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Everything posted by D-Lux

  1. I was there start to finish (sup Andy) and even got to chill with the band before and after. I must say that last night was the first time I'd ever seen rave dancing to jazz music, but it just goes to show that video game music brings people of many different backgrounds together. The show itself was superb, and they definitely won over the staff (you should have seen some of the other acts .. actually, be happy you didn't). Notables that were there: Mustin + The OneUps, zircon, Mazedude, Joe Cam. Awesome work, guys.
  2. One word: Jamspace. Make it happen, and I'll be there. If you want a direct hookup, I can (try to) convince Brendan. Awesome as usual. Loved the energy in the second part.
  3. Congratulations you two.
  4. I heartily endorse this event or product. (A little part of me tingles inside when I see this thread every year. Here's to another good round of submissions!)
  5. I bet they'll take a lot of things they learned from Diablo II / WoW when it comes to registration. I wouldn't even be surprised if you needed an internet connection to do the single player missions.
  6. Mine should still be in my signature. I'll be updating it regularly now.
  7. They're synced, but low quality recording cuts out a lot of frames. Regardless, it's good to see the site getting more attention. I bet he's wearing pink bunny slippers during this recording.
  8. KWED and RKO are the same thing, bud. Edit: You mean VGMix.
  9. Get well soon man. Get well soon.
  10. http://www.last.fm/music/Victims+Of+Science "Victims of Science is an alias for Gxp, who originally made the song “The Device has been Modified” as a joke. After seeing its success, he decided to give the song some more polish and finish it properly, releasing a second version." I even explained this on my show. See what you missed? But yeah, boon30 didn't make shit.
  11. Shael4Judge 0 .. 9?
  12. The majority? Yes. Every single post? No. Again, this isn't your email inbox. Side discussions enhance threads and fuel extra discussion. I'd lean towards not making this thread your personal warzone. It might sour the attitudes and minds of the people who wish to debate with you.
  13. Call me crazy, but I'm going to give you a chance to take back these statements before taking you seriously.
  14. The way I see it, your posting in this thread has turned from in depth classical discussion into "Oops, I misinterpreted what you said. Why don't you say it like this from now on so I don't make that mistake again?" with said discussion masking the quoted words. I'd say that's a pretty good reason you're getting the responses you're getting. Assumptions seem to be your thing, so I'll play your game for a minute: you and PhiJayy know absolutely nothing about me as of the first time you read this post. I would consider him no more of a friend than you or 95% of this website. He ain't my friend, dawg, so stop classifying people based on text that makes no mention of such classification. Judging people also seems to be your thing, so again, let's play: PhiJayy made 2 posts in this thread before his "wow Doug" post. One conveyed amazement at your vocabulary, and you brushed it off in favor of getting the topic back on track. His other post apologized for his first post's off-topic nature, and quoted another user's text since it parallels his opinion of your posting. He even said so. Wanna know why I jumped in? You're acting like this is your email inbox. Just because you made the thread doesn't mean every post is directed at you and requires your response. Feel free to reply to whatever you want, but don't assume undertones and snide comments that just aren't there. Unless your name is Doug, there should be no reason to suspect a snide comment by PhiJayy, since he even quoted the text he was talking about. And it wasn't your text. I'm derailing this topic not because you're getting away with elitism but because you're being a general ass. Cool off on the condescending comments and you'll rile up a lot less derailment. I see you're back on topic with discussion, so have at it.
  15. Hold a minute a here. Did you seriously just take the words that PhiJayy wrote (and further clarified as a general statement about what he feels) and turn it into a personal attack against you? Here's some snide: get off your fucking pedestal.
  16. Nice character ideas, for both the fictional and human-like characters. You're going to have to put www.ocremix.org along with his name, methinks. Otherwise, nice work.
  17. I played World of Warcraft with his two sons. He never got on Vent though.
  18. To the man who pitches in on every birthday thread: Nice Birthday.
  19. You guys still chill on Vent? pm plz
  20. Guess I should lurk more ON my birthday. Thanks dudes!
  21. Thank you, OCR. Donated.
  22. Damn, I have plans that day. Oh well, have fun!
  23. I registered. This is fun.
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