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Steffan Andrews

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Everything posted by Steffan Andrews

  1. Also - stay tuned for yet another OCR site project with yours truly.
  2. Musical merit aside, trance relies heavily on production value to sell itself because of its minimal nature. I think that may be one area where people fall short simply by way of lack of technical experience. In terms of musical content, I don't have a problem with four on the floor as long as it's not just a copy and paste effort with a melody riding on top. BTW, the "two finger madness" patches in Nexus are hilarious. I love those.
  3. Multiple video cards. I have the three lower ones plus the center upper screen on the main sequencing rig. The top left is my Mac, and the top right is a KVM that switches between the sampler PCs in the rack.
  4. Oh. doy. That reminds me... get a labelmaker. The Brother P-Touch ones can be found relatively cheap. I label both ends of cables. That can seriously save a lot of time and aggravation.
  5. Velcro cable ties like a mofo. Better than zap straps because you can take them off at any time.
  6. Keyboard is a Yamaha KX-88. Speakers are on keyboard stands, yes. We all improvise in the business at some point or the other!
  7. Some updated photos of my writing rig at home: (3 x 22" + 3 x 17" LCDs, photo doesn't do it justice. It's my goal in life to be the Donald Trump of screen real-estate.) Also, the main rack in my "machine room:"
  8. wait, there's good orchestral remixes on this site?
  9. Can't stress enough also that networking and connections make a massive difference. It not only can, but will, make or break your career in any arts field.
  10. Within the context of this site being about music production, the best candidate for an operating system is XP. Vista is great maybe for office applications but there's no way I'd consider it for any serious audio purposes. I run x64 on outboard samplers, but not after going through quite a few driver headaches and experimentation with VST hosts in order to utilize more than 4GB of physical memory. It will be interesting to see where Windows 7 leads things, but if it's anything like trying to move to Mac Intel/Leopard it'll be some kind of nightmare. Software updates are spotty and tempermental, and some software vendors have completely refused to release updates. Case in point, M-Audio bought out wizoo's Latigo/Darbuka sample libraries and there is no way possible to run them on the "new" generation of Macs and there never will be because they simply refuse to update it. (And no, Rosetta is absolutely not an option.)
  11. Of course if you're pawning it for $10 I might take you up on that
  12. I only see large format discs like that as good for backup purposes. If you want to watch hi-def movies, I'd rather get a set-top box for the TV. Unless you're keen on watching movies on your computer.
  13. If it was a burner I might consider.
  14. Chrono Trigger - Tyrano Lair Didn't finish, sorry mates. Too busy with paid work I'll post a link to the quick sketch track in the mean time, for anyone who was curious. Very preliminary, just generating ideas for arrangement. I still want to finish the track, just might not be any time soon. http://www.orchetect.com/files/ocr/c066_b02.mp3
  15. Oops, I just sold a GeForce card on craigslist. I think it was the 8800 GTX.
  16. FYI, your sig link should be http://joker.escariot.net/Remixes/SoS-JokerStyle.mp3 not http://joker.escariot.net/Remixes/SoS-JokerStyle.mp3/
  17. Sorry dudes, looks like I won't be done in time. I've conscripted zircon to collaborate with but we're both insanely busy. I've had to turn down a number of gigs in the last few weeks. I still want to do the track though, and I've already sequenced a number of sections that are sounding great.
  18. That means of course you need an unmod section!
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