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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. It'll be on in 1 hour (and 9 minutes) Just set an alarm for 1 hour
  2. Awesome, I didn't know you could put WAVs on Soundcloud like that. I got it. I hope you edit the Game of Thrones logo and change it to Chern of Bogues
  3. Cool episode I guess, it even had Peter Capaldi but eh. No explanation from the previous episode, that makes it a solid 2/5. Actually I am really really really really really disappointed, they tease this war doctor for like 27 months and then turns out he does absolutely nothing, he doesn't even kill Matt Smith. Low hopes for the future of the show even with Capaldi, because of the direction implied by this ep Also just to edit this in and add, it'll be interesting to see how they explain Capaldi going back to help the other Doctors at the end of the 50th, if they even do explain it. They might just do like they did at the beginning of this episode, not even bother
  4. I just started watching it, not liking it so far. Huge plothole between the last episode and the beginning of this one.
  5. Rap would be fine but you've got some insane precedent set quality-wise, with like.. Jose.. and Jordanius, OverClocked Assembled etc...
  6. We got 4 entries, and 13 hours left. That's it! That's it! That's it! That's it! That's it! I wrote a couple minutes worth at work but still have a lot of work to go, including restringing the acoustic guitar, and writing more stoof, not filler stoof but good stoof.
  7. if my superior ex makes it to magfest we need to take a picture where i'm not so mopey
  8. It is time to celebrate, the...... one true time lord
  9. I hope Matt Smith gets killeded by John Hurt and that's why they needed a war doctor
  10. Naw Rockos wants to do that one, Y U NO Dungeon?

  11. Ah, ok. Well now we've matched it. And we shall exceed it. And this one shall become the new hotness.
  12. I get so excited about the 2:50EST time because I get off work at 2:30PM, then I remember I don't have cable soooo I have to download it anyway... but there is not a text size BIG ENOUGH to express how excited I am for this. Mostly because I've wanted to see Matt Smith leave for soooo long. Also I'm super surprised there wasn't a Doctor Who thread already. Sheesh.. someone dropped the ball Christopher Eccleston is my favorite, so I think I will enjoy John Hurt, the War Doctor, who is a bridge between the 8th doctor who was brilliannt in the mini-episode, and Eccleston, who is sort of known as the badass doctor. It seems like Peter Capaldi will be a return to the more mature Doctor and I just can't wait for that. I loved Tennant by the time he hit Waters of Mars (and retroactively began to love the other episodes), but I don't see that happening with Matt Smith... Sorry, just not my cup of tea. I still enjoyed the show for the most part. A shout out for "Adventures in Space and Time", you MUST see the TV movie that just came out.
  13. I just thought of this, but I was planning on making some tutorials for my own personal Youtube channel, would that be cool to maybe try to make for OCR channel instead? Your audience is a lot bigger, more potential to actually help people that way. They might be a bit DAW specific, since I use Cubase, but starting off it would cover pretty basic things. Setting up a session would be the first one. Let me know if it sounds like something I should pursue, thanks
  14. Another point worth mentioning is that considering the audience and the proverbial "payoff" is not exactly worth it for producing an amazing extreme metal subgenre mix. Just look at the response to Gridlock That was a love letter to bands like Meshuggah and was actually modeled as well as I could to sound like their kind of djent, complete with the vocals yelling as loud as I possibly could, which I guarantee I could not do again. And then the response was... not quite worth the years it took to finish and get that mix out. With a lot of these subgenres, and even the more popular ones like metalcore, it takes an immense amount of performance skill but also a higher level of production skill... it's not easy at all. I'm not saying it is not worth doing, I personally love making that kind of stuff and I get a big kick out of it and enjoy listening to it, that's why I do it. But on the flipside, it's very discouraging to put your heart into something and then see how many people hate it. I'm not so sure having much more of these subgenre mixes would actually improve how it is received. There's still dubstep mixes that get hate and that stuff is about as mainstream as it gets. I dunno. Rambling. I'd love to be on a talkback where Larry shows up and we could talk about it.
  15. Naw, not because of the judges, it's because we have like 2 people in the community who are interested in extreme metal subgenres And beyond being interested it involves some..... killer studio chops, for sure
  16. I agree but I wanted to point out this part in particular, and say this could really apply to metal as a whole. I think people associate metal with stuff like... sixto sounds, which is more along the lines of hard rock, and pretty accessible. I think when metal starts approaching the more extremes, it enters the subjective acquired taste area.. djent, metalcore, black metal, death metal, schizo hospital metal (it's a thing), and so on. I stand by thinking that the diversity of metal is not so wide yet and with some help we can fix that edit: I should have refreshed, didn't see your post there Larry I didn't mean to contradict you or anything Just to post a couple more things here... Here's Harjawaldar's I den Svarte Skogen mentioned in the talkback -- And here's a metal vocal style I want to try, it is unconventional. (at 0:32)Guy sounds like he's a smoker, half scream, half voice, many effort, so scream, wow
  17. I'm ready to be on this but I should leave for work by 9:45pm at the latest
  18. Someone asked about a 2 week extension for the last bracket. My answer is, and always will be, no way! If we get a lot of dropouts, then it is what it is.. the people who remain will go on to win their bracket. But subsequently go up against the winner of the OTHER bracket. That's how this works, isn't it? >
  19. PS4 came out. Also I tend to write fast, and I know it can be insulting, so maybe I shouldn't have said anything.. I blame One Hour Compos on ThaSauce. They ruined me, now I make music too fast to appreciate the process.
  20. I dunno, I think it worked for me. I just jammed out a chord progression on the guitar that should work quite well for mine. The chords would also work with Terra. But working with a guitar has the potential to make the understanding of chords and such easier, not to mention as far as I know both of my sources are in minor, with some major chords thrown in. I mean, I'd love to share some tips as we get farther along, I need to review the previous week of entries as well in the thread. I can try to help where I can and hopefully other people can review and share some tips as well. I know there's folks following along who aren't even participating who could share some tips.
  21. I've got an entry from Hoboka, nobody else yet. Not even myself. I didn't manage to write anything yet, I am hoping to try to start tonight or tomorrow while I'm on the road. I will not have a lot of time, so it probably won't be an overly frilly mix, and it might not even be finished, but eh. As for people wondering how they are going to start at midnight when the previous round ends at midnight... alls I can say is, hold tight and be patient, I'll get the information sorted as soon as I can on Sunday night overnight. I don't think anyone would be starting within the first hour or two of Monday anyway. If anyone wants to volunteer to help count the votes, that would be a huge help for me. Thanks!
  22. Maybe you could announce the matchups before Black Friday / Cyber deals ends?
  23. I watched the trailer 90 or 91 times, give or take, it's pretty good. Has a distinct lack of direct Brandon, but the indirect Brandon is ok. All in all, I give a solid 4.7 stars. I am fairly glad to continue my trend of not being featured in other peoples' trailers. It just means I haven't sold out yet.
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