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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Julian Engel
  • Location
    Tallahassee, Florida
  • Occupation
    Student, Systems Administrator
  • Interests
    Programming, music production (obviously!), vidja

Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Software - Preferred Plugins/Libraries
    If it runs in Kontakt I'll use it
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Synthesis & Sound Design

Chucklehofft's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. If this ever becomes a thing after all, I still have a half-baked Banshee Boardwalk mix lying around somewhere. I was pretty proud of it a few months ago, I wonder if it's as good as I remember it being...
  2. I usually start my songs by stumbling across a cool sound while messing around. From there, I just experiment with other sounds, and see how they work with what I've created so far. I almost never know what sounds I'm going to end up using unless they're acoustic samples, like for violin or piano. I think the most fun part is seeing what sort of weird soundscapes I can come up with with a combination of different sounds.
  3. If you want to learn about compression, EQ, etc a bit more, then I recommend checking out this free Coursera course: https://www.coursera.org/course/digitalsounddesign Also, if you're a university student with free Lynda.com access, there are a lot of good courses on there as well, such as: http://www.lynda.com/Logic-Pro-tutorials/Foundations-of-Audio-Compression-and-Dynamic-Processing/85998-2.html (It's for Logic Pro, but the concepts should translate to any other DAW). Other than that, the best thing you can do is to just start writing drum tracks, you learn a lot just by doing. Not everything that you write has to be perfect, that's something that I've learned the hard way. Also, I recommend watching some of Seamless's Tracks from Scratch: The glitch-hop song has especially groovy drums. You learn a lot just by watching others, I've found.
  4. If they did exist, where would they be?
  5. Oh man, Im so glad it's a few months away lol. My computer decided to take a dump today, so now I have to reinstall Live, all my plugins, register stuff, etc... Good to know I don't have to worry about getting anything in yet.
  6. Really? Aw yiss, this is going to be awesome.
  7. Does Pokemon count as an RPG? I really want to remix the Slateport theme from 3rd gen.
  8. As in, she uses LSDJ from within Logic somehow, or that she mixes in it? I use Live primarily, so I automatically assumed that I would mix and master chiptunes through that. I just downloaded Famitracker and it seems to be pretty cool. Does it use samples from the Famicom, or is it completely synthesized? Because the waves sound super analog. But yeah, Sunvox is so counter-intuitive - even LSDJ on the damn Gameboy makes more sense.
  9. I'd imagine that pro sound modding a GB should make the output more usable (though I haven't done it myself). How else would artists like Chipzel get such clean tones from them? But I'm totally down for working in Famitracker, I hope it's easier to use than Sunvox.
  10. I figured that I would end up bouncing all the clips down to audio and sending them that way anyways. Either that, or use a more accessible tracker like Famitracker, which I'm totally okay with.
  11. I also have LSDJ, and am pretty new to it myself. I'd be interested in working on something soley to actually put it to use.
  12. Do you have any of the content for the intro created yet? I think it would be easiest if that was made first, then the music could be done to match it (it would also mean that sound design could be included as well, for like title wooshes or something). Also, what style are you looking for specifically? Do you have any examples of other songs that have the feel you're looking for?
  13. So I just recently bought Harmor to work out some screaming basslines (courtesy of Seamless), and in order to use it on my Mac I've gone and configured a convoluted way with Plugwire and such (you may have come across this method before), which receives MIDI info via Apple's built-in IAC driver. So I have Live configured to receive the audio signal from Plugwire, and I have a MIDI track that sends data to the IAC driver. The weird thing is, when I have the track armed it outputs this horrible, garbage MIDI signal, as if it were going through an arpeggiator with a super fast rate. This happens when I either play live from a keyboard or when I play a MIDI clip on the track. When the track isn't armed, however, I can play MIDI clips without this happening. I've replicated the problem from within Live, so I know that it's not Plugwire messing up. Anyone have any idea what could be amiss? EDIT: Well, I'm a derp. The problem was that I had the MIDI in of the track set to all ins, which included the IAC driver that it was already sending to. So basically I created a horrible MIDI feedback loop.
  14. So uh, what exactly is this project? Could you just sum it up real quick? I think that a lot of people are seeing this but not responding because they're not sure what it is that you're looking for.
  15. There's definitely no replacement for a home studio. Though Gadget by Korg was just released and is incredible for an iPad app.
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