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Everything posted by Michael_Lochlann

  1. Alright home fries https://soundcloud.com/christophercollins-3/chrono-trigger-crono-and-marles-first-date-millenial-fair-punk-rock stuff I done did 0) reference against Marvelous 3. the first mix was done without reference and i got close but not quite pro enough to hack it without a/b'ing. 1) turned up eq boosts on kick and snare and OH/turned up drum bus and OH 2) Uh...took the Mono plugin I copied off my left guitar track off my guitar bus....presto, stereo...durrr. i also added a bit of room verb to it just to help 3) brightened up the guitars a lot 4) added more bass to the bass guitar. it's probably a little boomy but i am over this track right now. 5) mastered.
  2. grab you MagicAB VST for 20 bucks throw him on your master bus, load up a song with a good sounding kick drum and just match. it's hard to mess up REALLY badly when you can instantly A/B your mix with a pro mix.
  3. that guitar playing and tone....... easily standing above most oc remix guitar stuff i have heard. ton of soul. i would like the kick to have more...kick! in it. some 50 hz boost will do ya. also maybe boost some 60-100 on your bass to bring it out more. sounds great. you are able to solo without it sounding like soloing, it sounds like MUSIC, and that is a skill most guitarists (or musicians even) lack. nice job
  4. Thanks for listening! Will play around with it a little more taking that in mind. I wanted it to sound punk and not overproduced, so I held back a bit on some things. Next mix is gonna be a doom metal cover of the Primitive Mountain theme!
  5. a dark place is where a lot of us live, but don't forget, we have a limited time on this earth so you gotta focus on the positive while you still can... I can dig the track. I wonder if you can take the best parts of this, and rerecord it with a more purposeful arrangement. I like everything but, it meanders quite a bit. Obviously because it's improvisation. Everything sounds good in and of itself, but as a song each part needs to go somewhere. Now it does fit the meditation/ambientey category as it is now, just kind of musing on things, so if you want to market it as that, then I think it's okay. Great piano tone and mixing.
  6. tweaked the mix. gonna master it this afternoon, give it a week or two to check and then submit to OCR. it's not perfect, because I am not a great player, but it is entertaining.
  7. mixed version (updated link above) gotta master it tomorrow. may redo a bit of that bass part that's bothering me.....................................................................
  8. pretty hot so far. nice kick. everything sounds great.
  9. it sounds pretty good to me. i was listening for the guitar part in particular to see if i could contribute, but it sounds fine how it is. it doesn't sound realistic, but that fits in this track. i think a realistic guitar would actually be out of place. pretty cool and keeps your interest the whole time.
  10. hey there's some interesting stuff going on here. i like how the arrangement really messes with the original timing of the song. there's only certain people in EDM I can swallow, i am digging your stuff, so it appeals to us e-curious metalheads as well. i feel like the lead lines and other stuff in the middle around 2 kind of meander and don't go anywhere, i would prefer something more melodic and pointed, perhaps you can take melody from some other ff8 songs and throw em in there. when you're arranging someone as good as uematsu, i think you have to be very careful what you add because your musical ideas will look bad compared to the original unless you work hard to come up with something of substance. i don't know, i felt like it started to lose coherence for me around the 3 minute mark, like it lost the drive it had at the beginning. with the weird timing you have going on that contributed i think when some of the elements you had changed. most EDM i hear is pretty repetitive and keeps a strong driving beat, while i normally hate repetition, maybe you need some more of what was in the beginning near the 3 minute mark to make it stronger and tie the whole together. maybe take a few weeks away from it for some objectivity and come back and rework it a bit. i like the idea though.
  11. pretty sweet. i think you need a little more mixing because while everything sounds awesome by itself, it's covering everything else up. you need to eq the tracks so that the drums have a place in the high end and more power in the low end. for example if you hi pass your guitars at 125, i bet that will clear up a bit of the low end for your drums and bass. i was diggin the track, but it ended abruptly. i think you did that on purpose because of the scream but it didn't work for me. nice playing. if i could play guitar like that i would get an extension cord, plug my amp up in the middle of the street and play until a fine ass woman inevitably approached me asking can she please have the sex with me. and i would say sure, as soon as i am done playing this song, because it is sexier than you because i am playing it. that kind of stuff. so. work on mixing, getting your tracks to all be heard well without getting in the way of the others (EQ)--look for mixing tutorials on youtube or better yet grab you a couple books on amazon. better production will make you stand out from all the other youtube shredders who make me contemplate suicide when i see their videos.
  12. TASTE MY ROCK AND ROLL. Millenial fair with a touch of the town theme and the overworld from chrono cross. Should finish the arranging and mixing within a few days, will post updates. https://soundcloud.com/christophercollins-3/chrono-trigger-crono-and-marles-first-date-millenial-fair-punk-rock Submitting to OCR so let me know what you think so far. I played everything using gratuitous takes and heavy editing on the drums.
  13. Terranigmaaaaaaaa sweet The track seems overly bright to me...while it does sound bright and clear for a few moments it gets a little fatiguing, needs a bit more middle and lows I think. i would either cut a db or so on a high shelf at like maybe 5k or higher, or add some dbs on a low shelf below like 900 or down... it's partly the arrangement, i would like to hear a deep but subdued kick drum, or a full fat bass guitar to give it some low end. you should also put your lower string orchestra on a separate track and bring those up some more as that's the only bass you have in beginning besides the low end of the guitar. nice guitar playing and tone. the singing i think you should turn up a bit as it should really hit you and right now it's a little buried. nice transition to the metal part. conversely i think your metal guitars needs to be MORE present, around the 1k-3k range, they don't sound as mean as they could and they are also hidden behind the strings. The bass guitar, here needs to be turned up a bit more and you can also low-shelf it +3dbs or so at 100 to give it some thump. kick drum needs to be turned up some and maybe add a little 5k-8k to it so it comes through on the treble side. i like to eq my kick drums +3-6db at 50hz then hi-pass filter the bass guitar at 60 with a hard slope so my kick drum is real thumpy and clear. also turn your cymbals and stuff up, can barely hear them. pro=-tip---send your drums to a send, throw a distortion on it, mix it into taste. makes the drums sound a lot more real the arrangement itself is pretty good so nice job. if you like please give me some feedback on the parasite eve mix i posted on this forum ;0 see ya
  14. You know what makes MY spine tingle? Good feedback!! Glad you liked it. Edit: also fixed tuning on middle section guitars and turned down a bit during that part for dynamics. Same link.
  15. that's interesting...... It does sound very NES-ey, I wonder if you can play real wind instruments? It would be neat to hear that. I do like the tone though, it's relaxing and haunting. Maybe make the game footage full-screen. watching someone toot a clarinet is not as interesting as watching someone sing (this reminds me of McGroove). I felt like it could be a little brighter, maybe add a bit of hi shelf, a db at 10k or so, see what that does...if nothing try bringing the freq down and boosting more hi's
  16. Take a minute out of your stressful day to enjoy some nice relaxing doom metal! Download the mp3 to add to your library: http://www.michaellochlann.net/music/Michael_Lochlann_-_Kyrie_%28Flowers_of_Evil_mix%29_2014.mp3 Original by I believe Yoko Shimimura. Posted this last year and got a good response. I rerecorded the lead guitars, re-mixed and remastered. Sounds a lot better now. Mostly note for note except for drums so I guess I can't submit to OCR, and I can't think of a non shitty way to arrange it more. Let me know if you like.
  17. it's 80 bpms but rushing since i suck at guitar. still with a bit of quantizing you can use it if you like. have fun.
  18. well my guitar playing is still not production worthy so I won't make an actual mix, but if you like this song, you can enjoy the doom metal riffiness below: http://www.michaellochlann.net/music/unDooDoo.mp3 i like that riff so maybe i'll return to this in 2 years when i am good at playing. whee.
  19. Here's my idea on a revised Judging platform that would speed up the rate of approvals on good mixes, involve the community more, and lighten the judges' load a little bit, while still keeping the existing methods and quality control in place. 1) Remixers Submit to a Web Form hooked up to a database 2) The results are displayed from the database in a Community Vote Form -Any OCR user can vote Yes or No - Voting would start on the date of submission and close after a month 3) The results are emailed to the Judges inbox by the database after the month-long vote closes -All emails will be tagged in the subject line with the Community Vote decision, so they can be put into separate folders (queues) in the inbox -The artist would also get an email with the results and comments from the popular vote -70% or more Yes Community votes would be worked first by Judges. These are probably good mixes and should be put on the site as soon as possible since that's the point of the site and it encourages good mixers to submit -No community votes, or less than X votes would be worked next, as it's not sure if the mix is good or bad -less than 70% popular votes would be worked last, as a sort of "Veto" power to the community. These mixes probably need more work before getting on the site. the artist has already received feedback from the community, so he can go ahead and work on it more. the judges can add additional comments or agree with the popular vote when emailing the remixer, or they can post it against the community vote. If you like the idea I could perhaps make you a working mockup and send you the code to build into OCR. I do use ASP.net though. I could host it on my own site, but it would be better to hook it up the OCR forum user database so you can prevent double voting and crap like that. But I make these forms all day at work and they are very simple to do.
  20. Just sayin, I'm gonna try my hand at this one. Lookin forward to hearin the other interpretations. it's cool if i submit it to OCR afterwards right?
  21. Final edited, mixed and mastered version, submitting to OCR now http://www.michaelLochlann.net/music/Michael_Lochlann_-_Threads_of_ Memories_2014_(Akihiko_Mori).mp3 download, add to your library.....and gratify my battered ego by posting some gorram comments
  22. edit: updated http://www.michaelLochlann.net/music/Michael_Lochlann_-_Threads_of_ Memories_2014_(Akihiko_Mori).mp3 prog rock/steven wilsoney version of original by akihiko mori recorded this last year, really liked it but needed some work, i revisited it tonight with a little editing and a new guitar take. i am also trying to put vocals in the first part but i'm new to that so i may leave it how it is. currently unmastered. will be submittin to oc once i decide on the vocals and master it. let me know what you think
  23. Carry around a metric ton of armor and weaponry.
  24. bees listen to this shit and grow knees
  25. this sounds great lots of clarity and separation in the instruments, drums feel like they right where they should be, great bass tone. one thing i could perhaps suggest is a little bit of delay or verb on the right guitar lead, it feels a bit dry. it works how it is, but I feel like it could have a little more depth to it. it reminds me a lot of Enigmatic Ocean by Jean Luc-Ponty. nice job! i too like to make "covers" of things because if i want to make something original i'll just write an original song, plus i feel that if you are not as good as uematsu and you add stuff to his song it will mess it up. but, to get on oc remix you will probably need to do more arranging eventually. might be a good experiment for you... edit: here is a link to that song for your reference. the lead guitar tone isn't as dry as yours although it has a lot similar tone. another thing i noticed, his drums are a LOT brighter. so try hi shelving your overheads or drum bus at 10 khz or above. it sounds like his kick drum has a bit more punch around 50 hz too, try a couple db boost thereabouts...the rest of his track also sounds brighter. try a/b ing your track with something pr and try to get it about the same brightness, also try loading a pro track into your daw and compare its frequency spectrum to yours via an analyzer...
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