movies/news/2009-06-21-alice-in-wonderland_N.htm And I like how the redblog article mentions American McGee's version. Nerd power! So yeah, to summarize Mia Wasikowska as Alice Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter Helena Bonham Carter as the Red Queen Anne Hathaway as the White Queen Michael Sheen as the White Rabbit Alan Rickman as the Caterpillar Stephen Fry as the Cheshire Cat Matt Lucas as Tweedledum and Tweedledee Christopher Lee as the Jabberwock Noah Taylor as the March Hare Crispin Glover as the Knave of Hearts Normally I would be spouting the usual anti-Burton spiel like everyone else right about now, assuming this movie didn't look so FREAKING AWESOME.
  18. ^ was my screensaver for a long time
  19. No, there was one where both teams could push the same cart. It was pretty decent.
  20. %^( Of course, it's really really easy to say all this when you don't have admin, but it really is true what they say about power. Once you actually have it, it's very hard to resist abusing it sometimes, either out of anger or just to troll someone. I personally cut Neko some slack because he said it was his last couple days of TF2. Speaking of which, what's the deal there? You cutting yourself off from video games or something? Made a hasty promise to quit TF2 if your mom stopped smoking?
  21. A) Nobody in Japan is actually defecating on themselves over this, which is what you're claiming when you use the term "literally," so this thread literally fails to deliver. No swearing in Community thread titles.
  22. I use Hori protectors, which have lasted me more than a year so far. I've been considering upgrading to the kind you glue onto the DS to make it scratchproof, for which Zagg and ClearProtector seem to be the main vendors. I've honestly never had a problem with the DS Lite controls...Mustin has only himself to blame for having ham hands. I really prefer the softer controls over the clicky buttons on the Phat. Not to mention the ridiculously powerful backlight is a frickin' GODSEND for GBA games, and you'll be patting yourself on the back when you get that urge to play Circle of the Moon in the car on a sunny day and you can actually SEE what's going on.
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