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Everything posted by Orion

  1. This was actually my first effort for the MegaMan competition. https://soundcloud.com/crystalkingdom/megamedleyman What you will hear here is many different themes from megaman 2, all kinda serenaded into a large musical burrito. I had initially included the BubbleMan theme into this medley before realizing that the song had become morbidly obese and that basically 80 % would need to be cut. This version contains the Megaman 2 opening + various permutations via modulation of the opening, a brief and super obvious split into other themes from the game as well. I originally had a sort of storyboard set up that would play all the sequential music that one would hear booting up the game; the intro, the menu theme, the stage select screen, the boss fanfare, the stage theme, the boss theme, and then the victory theme. Ambitious but not practical for the purposes of this competition. While I completed a few of these themes, I hadn't worked enough on integration of bubble man theme and had little time til my due date for handing my bubble man theme in. A day or so after realizing this, DarkSworde had clarified the position by trying to keep tracks on the source as much as possible so the choice was wise not to include various themes found in this version which spends very little time on the Bubble man theme. Anyways this was a lot of fun. Megaman 2 was my first video game music love and I played the game so much growing up that the music is a permanent part of my memory.
  2. Timaeus is bringing it!
  3. ... awesome stuff. It was a lot of fun just going balls to the concrete wall with the Megaman. I feel raw... haven't felt like this in years! woot. ouch. Nice job fellas. Rush Ridaz are ... rushin' and ridin'. Yea. ehhh... Word? Bring it Timaeus!
  4. You might be interested in this. http://www.seyken.org/
  5. Hi. Don't know you yet but hope you're having a good one. Cheers!
  6. Same deal for me. Don't know about you but in my case I attribute it to my ravishing good looks and sparkling dinner conversation.. No joke there... Though it's not a good sign that I've spent more time with my video game caricatures of friends in FFT than with the actual friends themselves. (God, I'm so alone boo hoo hoo haha) Riovanes? Wiegraf. Chameleon suit. Absorb lightning?
  7. I myself always made/ make a point to do the same when starting up a game of FFT. Fire sale the recruits and spend thousands to have your friends by your side as you strafe through battle fields. No brainer. It's funny to go back and look at your save files and see who your friends were at the time. My FFT memory cards are like little friendship time capsules.
  8. Is anyone here very familiar with Xenoblade? Would like to hear a bit about the battle system.
  9. I've been really really enjoying Baten Kaitos for GC. The music is pretty amazing. Not usually the biggest fan of Sakuraba but this is definitely great stuff. Gameplay is based around acquisition of cards and it's done pretty well. There are so many games involving cards that make me vomitus Yea dude jeez quit bein' such a jerkface hah Well I am just curious if you've ever played Mario? Maybe we're talking about different Mario's here. It's pretty goldarn funny. A squat italian plumber jumping on the heads of goombas? I find that idea pretty humorous to base an entire series on, but the games themselves are very funny individually.
  10. Bionic Commando Nes. I think this would make for a super excellent composition competition!
  11. yea, the irreverent comment is a pretty crappy example. What I mean to say is that there is a less of a focus on straight drama in jrpg's. The comic relief is overblown and it seems is often used to take emphasis away on the building of tension. Probably b/c there are a lot of crappy storylines out there that just don't build and keep you interested. With Jrpgs, I always get the feeling, especially in regards to current trend, that the sense of comic relief is Way WAY over the top to the extent that it becomes pretty ridiculous and takes a lot of gravity away from storyline and character developments and situations in-game, in my opinion. I think that quality very much defines a certain trend when it comes to jrpgs. The humor often seems really out of place and takes no care in developing the story. I typify that as irreverence but maybe that wasn't the right word for what I am getting at ..
  12. It depends. I don't know that I would be able to quantify what Mario is. It's so weird How would you quantify a jrpg? Is this just assuming the game in question is a role playing game simply made in japan or are we indicating the presence of basic stylistic elements commonly found in many jrpgs, like cutesy character portraits, kawaii, and annoying dialogue? ;P I love the mario rpg series. It definitely does its own thing. It is very japanese in that the sense of humor is fairly irreverent, which also appears to be a hallmark of nintendo's flagships in general. I would probably label it as a jrpg b/c I don't know what else you would call it. The dialogue and humor of the game is very random, very jrpg in terms of method. Generally the mario games are somewhat non-sensical and very cutesy without being Kawaii but the sense of humor and the material isn't vapid as I usually find with a lot of jrpgs. It's tasteful stuff. I find that the mario rpg titles are all pretty great and are usually beyond classification. I guess I would be hard pressed to confine it to typical jrpg fare.
  13. My mistake. Mods, please close thread and banhammer me for being a dastardly rudeboi.
  14. Just getting started on Super Paper Mario for Wii. Looking mighty fine so far. Really loving the art style and the music. Uh, Old thread is relevant thread and far from dead? It was only a matter of time before someone politely pointed out my crappy forum etiquette.
  15. A game that often gets overlooked is Arcana for snes. It's a dungeon crawler but the art style is very refreshing and kind of innovative, particularly for the time. There are many strategies that make the game fun as an rpg and it's a great deal more challenging than most other rpg's for the time. Made by the excellent Hal Laboratories under the musical direction of the composer for F zero and Kirby. Just a little slice of awesome.
  16. Fire Emblem - Path of Radiance for GC. I am have not been a huge fan of FE series ... which I have found to be silly, with non-sensical character interaction, superfluous dialogue and muddled storylines. And just very slow paced. so I wasn't much of a fan... until I played this game. I can't get enough of war strategy in gaming and this game delivers. The production and game mechanics are top notch. Really excited to check out more recent developments in the series.
  17. I know, right? I was bubbling for a moment... but it's not as if someone's water broke.
  18. I'll be going first for my team as well. Not sure how I'm going to get that second piece of music in there...
  19. Wat. /focuses eyes ehhhh. HUH? Random. I got really excited and thought I was looking at a Mickey Mousecapades Gauntlet, at first. Now horribly depressed. What does it all mean. edit: Luckily this sounds really par for the course as far as Mega Man music goes.
  20. I ran into the same issue initially. Cosmic sounds, maybe try the heading that features .png at the end of the file name? That format worked for me when the other format @ tinypic didn't.
  21. Thank you, SuperiorX.
  22. I really appreciate the idea of games that we grow up loving having different game mechanics beyond those we've generally encountered. It does add something to the replay value imo. And in terms of FFT, which takes a long time both to learn and master, I really GET IT... But I am a bit of a gaming masochist. But I am not really too keen on facing lvl 3 characters that have dual chaos blade + Excalibur, Secret clothes, 97 BRAVE BLADE GRASP. WTF lol
  23. I wonder if all the jp's manipulation glitch has been changed in the psx version. Also has the calculators skill been lessened? This game has a pretty big learning curve. Took me a long time to GET it but it's brilliant stuff. It doesn't take much to break the game though.
  24. Got a ps3... i would recommend getting some games for it at some point.
  25. Is this a Nightmare on Elm Street reference? LOL. Time for bed for me. /clenched buttcheex
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