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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. Yeah, Leo had like 3 kills after 4 minutes, which is pretty bad, but I don't think it warranted a remake, and none of us predicted that rely would quit if we didn't. I didn't know d`o`t`s was threatening to quit if we didn't remake to do 5v5, but I probably would've voted against it if I did. No one should be allowed to hold a game hostage, and if it happens more than once I think it's grounds for being removed from the clan.
  2. Yeah, one of the major characteristics of most RTS games, namely micromanagement, is much less of a factor in DotA/HoN, since 95% of the time you will only ever need to worry about one unit.
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dota HoN is actually a stand-alone game. The reason it was developed in the first place was to get around the limitations of the WC3 engine. It does have some tower defense elements, but I would say the main feature and draw is the team-based combat. I haven't played World of WarCraft, but I hear it's very similar to the PvP in that game. If you need a beta invite, I think Genoism was offering to pull some strings to get them to people who wanted them. Or you can pre-purchase in the next 12 hours.
  4. True, I doubt we would've won even if we switched. Not to mention after the first few genocides in our favor, I started being a big target for ganks, and there was nothing anyone else could do because when Pharaoh wants you dead you are dead. This would've been mitigated by wards, and our Scout was pretty decent at that TBH, but we still didn't have enough map coverage to avoid getting ganked over and over. And it doesn't help that we chased and/or got baited like retards on multiple occasions...
  5. Seems to me he'd be a decent anti-jungler. Usually they'll already be missing some health from neutrals and with wards and eyes in the right places he can make sure they never keep their hard-earned gold.
  6. Yeah, still getting the hang of Portal Key. I have a hard time visualizing its max range, so I often end up being nowhere close to the enemy heroes. Would be easier if it just triggered when you're in range of the target location IMO. Does it go through trees/terrain btw? Also why did they bother giving Elemental Void a cast range? Waste of a click...
  7. Oh man, I am totally refreshing until I get that one. And if you're lying I will cut off your fingers. ALL OF THEM. Edit: GAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  8. Haha, that's true, we could've just replied in the HoN thread. BTW I have to say they have the weirdest banner advertisements. One's just Armadon kinda dancing around. No animators on their team?
  9. Wow, I just tried to use my HoN password to log in to the OCR forums.
  10. I guess the assumption is that he would also get healed for the amount of HP gained by the STR buff? Otherwise it would seem like raising your max HP doesn't really do anything unless you have some way to top yourself off.
  11. This would definitely benefit from a live performance (good luck to whoever decides to try playing this ), but the arrangement is fantastic. Good luck on the panel!
  12. True, if people are wasting their stuns on Elec, then that means they're not using them on other people on your team. Unless, of course, they have an AoE stunner, but in that case you would probably want to initiate by disabling him.
  13. I did not know this site even existed. A little behind on the updates, but they have a nifty Hero build calculator that looks pretty useful.
  14. That would be amazing and needs to be an official suggestion.
  15. Holy crap, Sam! Congrats to you and Eulogic. And have lots of babies, Sam -- no way is that kind of talent stopping with you.
  16. If my hero weren't disabled by the server every 2 minutes the last few games we might have had a chance.
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