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MC Final Sigma

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  • Real Name
    Brian McPhee
  • Location
    Chapel Hill, NC
  • Occupation
    Student, research assistant

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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Composition & Production Skills
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Vocals: Male
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (Other)
    Rap vocals

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  1. Been digging this since I encountered it on the WiP boards. Glad to put the super-official version on my iPod now! I love the mood of the track and the entire concept of the triumphant hero taking a breather after a narrow victory. Awesome work!
  2. Hey man, would you up for contributing rap vocals to my Paper Mario - Goomba Village track?

  3. I will third that! This is excellent, and very floaty and dreamy, just like the little pink guy himself. Great work!
  4. Alright, that was intense! Good stuff. It's also great to see Kirby 64 getting some love. It was a lot of fun back in the day, I'm surprised it has so few remixes.
  5. Oh dear LAWD, this is so fantastic - positively phenomenal job on everyone's parts! It's upbeat, oldschool, fun, funky & free, and pretty much everything you could ever want in a Sonic hip hop mega-collab. It's also, sadly, only my first exposure to begoma & The Auracle, who have both got infectious flows on this one! DJP nailed it in the write-up, so I'm just going to use his words: "This track is such a perfectly simultaneous homage to Sonic CD & hip-hop itself that it blows my mind." WORD.
  6. This song is like an aural theme park where I'm fast-passing to the front of every attraction. In other words, awesome work as usual, Jordan!
  7. Salutations! I am looking for a singer or possibly another rapper who'd like to write and perform the chorus on this song - a Kirby rap collaboration between Skolar and myself, remixing from Kirby Superstar.Now, since choruses are really not my strong-suit lyrically, if you can write your own, that'd be a huge plus. For some inspiration slash general amusement, I sung some potential ideas for the chorus in between verses 1 & 2 and 2 & 3 (as you can tell, I am decidedly NOT a funky vocalist). Nevertheless, feel free to deviate from my half-assed and lyrically incoherent melody/rhythm. Also, we're keeping this project G-rated, so please remember: !As you can hopefully tell from the lyrics, the premise of the song is essentially this: Kirby just saved the day, everybody's partying, but I never say Kirby's name in the verses, instead describing him and comparing him to other figures. In the chorus, I'd like Kirby's name to be alluded to, spelled or punned on but not explicitly said. Other than that, though, go crazy. The chorus can change each time you sing it as much as you want, even. The structure of the song is very typical rap - 3 verses, choruses in between, bridge after verse 2. I think we'll need to extend the beat a bit for a chorus after verse 3 if that should prove desirable. Okay, so here's the soundcloud (no mastering or editing on the vocals yet...). https://soundcloud.com/mc-final-sigma/mallow-castle-draft-8-5-13 If you'd like to audition, here's the original beat. Looking forward to the collabo! https://soundcloud.com/skolarstar/roast-marshmallow-castle
  8. And with that bold proclamation still ringing in the ears of his enemies, Sonic's alignment had finally and fully shifted to Chaotic Good. Love the audio clip and mood and progression on this track - nice work!
  9. Two themes come to mind: the Bears theme from Donkey Kong Country 3 and the from Twilight Princess.Otherwise, maybe the Harvest Moon games?
  10. Yes! Lol, I'm just not a music aficionado.
  11. I have nothing constructive to say, I just wanted to express that really dug your vocals here. Also, I know it's from the source, but I kept on mentally inserting the words to "Que Sera, Sera." Maybe that's just me though. Anyway, good work!
  12. Current WiP: https://soundcloud.com/mc-final-sigma/take-you-to-the-moon-draft Rukunetsu - instrumental (which you can find here) MC Final Sigma - rapping vocals Hey everybody, MC Final Sigma here experimenting with a new style of rap for me on one of Rukunetsu's excellent beats. The instrumental is a remix of Brenda Lee's 1963 cover of Sinatra's "Fly Me to the Moon." Since the beat is already totally legit, what I'd really like feedback on is the vocals. In particular: 1) I know next to nothing about vocal mastering, so pointers would be appreciated (I'm using Audacity for this), and 2) Since this is a weird, sort of inhuman delivery, some friends have suggested that it might sound good with a robot voice filter of some sort. Again, I'm not sure how to do that or even what type of robot voice might sound good. Any ideas? Otherwise, general feedback would be appreciated! Thanks!
  13. So, where to start? First off, it's a great concept - it's clever and fun, and it's always a pleasure to see rap used in such creative/novel ways. The beat is awesome, and surprisingly cohesive given how many and how different the sources are. That's something I noticed on our Pianta Joe collab, too: Jordan's incredible ability to take tiny bits of several songs and meld them together into something fantastic. BrothaDom gives a solid verse; I like your voice and especially your initial "WhoDunnit!?" Only complaint: idk how much I like the filters on the lines "Somehow they got away (without a witness?) / I'm tired of the games (Suspicious business)." Without the lyrics sheet I may not have comprehended those parts in parentheses. Pretty tight flow here, though, so I can't complain otherwise. Now, idk if there's a term to describe Jordan's style, but I dig it a lot - both in the chorus and the 2nd verse. I love the crazy voices and vocalizations with like "won't catch me by surprise though!" and "wait, look out fool, behind you...!" Reminds me of a more animated Snoop Dogg. Perfect for the vibe of the song and very engaging to listen to. Digi, thank you for exposing me to chap hop. Your verse was spot-on and Sherlock Holmes was a perfect utilization of your voice and style. "This doesn't add up!" and especially "Toodle-pip taty-bye!" are stand-out lines for me. What else? I loved the "humming" during the bridge, I liked the various audio clips; I'm personally very fond of the Luigi's Mansion theme, employed to great effect here. All of this is to say, excellent work! It's probably submission-ready as-is. And in the future, when OverClocked Assembled assembles, let me know if you need some Final Sigma/Put me in coach!
  14. This was buried among all the MM mixes on my Shuffle forever, but it came up recently and infected. my brain. LOVE the relentless energy of the percussion and how it comes back after that little detour. This song pumps me up.
  15. Here are two examples of my work rapping on some excellent beats by Sir Jordanius. I think they demonstrate that I enjoy using a range of styles and voices! I also do harder-core stuff but don't have a quality example of that atm. https://soundcloud.com/darkmoocher/piantee-joe-wip2-mc-final - Am the main rapper here (Super Mario Sunshine) https://soundcloud.com/darkmoocher/tsto-2013-concept-rough - Am the second, higher-pitched rapper here (Sonic Adventure) So, yeah, I do have some ideas in mind for specific tracks, noted below, but as I can only rap, I won't be producing any WIPs or anything. But I am a resource if someone wants to collab on a rap track! Hit me up!
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