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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Leather is so rare though. You can't just find it in the ground like the other minerals. It doesn't have a really high drop rate. How many do you need for the leather armor?
  2. It was the most people ever on a talkback, probably the most accents, and the longest one? It makes sense that it went that long with having so many people coming in. Pretty COOL, Man.
  3. The ESTEEMED Bustatunez, aka Lukas, aka grizzly bear, etc He's the cornerstone of OCR, part of the very foundation of.. of... the structure. Happy birthday!
  4. Dang that's awesome, I want to pledge but I spent too much money and it's too close to MAGFest (which is going to take all of the money I have saved) Follin is like the most unique vgm composer evar
  5. Turning this into the "Thank" instead of "Ask" thread for one post, THANKS for posting Killer Studio Chops and linking it to Tim Follin on his brand new twitter! That was awesome! I don't know if him joining twitter inspired it or you just happened to come across him on twitter in the process but either way, that was sweet. I am glad he liked it
  6. Man I ask on irc all the time and DarkeSword said he even left a note! for FF3. I was always told only DJP could make them, so when I see him on, and I remember, I try to ask, but I don't want to keep pushing it, cause it can be annoying, and I'll see you guys in a month, and the LAST thing I want is another resentment for the pile Can we please have one for "Final Fantasy 3" ?
  7. I haven't started mine yet. This weekend is even worse than the last time I compo'd because the snow is just outrageous, and we are STILL sending out cement mixers, and a snow plow, from this warehouse, but I'm going to try to do most of the writing overnight and tomorrow morning if I can. It's just going to be so impossibly hard here and I don't got much time to finish up. I feel like I am letting the compo down by not getting stuff going a lot better But I will do my best.
  8. the fact that you didn't update your sig is driving me nuts XD


    don't worry about linking it from there, it's on imgur, it'll be on there forever

  9. I found more Iron than I can handle Mined down to a flesh pocket on a level 8 planet. Found a lot of minerals, but I'm looking for Silver so I can make the silver armor. It is stronger than the avian armor (loinclothes and shit) Someone said the leather armor is better though, which makes no sense to me. That can't be the case, can it? The silver armor has 10 armor per piece. It's already stopped me from being an insta-kill just by having 2 pieces, they do about 20 damage to me now on the level 8 planet.
  10. Too many things. Minerals are too rare. Lucked out in finding a dungeon with a lot of gold ore in it, managed to get enough to make me a golden pickaxe. Need a lot of iron for the next armor set. No idea where to find armor. Mining doesn't seem as easy as with Terraria. Not by a long shot. Found a cool unique sword that decimates most things. Found a cool tech ability. Found some poop which costs $50 to 3D print (don't ask) Found a traveling merchant, bought clothes from him, and killed him on accident. Found a castle with a king, killed the king, and wear his crown. I found one really amazing chest that had a bunch of goodies in it, including a harmonica. Playing the abc files seems super buggy though, most of them make the game crash.
  11. Not yet, and we've almost been waiting a year on that, so it might not be happening Got your latest wip and it's awesome Thanks!
  12. Bravely Default to bravely have default microtransactions http://www.geek.com/games/full-price-square-enix-3ds-game-bravely-default-has-1-50-microtransactions-1578749/
  13. It's just gonna remind people of bad eBay photos where you can see a reflection of the naked item seller in them, I can't post an example of course, but that spoon is a clear enough example!
  14. It'd be great for this to continue and preferably not take 7+ years to finish (totally not looking at the sd3 peeps ;-))
  15. I played some Uncharted: Golden Abyss, just the first chapter, and I'm going to end up replaying it because of the hidden treasures. I'm actually going to try to collect everything this time, and will probably end up using a collectible guide for it. I haven't done that in years. Apart from that... it's pretty awesome! The touch controls for melee fighting are stupid but most of the other stuff seems great. Aiming by tilting the Vita is superb. Sine Mora is amazing. Reminds me of Zero Wing but of course, it's modern. Cool Japanese voiceover that I don't understand at all. I like that I can take some hits and don't get a game over, I just lose some time on the timer. Pretty good game, nice graphics on all of these. It's a good contrast from the cartoonier graphics of the 3DS. I actually passed on Jeanne D'Arc because I saw that it was one of those isometric tile-based games. I have played those in the past, like Front Mission 4 and of course FF Tactics and FFT Advanced... but I never really liked it. I played them because I got them, as a kid (meaning my mom bought them for me) and I would always play any games I got just out of guilt. I actually remember really enjoying both of those games but it's hard to get past the psychological and emotional trauma of playing isometric strategy games. I may take your advice and check it out though, especially since I've got a $10 credit on PSN.. What kind of RPG is Persona 4? It's not a card-based battle game or something is it?
  16. I think everyone is excited for it but wishes it had been Terraria DLC It's #1 on my wishlist now for steam games.
  17. Ha yup I didn't notice it before but there it is... definitely gonna need to photoshop dat spewn
  18. I think you could get by with just the theory of beginning theory, without actually getting into theory itself! There's a lot of people who just do it by ear! I've theoretically made music but who can really say... it's all subjective anyway.
  19. If I was going to make a music video, I would do it Tim and Eric style.. with a green screen. The actual stuff you can film for a music video is limited to a boring set of real-world stuff... but with green screen.... you can do anything.... you could put people on the moon!
  20. Hmph well that's unfortunate. It shouldn't be be too hard to fit them into 4/4 though. That's part of the challenge, and it's fun. It's part of remixing too! Good practice. Changing the key, the time sig, sometimes people even change between major/minor or other .. things. I'll probably just keep it all minor though. --Branno
  21. I'm not 100% sure but I think Gravity Rush was one of the free PS+ games, so if it was I should have that
  22. The biggest problem I have during MAG DOD is that when I get there (if I even go ha) I end up humming the song because it's so fresh in my mind, and I end up really liking my MAG DoD entries a lot. Luckily I'm still pretty quiet of a dude but I think this year I might accidentally give it away. If people watch me they can tell I'm bluffing when mine comes on..
  23. Who else got the Vita bunduru during Black Friday? Came with Walking Dead, Retro City Rampage, Uncharted, and Sly Cooper. The only one I have played before is Walking Dead, but I look forward to playing again and making the opposite decisions than I did on PC. I'm going to be Jerk Lee. I've never played a Sly Cooper game before, and Uncharted on Vita... is supposed to be good but maybe it's poop? I guess I'll find out. Now that I've got that on the way I feel like I need to finish it before I can play Uncharted 3. Any other gems on the Vita? RPGs maybe? I know it has a ridiculous number of games now. I've got a bunch of them through PS+ but no RPGs. Can my PS1 classics play on it?
  24. I'm afraid I don't have time to make a big scope mix for this like I would want to. I might not even be able to make a low scope mix for it. But I am glad to see you are still running this, and if I can, I'll do my darndest to get you something by the 17th.
  25. I'm not sure if this was from my secret santa but I got a letter, when I opened it, it was just a printed out picture of Nicolas Cage... a good gift to be sure. No idea who sent it... if it was from secret santa.. not what I was expecting at all, but... awesome idea SO DISAPPOINTING *SOB* Just kidding it's the thought that counts, right?
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