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Everything posted by D-Lux

  1. Consider me available for this project. I can supply male vocals, so check out my ReMixes if you're interested.
  2. Arek the Absolute has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.

  3. New reality TV show: Absolutely Arek!

  4. Victory! 10char
  5. They used to have their EP up for free, but not anymore it seems. Needs moneyz.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gUbhqYLuqY I downloaded the album this was on once I saw the video. Their other videos are awesome, too.
  7. You piqued my curiosity with your addition to The Megas Metal Man track. I've been watching the YouTube video of Splash Woman for days. Yeah, this is awesome.
  8. Equal or superior in what sense? In the actual game? That comment is made rarely, and people are entitled to their opinions. For enjoyment purposes? People enjoy what they want to enjoy. Elaborate on this point. I'm interested to read exactly how you feel about this subject.
  9. Before you start asking them to take things off your bill, you want to first ask them to detail exactly what you're being charged for aside from what the bill tells you. Write it down. This way, you know what their position is and can explain to them your situation based on that.
  10. I saw Brycepops on the Goon server as well. If you're looking for me, the name is Cucumberfun.
  11. We can only get games up if we have people to join them. Get downloading!
  12. I'd like to start playing with people in the OCR community. IRC channel anyone?
  13. The first time I saw that getup, I knew bLiNd was fo reelz.
  14. Whoever made this needs some credit. I laughed my ass off.
  15. Meetups generally work best when planned months in advance with a decent backbone at the very least. I'm afraid you've asked too late.
  16. Lifelong companion +1. What a gorgeous bride you are there, Jade. Congrats you two. I think I read somewhere that you two will be at Magfest? Maybe?
  17. I hear that children really bring out the best in people, so I have no doubts you're gonna enjoy the next 18+ years. Congrats OA.
  18. Congrats you two. Clearly the judges panel is now out of balance. Shael 4 judge 09!
  19. I followed him heavily from about his 15th song until April of 05 or so. I can't believe he's still around doing his thing, but more power to him.
  20. Mario Kart Love Song VDBpQVhCMb8
  21. Way back in the day, Rellik and I were buds. He'd always send me WIPs and whatnot (I was a huge fan from his entries in old remixing competitions), and I personally congratulated him on this, his first posted OC Remix. To me, this mix represents Adam's dedication to remixing and will to succeed. I probably heard 10 versions of this song, and all he kept saying to me was "You sure those 'Come on!'s aren't too cheesy?" He was very open to suggestions, and as y'all can see, it turned out quite well. While he's been more focused on original work the past few years, my ears still perk up when I hear this and his Earthbound remix. The grittiness of the high sounds combined with the energy of the melodies seal the deal on this one. It gives you a spacey feel, almost like you're blasting off on an adventure. Props, man.
  22. ReMixes with very few reviews need love, but what about the ones that haven't had any recent feedback? There might be a short discussion about a track right after it's posted, but who's to measure its worthiness of a review based on how many posts the thread has? In addition to reviewing remixes that have very few responses, I encourage you all to take the time to write your comments about mixes that haven't had feedback in years: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=14&daysprune=-1&order=asc&sort=lastpost&pp=40&page=1
  23. I read through most of your blog (homework assignments!) and glanced at a majority of your classmates' blogs. All I can say is: /jealous Understanding video games beyond simply playing them became a huge interest of mine ever since I discovered MMOs. The dynamic of social interaction combined with attempting to simulate real world phenomena (like free market, social hierarchy, and fame for example) within a game is great opportunity to experiment. I hope you enjoy this class, because doing research like this is something I would have loved to get a college credit for. Good luck with your study.
  24. I agree with 192 mp3 + FLAC for the main reason listed above: FLAC allows audiophiles to pick the format and encoding they want. The rest of us just want to hear the damn thing! In regards to djp's post, I was half expecting it to be the cut+loop versions since it's been stated that it's the OST, not the extended OST. That being said, I applaud your choice simply because gamers like myself will appreciate the OST format being congruent to other OSTs' formats. Props.
  25. That's what she said. Congrats on the DDR track and very solid EP release. When's your next VG remix coming out? Revolutions was amazing.
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