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Everything posted by NyxTheShield

  1. It doesn't sound bad, but it could sound much better. What are you using exactly for it?
  2. My Favourite ALTtP theme, i enjoyed this remix a lot, i liked the idea. I have only 2 "problems" with it: The piano sounds fake. Not fake as in performance, because it sounds real in that aspect. But the samples/vst used doesnt sound right. At least that's what i hear. Maybe a bit of reeverb could help it a bit. The other is the kick, this is prolly me complaining but i find the sound distracting. Aside from that, really good job.
  3. But but i wanted Alcohol and Third Strike matches :ccc </3
  4. Ah wait, confused the launch of the site with Newgrounds, i was 4 when this page was launched hahahahahaha
  5. I am basically a random guy so my scope is not really changing the vision of OCReMix (It has been around for as long i has been living in fact LOL) but yeah, kinda lamenting that some epic remixes are you straight rejected because the arrangement police.
  6. That's exactly my "but", the source is there, it works, but it doesn't necesarily makes it noteworthy (No offense intended). I mean it sounds good as an standalone song, hell he could publish it as a copyrighted track and nobody would notice. My point is i hear that and say "Hey this is good", not "Hey this is a good Shadow Man remix". For example i hear this and my reaction is "Oh WOW this is an INCREDIBLE remix", but i doubt it would be OCReMix worthy because it's too close to the original, and the only real variation is the solo and the intro riff (Which is basically in the same harmony line).
  7. Dont worry i know the sources, i got them too (Bass line and melody are there note by note)
  8. There are 2 that hits me in this moment First, Aquatic Ambiance, because i will always remember the image of playing DKC 1 in winter with my family, with the rain falling outside. with this track playing in the BG. Pretty nostalgic for me. Also, a more recent one, Innocent Sea of Seiken Densetsu 3, because it made me awake the same feeling of my childhood, the feeling of pausing a game just to hear the background music. Haunting melody.
  9. I would love to try to give it a second shot but my HDD crapped, i wouldnt be able to replicate the same sound :c And it already sounds good to my ears, when i finish a track i usually touch it up for details only. I would submit it to the site either way to see what happens though lol
  10. Oh for sure! i am fond on what i create, i came to understand that my material is not what OCR needs, i stick more the original tracks because if i am remixing them, it's because i liked them how they were, at most i will add a coda or mix a couple of songs together. I will not go down the spiral because i am not OCR worthy heheheh, i still have my channel where i upload my stuff. In fact i only have submitted one track to the site ( ) because i know most of my tracks wouldn't get past the judges. I was honestly curious about the opinion around the forums, certainly most of my favourite remixers and remixes are not in OCR because they stay close to the sources-
  11. Sometimes, if it happens to be too close i just try to use the minor (or mayor) relative of one or 2 chords and call it a day LOL
  12. I have been a follower of OCReMix since 2007 aproximately, been lurking this forums since 2010 and became a member just a couple of years ago. And something i have noticed here, is that faithful remixes, or remixes that don't variate a lot from the original sources are often (And in the majority of cases) ignored or criticized only because they are just faithful, ignoring basically everything else from the remix (How it sounds, instrumentation, arrangements etc). And in the other hand, i have seen remixes that have been praised or straight accepted into the site because they variate a lot from the source. Taking some sources for example: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=48839&page=2 This is an incredible liberal that changes basically almost the entire harmonization of the original track. It received a lot of good feedback. When i listened to it, i barely could get the Shadowman theme out of it (Even when it's there, the harmonization just make it sounds like a totally different track). As it stands, is more likely to be accepted into the site. In the other side: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=48893 I submitted this as a mod review, the overall sound of the track was liked, same for the atmosphere, but the track was said that it would mostly get rejected for being too close to the original source, despite the other aspects being good enough. What's your opinion about this kind of remixes?
  13. I have been learning how to play electric guitar in the last month, so i decided to give it a shot at this wonderful track, what do you think?
  14. Dont get me wrong, this sounds really cool, i love for what you went. But i feel like you could make this a completely original track (And it would be an amazing one).
  15. Not different enough to submit it to the site, but i had a ton of fun making this: What do you think :3?
  16. DId i post it as mod review? I am sorry i think i may have pressed down after selecting the tag, i was sure i submitted it as Finished (For those same reasons, is too conservative hahah) Now that you mention it, it indeed lacks a bit in the middle range, i will take a look at it.
  17. Link: Source: Super Smash Bros 64, Fighting Polygon Team Theme Description: I had to make a remix of this piece for the fangame SSB Crusade. I had to loop it for the same reason. Feedback is greatly appreciated.
  18. I will try to record thw the recorder again then, i really don't find anything wrong with it, but if 2 people said that then maybe i am high lol The flute it's 100% centered, i may have moved a knob at exporting though, going to check it. As the transition at 1:36, the previous 40 seconds were to tone stuff down, we came from a part with heavy percussion, to a chill section 40 seconds long, if i didnt add the first drums back at 1:36, then you guys would have complained that part was just a fill, i had to choose one way.
  19. I find weird that you find the flute mechanical, i t's a real flute O-o (Or better said, a recorder lowered one octave) It didn't explode with "chaos" at 0:40, it builded up until that point, then the 2 sources enter. I don't see it as chaos, you can clearly recognize both sources, the blend between them and notice all the instruments used clearly. Also, i don't get what are you trying to say about the remix not knowing what it want to "be", the mix is what it is.
  20. (Yes, i know i submitted another piece for mod review recently, but i am kinda stuck with that now for now) Link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/93823550/The%20Forest%20of%20Melancholy.mp3 Name: The Forest of Melancholy Sources: Mining Melancholy and Forest Interlude, both from Donkey Kong Country 2 Comments: I consider this one pretty much done arrange wise, maybe a non looping ending ending could be done (But i kinda like loops hahahaha), aside from that i think did arrange, blend and mix both pieces together pretty fine.
  21. Thanks for the feedback! Just a couple questions and comments: -I love the guitar scratching, i give the acoustic guitar a distinctive sound, i think i am gonna stay with it or tune it a bit down, removing it would take out the point of using the acoustic guitar in the first palce (I have an electric-acoustic guitar with nylon strings that doesnt record the slide sound when i connect it to line) -Could you point me to some timestamps where the late guitar clashes with the piano?? -Sure, i will tone down a bit the higher frequencies of the electric guitar, i think i forgot to equalize it hehehe (Oops) As for the arrangement part, what do you think could be done? I have a piano thatc reates a new melody that evolves in the middle part of the song for the enterity of its duration, should i make the piano stronger?? Add a new melody with the flute? Add a new source? (I can't add Fear of the Heavens in that part because i saved it for the ending). Again, thanks for the feedback, i will try to fix some of the flaws.
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