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Posts posted by Sumie

  1. 19 hours ago, Nase said:

    adding to the list, i've been looking for sin wars by daknit, bard of tarot.

    I know I have a copy of this at home.


    I may even have the Distant Lands track. I have a bunch of old OoT remixes I got quite some time ago. I'll post later tonight after work if I can get them uploaded somewhere...

  2. Mine was Dragon Warrior when I was about 5. It was 'birthday money' but still it was my money. Beaten it so many times I couldn't tell you how many, and I always tried to pit myself against the game in ways it wasn't intended, like trying to get the Erdrick's Sword/Armor at level 7. Lots of dying and retrying... like, lots. But I eventually got Sleep to work against that damned Axe Knight in Haukness for more than a few turns to Hurt him to death, then praying I could exit the town without a random encounter. Fun times.

    Soon after that, it was Battletoads. My siblings, both older and younger, always handed me the controller for the 3rd (Blue Racecart) level because no one knew the patterns and underlying mechanics of the game like I did. I was always really good at recognizing and understanding mechanics of games and utilizing them well. Perhaps that's why I do tech support for a living, heh.

  3. ---
    justinofthejungle      [Techno]drome
    Pretty obvious for most, but this one is from TMNT 2 - The Arcade Game for NES,  the Technodrome level.
    HolyDragon             Shh! Don't get Yourself Kille
                           http://www.vgmix.ocrmirror.org/vg1/Shh! Don_'t get yourself kille.mp3  
    This one is from Doom 2, I think the track from the game is actually called "DOOM", or "The Waste Tunnels"
    Evan Pattison          In the Wake of a Legend
                           http://www.vgmix.ocrmirror.org/vg1/In the Wake of a Legend.mp3  
    This one is Cyan's theme from FF3/6
    Maleh-Vor              Black Forest
                           http://www.vgmix.ocrmirror.org/vg1/Black Forest.mp3  
    Castlevania 4 - Dark Forest Theme
    smh                    A Tortured World
                           http://www.vgmix.ocrmirror.org/vg1/A Tortured World.mp3  
    This is from Golden Sun, The game track is called Sad Town.
                           Snowdrifts in Imil
                           http://www.vgmix.ocrmirror.org/vg1/Snowdrifts in Imil.mp3  
    Also Golden Sun, track is called Imil.

  4. On 12/3/2017 at 5:53 AM, Meteo Xavier said:

    I thought I posted my own example here, but it ain't here.

    GoldenEye 007 for the N64 where at the penultimate level you have to do an escort mission and basically make sure she doesn't get shot to death from... wow, I think the entire 360 degree radius around here and with two floors of enemies. WTF.

    Also, to date, I still haven't beaten Emerald Weapon in FFVII. I did eventually beat Ruby Weapon some time back but Emerald I hadn't managed yet.


    Ah yes, the good ol' level 'Control'. I always stood at the front of the room (under the big monitor screen thingy) and fired from there, then you only had 180 degrees to worry about.

    As for FF7, I always laugh when people say they haven't beat Emerald but have beaten Ruby. I think Emerald is by far easier. I have a savestate where, at level 82, I can beat him with almost 12 minutes left on the timer.

  5. 2 hours ago, Reno128 said:

    I can say it because it (along with the list of pieces i`ve played) was just an explanation why i`m looking for music of particular style and instruments and what difficulty i can handle on piano. I`ve never made video of me playing, but maybe i`ll try it on my next performance. 

    I made this statement in jest. In all honesty, I requested recordings because I love piano renditions of VGM music. It's the only reason I wish I had learned piano in my youth.

    I guess you could say I'm a bit jealous.

  6. On 8/16/2017 at 2:15 AM, Reno128 said:

    I`m studying playing piano for 10 years and now looking for new pieces to perform .I have already played the most beautiful original pieces from FF VI VII VIII IX and Chrono cross(Terra, celes, aerith, ffvii main theme, Find your way, Succession of witches, Blue fields, Eternal harvest, Scars of time and many others)  and some of the remixes (Life without parole of DHSU, stony eyes of shnabubula, Jenova on classic piano etc). I like calm, eerie or sinister pieces with strong and distinct climax and clear melody line. So i`m asking for help if anyone know original pieces or remixes from other games with similar style, emotions or atmosphere already performed on piano or arrangeable ones. 

    You can't say you have performed pieces and not post recordings/videos of said performances. :-P 

    Pics* or it didn't happen.


  7. I've been using Winamp for ages now, and I can still download the latest version just fine, 5.666. I have a pro license, and it still activates just fine, and the converter works great.

    Not sure why you're having so many issues.

    If you're looking to convert files, you can also use Foobar2000. Works great, and it's free and in my opinion, more flexible.

  8. 7 hours ago, niowiad said:

    I also lived the 8bit era, I perfectly agree with most people about bad design issues and so on.
    Although nothing got even close to how bad competitive online gaming (no matter what genre) had me flipping out on several occasions :L

    For one thing, I never had to worry about lag or disconnects in the 8-bit era. ;)

    However, I did have to worry about someone breathing on the NES wrong. That thing was the most sensitive machine in the history of gaming.

  9. 11 hours ago, AngelCityOutlaw said:

    Yeah, but someone in QA was paid to do it

    I think you overestimate the people involved in making games back in the mid 80s. Most games had 20 or less people involved in the whole game making process from start to finish, and some as low as 5. Most of the games were impressive just in how much content there was with how few people there were involved. I don't think QA was a huge focus back then honestly.

  10. I beat TMNT on the console once when I was like 16. I was messing around in game with my cousin watching and eventually got to the point where I was like... hey I could actually do this.

    I actually went through it again about 2 hours ago, and got past the room with the spikes for 3 scroll-screens. It's ridiculous, but I only got hurt (a new record of) only 4 health squares. It's a good day when you get past that room and only lose half your life.

    The stupidest part about that game is if you lose a turtle after that room, you essentially cannot win because your remaining turtles don't have enough life to get past it. You HAVE to game over and start fresh at the beginning of the level, and when you do that you lose your consumable ranged items (I.E wave scroll thingies) and lose nearly any opportunity to beat the last hallway with the flying white jetpack lazer-beam guys (which is the room I just died in 2 hours ago and turned it off with 3 turtles remaining). The only way around them is to plow through them with wave scrolls, or to manipulate their spawn in a certain pattern where they fly in at an angle, fly backwards so they move off the screen and despawn (which you have to do roughly 8 times in the long hallway) which really is not easy to do (and is how I beat it as a teenager). Shredder himself is a joke.

    I know way more about that game than any human should and still only beat the game around 5-10% of the time I decide to try to run through it again. There is a certain satisfaction that comes with finally overcoming awful design that you just don't get with modern games though. 

  11. 2 hours ago, TheChargingRhino said:

    So I wanted to download some chiptunes. Downloaded a lot today, but then when I went to download Wind Waker and SFA, the chiptunes were not there. Why is this?

    I would imagine because Gamecube and beyond uses pre-recorded tracks. Every Nintendo system before it used midi sequences. You're looking for OST albums rather than chiptunes at that point.

  12. 3 hours ago, Chernabogue said:

    I'll wait for a reduction/promo to get it. I can't put $150 into a music library at the moment. But THE HYPE.

    I'm kinda in the same boat. I don't even do music stuff but am curious enough to throw $100 at it, but not $150. We'll see if my interest changes.

    That's probably me being cheap. I know how much work goes into programming software so...


    I would love to see a limited demo. Is there one?

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