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Everything posted by Orion

  1. I am kinda curious how we are supposed to listen to this.
  2. Chip https://soundcloud.com/ryanreilly/frogattodreamadventure
  3. Thanks Kuolema. Btw, very happy with the selection. I've been wanting to do a Bubbleman remix for years.
  4. I am blind and newb. Looking for the results to see what I got... where is the current news section? Right in front of my face, I'm assuming...
  5. Dang that sounds kinda sexy.
  6. I appreciate the example. The difference between the two parts is very subtle here but even so this comparison can prove very helpful for analysis. /bows
  7. I laughed out loud when I read this IRL
  8. YOU DON'T HAVE TO RUB IT IN, BREW. ... could you?
  9. The piano ... Mechanical? I never would've guessed. DAH aahahahaha. Beat that dead horse! And I will do the same Yea. I should be getting Symphobia 2 SOON-ish. Hopefully that will get me a bit better sounds.
  10. https://soundcloud.com/crystalkingdom/sweet-lil-3-4-rpg-melody
  11. https://soundcloud.com/crystalkingdom/thehappycircle
  12. Shuffled my 5 picks around for sake of diversity.
  13. Mega Awesome.

  14. yo dude. mind if i join u dudes for the megaman deal? :D Would be a lot of fun! cheers

  15. I am currently looking for a team.
  16. 1) Wave Man 2) Bubble Man 3) Gemini Man 4) Air Man 5) Snake Man
  17. Channeling my inner Kikuta. https://soundcloud.com/crystalkingdom/ck-crypt-and-mausoleum
  18. Thank you for your continual ear-support, Mr. Timaeus! That's pretty much the same assessment I've been hearing from peeps all day. I look forward to getting back into the mix and seeing what flies. Leave it to me to make something simple, needlessly complicated. I guess I got lazy with the mix thinking I was good enough to get away with it... yea. LOL. Not happenin Agreed Agreed. It should still sound a little better in terms of mimicking a live environment than previous works... but I take it you didn't get that ...
  19. Orchestral thematic writing.. (much in the vein of jrpg) https://soundcloud.com/crystalkingdom/crystalkingdomstringfinal2
  20. Not today... maybe not ever.
  21. https://soundcloud.com/crystalkingdom/walking-through-the-woods
  22. Chip https://soundcloud.com/crystalkingdom/doomcastlefinal2
  23. It's probably one of the finer orchestral-type pieces of the soundtrack. Very moody and mysterious.
  24. Yea. My samples... they're not great. They may not even be good... but they are workable. For now I need to learn how to get the most out of what i have available. I am planning on integrating higher quality orchestral samples in the future. This is all logic 9 now. I use Garageband samples as well. But better samples ... yehhh. It would do a lot for me. I am not doing a great job of taking nothin' and makin' somethin' out of it. Thanks for your insight, Timaeus.
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