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Everything posted by nOkbient

  1. Well, It's more along the lines of I have live, I just havn't gotten past the learning curve. Short answer: nope!

  2. awww yeah, wooooo!

  3. I don't know what came over me. I just simply had the urge to make this. Also, I've always wanted this track to meld with the Grunty Industries theme, so I put a dash of that in. I still need an ending, add some panning magic, and maybe put in some of your suggestions. For only my second ReMix attempt though, I'd say it's coming along nicely WIP: (No longer active)http://soundcloud.com/nokbient/banjo-tooie-atlantis-theme UPDATE! I finished it! Here's the finished version. This is one of my favorite games, so I want to know if I've done it justice! Also, I send this to Grant Kirkhope and he said he loved it! He retweeted it too though, so I know he means it heh! Finished ReMix: https://soundcloud.com/nokbient/jolly-rogers-submarine-banjo if I do anything more to it it'll just be de-muddying up some sounds and maybe toning down the delay a bit on the xylophone. I did some fun stuff with this, including recording a plucked string off of a zither from the 1800's, and recording the electric organ! I also made some of the percussion sounds myself. Source: UPDATE 2! Nothing big, but I attempted to do a mix-down of this to de-muddy up some of the sounds. I decreased a lot of reverb and took out some of the low frequencies as well as boosted some of the highs. Not sure what I think about it though. I feel like I messed some stuff up? Tell me what you think; I'm new to mixing. https://www.dropbox.com/s/yk2pi1cis4o4k7i/Atlantis.wav Any and all feedback is appreciated
  4. (..."well excuuuuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!")
  5. 2:32-3:11 sounds a bit wonky. A bit too cheesy, I guess. And I think it's your strings, combined with your piano. It just sounds too... Eh. I would say lighten that part up a bit; less is more! Other than that section though, I loved it! Great work!
  6. I have memories of when I was a (very) young lad, and I used to dance my ass off listning to this. Those were the days. I have an excuse to do it again!
  7. Really? I just googled it and found it right off the bat! I actually have a sound that I'd like to be able to recreate (or someone sample for me). You know in Starwars Episode 2 (I know it sucks) there's that scene where Jengo Fett is firing missiles at Obi-Wan in the astroid field? Well, they make this extremely awesome "PAAANG!!!" sound that I've been trying to recreate without success. I haven't been able to find any footage of the scene. Does anyone else know what I'm talking about?
  8. I'm relatively new here. Not too sure about who anyone is and all that. What are some of the best ways you've gotten to know people and get attention on the site? Is it harder for "newbies" to get involved in compotitions and projects? How do you make a name for yourself here, I guess...
  9. It's like castlevania in studio form... And with synths!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! <3
  10. Yeah they are! Only thing: I don't actually own any rack gear. So, for now, I just use them as cubbies for my... well, stuff. It's also a bit tall. I need to sit on that hideous tiger pillow so i'm at the right height. I've had to hide some of the wires sprawling over my desk to under it, so it looks cleaner now
  12. I finished my desk! Oh also if you want to see my whole studio, here: http://imgur.com/a/EQRPs
  13. Actually, I think it depends. I often often come up with melodies first and then build on to them, and then I continue by doing the opposite; making the bass/rhythm and then coming up with the melody. A couple of tips my professor gave me also: try making an ending first, or at the beginning, so that you have a clear defined ending you can work towards. So that instead of building a bridge into the fog, you can see the other end of the bridge and connect the two flawlessly. The other thing he told me was to ALWAYS go out of your comfort zone. I never had much problem with this, but god, I don't think I need to tell you how many people just pump out the same old EDM over and over again! Even if you're not good at a certain genre of music, don't let your current ability hinder you making it. That brings me to my greatest sage advice: IF YOU HAVE A TUNE GOING THROUGH YOUR HEAD, MAKE IT THEN, AND DON'T WAIT UNTIL LATER! What goes through your head is what your brain wants to make then and there, and if you wait, you'll lose that creative flow!
  14. I think... Yeah, it sounds pretty much finished! ONLY THING: at 2:54, I feel like that ascending and descending should be a piano. Only for that part though; for the rest of the track it sounds good as a xylophone(?). But really, this is basically finished imo
  15. Sounds good! I mean, ambient is ambient. It's all good I liked the video idea, but it would be cool if you tailored it more to the song. Just seemed kinda random hehe
  16. Holy crap, it actually sounds like metroid prime (more or less)! I actually just did a 100% completion run of this a few days ago... Scary
  17. I sent you a PM. I'd be very happy to work with you!
  18. Relating to this, I've always been told to keep all of the things you never finish. You can look back at them and see what you like and dislike, and maybe even finish what you started. I should try limiting my production to one song at a time and see how I do though, that sounds intriguing!
  19. What musical advice/ techniques/ anything else have you been told, that has proved incredibly useful to you? Useful information is always a good thing!
  20. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_LucasArts_games just found this. I had actually forgotten they made Grim Fandango. I know a lot of people have developed sort of a cult following to that game, but I've never played it... Also, notice how Lucas really didn't cash in on Star Wars games until the late 90's! Just interesting...
  21. I am currently only a junior in highschool, but For the past couple of years now I've been focussing on making music. Eventually, I want to be a video game composer. Being in highschool, there's not much I can do to promote myself other than the internet. I've also emailed a few well known vg composers (Grant Kirkhope, anyone?) and asked them for some of their sage advice. Grant told me about his career history, and said that he knew a guy who helped him get into Rare. Then he told me he was really impressed with my music, and god, that made my day . Actually, Grant was the one who told me to check out OCR, so here I am heh! I've had a lot of trouble getting noticed/involved with stuff though. I have a deep passion for video games too, and y'know what? Not to brag or anything, but I'd say my music is pretty damn good! Hell, I even have my own studio; not a small desk in a bedroom with a computer that just happens to have FL on it, an actual room I can call my studio! I've come to realize that getting noticed and actually getting the jobs I want is going to be a lot harder than I thought, however. The most I've gotten my work out is through a few people who have used my music in their videos. (Actually, if anyone has any advice on getting involved with the vgm composer scene, please message me. I know I need to get involved I just don't know how! K thanx!) I ordered that "Welcome to the Jungle" book Zircon mentioned. Hope I can learn a thing or two! Luckily I still have a little more time before I need to worry about personal finace, but I still need a job...shit.
  22. I actually think this is a good thing. I mean, they weren't really doing anything (good), and great things don't last forever. I don't really have too many good memories of Lucas Arts as of late...
  23. I wish I was hired by Iridium Studios. I also wish you the best of luck, and that the whole thing works out well for you! I'm still relatively young, but I want to get into video game composition as a career. As you're essentially living my dream job, I wish you double good luck! Also, Brandon, learn to appreciate people for what they do, not who they are. For instance, your ignorant comment has caused people to NOT appreciate you. The more you know...
  24. Well I agree with crypto on a lot of this stuff, although I'm not as concerned about source usage. In fact, the only technical thing I think you should do is add some reverb on the snare hit, considering the ambience of what you've put together. I really like this though. Good job!
  25. Ok, right off the bat, make the bass line progress down from E to C, and then to A, then back to E. you really need to do more changes throughout this
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