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Everything posted by Michael_Lochlann

  1. https://soundcloud.com/christophercollins-3/third-destroy-finale-phantasy-star-2-rise-or-fall-inferno-cop-mix-2 re uploaded..with slightly different mix.
  2. https://soundcloud.com/christophercollins-3/third-destroy-finale-phantasy-star-2-rise-or-fall-inferno-cop-mix-2 request from a guy i sort of know off the internet. i don't really like the original song except for the first 4 bars. but i did what i could. things i like about this mix: everything that is not the lead guitar. one of these days i will become actually good at guitar, and melt your faces off. maybe in 2 more years. ps i did this all today and it took me 8 hours. ughhhhhhhhhh.
  3. dude for one month of practicing an instrument this sounds good. it is beating the shit i am making after having played guitar like 15 years. be careful not to pick too hard especially on the low notes or it goes PLUNK like your low e string is doing on a couple of notes. it helps if you pick using your wrist and not your thumb/fingers also, try pivoting your wrist to pick the notes instead of pushing your thumb down. your electric guitar....sounds good but a little thin, pro tip, if you boost the mids of the guitar either on the amp or on the eq, that's where the meat and fullness of it is. on the amp, the MID knob, on the EQ, it's like 400-900hz cool job though and nice use of the reverb.
  4. sounds flippin tight everything is on time performances are good and not shitty mixing is good arrangement is not nerdy, it is = jam good job also bro fix your sound cloud link in your post it is pointing to facebook nonnononononononono
  5. I am a longtime OCRemix contributor. Here's an original album I just finished. Fans of Opeth, Type O Negative, Porcupine Tree may dig this. https://soundcloud.com/christophercollins-3/sets/shade-easy-to-ignore-2015 Original Progressive Doom Metal Album, 20 minutes, 2 songs. Low and slow. Any comments please leave on the soundcloud
  6. You made me not NOT want to listen to this song. So congratulations. You did the impossible. Very clever once you get into the rag time stuff. One thing that bothered me was the pauses, I would have liked it to transition directly to the next part, but it's not a big deal. i wonder if you could add just a touch of Tape/saturation/console Emulator on the mix to make it sound a little warmer and less digital. right now it sounds like a guy with a computer and a microphone, which is what it is, rather than a studio recording...it sounds amazing, don't get me wrong, but i think for jazz you don't want that digital, perfect sound.
  7. cool, the drums sound better to me now. considering what you said about where you were headed, i think it's ready to submit....sounds good to me.
  8. Leads shouldn't need to be compressed a lot. The distortion already balances the overall level of all the notes because it adds a lot of volume to everything.. What compression does on distortion guitar is just smooth it out so any slightly less quiet notes (and noises) come up, making everything really in your face. it's not something you really hear unless you can A/B it and are listening for it. for bass compression you will hear more of a difference as there is a lot more variation (between bottom string and the other 3 strings volume). once you get the volume pretty close for the notes, then you want to mess with the attack and release to make sure the bass is really punchy and the notes are accented in time with the music. i don't really hear this here, it's a little punchy but not as much as it could be. try adjusting your release so the compressor lets off after every eighth note, and the attack should be adjusted so you hear that Punchiness of the transient followed by the slightly quieter compressed signal. the actual song is fucking bomb though. everything you want in an undersea palace metal mix. and the mixing isn't that bad either. also once you are done tweaking the mix PLEASE submit this
  9. try Studio One. you can use East west VST with it and the workflow is amazingly easy. It's got MIDI sequencing and recording as well as audio
  10. also the drums feel too fake to me...try throwing on a send to a saturation plugin or Tube screamer sim (Softube Saturation and TS-999 I use a lot, both are free). What we miss in sampled drums is the harmonics, you know, that you get from beating the shit out of a cymbal...
  11. I like this. But I feel like I want it to be more funky. I hear that that's the direction it's sort of going, funk metal. After all the original track is sort of reggae-ish, then you're throwing in high gain guitar. I wonder if you replace the punchy chord synth with clean wah guitar playing the same thing, make it funkier... the production is good. my only problem is, it sounds too much like the original track. the parts you added, sound to me, just to be glued on to make it a little different...i think you can work to make it a little more different than the original altogether, to make your arrangement less like "I added a drum fill" and more like "I made this my own." for inspiration compare Shadow's theme in FF6 to his part of the ending theme in FF6...same melody...waaay different sound...or Awakening vs. Terra's theme. You can do a lot to a melody just by changing the rhythms, chords, etc. underlying it.
  12. i got east west too, the sounds are good but it still seems to be hard to get liveliness out of them. i think your biggest problem is your timing and performance. the timing is pretty awkward in some places and there are some notes here and there that sound too loud, as if they are sticking out. also you have a few bad notes in there... once it starts getting into the arrangement part it's pretty meandering... i think you could do some good stuff if you worked on your playing, music theory and composition skills a bit more. i suggest you read percy goetschius's entire (Free) music theory series on google: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Percy_Goetschius_The_Material_Used_in_Musical_Comp?id=PHs6AAAAIAAJ&hl=en and try doing some piano solo work before throwing additional instruments in there. do easy before doing hard to get your arrangement skills going.
  13. re-mixed my remix! it sounds a lot better now. http://www.michaelLochlann.net/music/Michael_Lochlann_-_Threads_of_ Memories_2014_(Akihiko_Mori).mp3 Waves NLS = totally badass + hooking up a subwoofer = entirely necessary + low end = difficult
  14. i like both of these songs. i may metalfy it. we shall see.
  15. i think the drums are waay too bright. considering that this track should be more moody and dark... i felt like i got woken up when they came in, and i was trying to relax dammit!!!!!!!!!!!! up to that part sounded great to me. i didn't have the problem with the piano timaeus did, but maybe my ears aren't as developed. my opinion but darken the drums up a bit with a touch of reverb and a hi shelf -1 to -2 dbs at like 9k or so...i think the snare reverb also needs to be a bit longer or deeper, it just needs more personality. i feel like the snare on this track needs to feel like it is trying to drown you in a pond or something. snareverb needs more midrange is what i'm saying, if you eq the drums down on the hi end that may help also. i like the synth lead that comes in. nice tone, nice melody. the drum parts get a little boring after that, maybe add a 2nd drum part that does counterpoint to that, then fade out. as is the fadeout fits time-wise, but it feels like the part before it lacks the "climax" a track's ending needs. i think some extra goodness after the lead ends and before the fadeout is what you need to say, hey muffugga I'm ending this track so turn your speakers off before something shittier plays all in all though, pretty enjoyable.
  16. Pretty cool. I loooooooooooove Hamauzu san's track. (Did I mention that I met him? I met him. Mwuhuhuhu.) the kick drum sounds especially good, just enough power to make it good without overwhelming, which is hard to do. I liked the pad part at the beginning the best...because I like weird slow things. And it is neat. nice handling of the arpeggios and bells and whatnot. sounds great. very lively. i would like the drums at 1:38 to sound less artificial. maybe it's my taste, but try sending it to a send with a guitar Tubescreamer pedal sim, or a Softube Saturation Knob or any guitar distortion pedal sim/saturation/distortion/harmonics effect in. Hi pass that, drop it to inaudible then bring it back in until it's barely audible but gives a little more harmonics and rawness to the sound. also perhaps a bit of roomey-sounding verb on it. you have something nice on the snare but i have the image of a more live-sounding kit even though it's not that genre, more like the Amen break sound you know? Try to make it a little extra interesting since it's so important...after that half part the drums are what it's all about since everything repeats except for the synth solo. Hey same thing with the solo actually. It sounds great but a little artificial....i wonder what a touch of harmonics or grit would do to bring it forward and liven it up a bit. just a touch would really make a difference i think. maybe an autofilter on a send or something like that to give it some movement would help. it sounds fine how it is, that's just some tweaks to play with...and probably just my taste. nice job.
  17. Ok last post of this I SWEAR!!!! https://soundcloud.com/christophercollins-3/chrono-trigger-crono-and-marles-first-date-millenial-fair-punk-rock-12-26-14 1) did some more soloey type shit at the end while keeping the original melody as much as I could because Mitsuda > Me 2) hooked Ye Olde Sub Woof up and fixed some heavyhanded EQ'ing on the bass and kick after hearing it in my Bassmobile
  18. Nice source tune. Some points: The choir needs to be turned down, it's drowning out the rest of the parts and it's not that important as it's just a "Pad" The piano is the good part so it needs to be the focus. it sounds a little tiny right now, can you add a bit of chorus, reverb, delay or something to it or perhaps some EQ to make it thicker... String sample is not the greatest and it too is getting hidden under the CHoir which is unfortunate as it has the melody which is the most important part. Can you try arranging it for solo piano? I think that is the best piece of what you've got here and the rest of the arrangement is dragging it down...try taking the string melody and putting it on the right hand of the piano and get rid of the choir and strings completely.. Them's my thoughts pardner
  19. Ooh a judge! Yeah I already submitted it but I'll think about doing something a bit more solo-ey. I'm using Studio One DAW with mostly waves plugins, guitar tone from Poulin Ampsim with a bit of sim tubescreamer and Recabinet+redwirez IR for the cabinet, and Amplitube ampeg + recabinet + redwires ampeg for the bass, playing a digital set (heavily edited) through steven slate drums, i also use a lot of the Angry Metal Kid plugin which is where you listen to metal for 15 years of life and then get pissed off by everyone you know. Thanks for checkin out my shiz and thanks for the great feedback.
  20. Thanks for the listen and the feedback, brutha (or sista)
  21. Thanks for listening and thanks for the positive vibes. I would solo but I am not so great at that currently. It took all of my MPs to record the guitar you hear and then I had to replenish them by eating about 55 pounds of chili cheese fries over the past 2 weeks.
  22. Thanks for listening! I agree with you on it needing a little more, just not sure what that is yet. I like it being a little repetitive and simple as it matches the genre where the riff just repeats for days. Not as good as the Real Bands at grooving and playing so it's harder for me to pull off though. Thanks again, I really appreciate the feedback
  23. actually dude once the drums come in i'm diggin it. it's crying, no hollerin for some rap over it or some EDM-sounding vocal samples (singing please) the start though sounds weak. i think if you have a delay on the rhythmic syncopated part, it will add a lot. it sounds like there is no firm time because everything is syncopated and you need something in that missing beat that signifies the time. once the drums and melody come in that's no longer a problem.
  24. finished the track. sounds much better now https://soundcloud.com/christophercollins-3/chrono-trigger-primitive-man reference track - belzebong - acid funeral. fuzz heaven. i rerecorded a large part of the bass track because i was picking too hard in metal fever. mixed, mastered no dinosaurs were harmed in the making of this track. i cannot say the same for alien invaders. ***PUBLIC ANNOUCEMENT*** if you post a track without reviewing someone else's, I will kick you in the penis or vagina, or both, depending on what you have. Contribute to the community if you want people to review your shit, jerks.
  25. https://soundcloud.com/christophercollins-3/chrono-trigger-primitive-man pretty fun to do and taking the song in an unexpected yet completely fitting direction. first mix. will revisit and master later. reference track was belzebong.
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