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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. MM went downhill with MM3 didn't it? MM9 had some awesome music though. Can we stop talking at mega man and just agree that Remember Me was an AMAZING GAME and soundtrack Also this is kickstarter central, not mega man central
  2. KH3 is going to start with Sora dressed as a chicken covered in blood, Dolan dead and Goofy covered with battle scars, and I'm gonna be like wtf which handheld game did I skip that explains this
  3. Just to be clear, this is less about popularity / sales, and more an indication that Square-Enix did not have the proper server power to accommodate the most-likely modest amount of players who were trying to get on. I highly doubt FF14 sold as much as Diablo 3, or Sim City, two other games that had rough launches.
  4. Alls I know is if it goes the way of Versus XIII, which it kinda already has (since it was announced to come out for the 10th anniversary in 2011) people aren't gonna care and will lose more trust in squeenix
  5. i have no idea what that even is.... i haven't been able to keep up with wcrg :-(

  6. Don't worry man. The info you got for all we know could be 100% spot on, then higher ups got wind of the "leak" and had to do damage control. Honestly nobody will really know until the stuff is announced.
  7. YAR. They were in kontakt. SSD is also kontakt, yeah? You have to set up your outputs in kontakt, you probably have that done... then you just set each difference kit piece to a different "stereo" out. like st. 1, st. 2, etc.

  8. Hey, what's the absolute latest you need the VV2 tracks? It'll help me prioritize it. (Hint: don't give me the ABSOLUTE LATEST in case we need wiggle room)

    Deadlines help a lot, but beyond that, it would help to fit stuff into my schedule, as hectic as it is later in the year (with work and everything)

    I just want to make sure I get them done and you are not uncomfortable

    Also make ff3 dungeon wip ;p

  9. I'll send you the stems for "I Survive!" as soon as I finish re-recording the lead vocals. I have been planning to sub it but time has got in the way and I hadn't been able to redo the lead vocals yet. :-D

  10. HAR!! No apologies necessary. You've got the flute pretty good, the backing vocals are good -- acoustic guitar panning is good. The mellotron strings might be a bit dry and upfront, mainly dry being the issue. I used predelay and reverb to send mine back a little space-wise. I love how the cowbell cuts through in this haha!! Very upfront. This is the first mix of the song I've heard where the cowbell is really easy to hear, including my own which obscures it. The backing vocals seem to be at a good level but the main vocal line by comparison is a bit soft volume-wise. How did you compress the bass? Needs to be compressed really hard to get a solid sound for it, so it seems a bit too dynamic but at least it's not overpowering the song, right? How hard did you compress the piano? During the intro it's really easy to tell that it is squeezed tight. Some of that saturation you put on causes the occasional "watery" sound, I think. I noticed it especially in the cymbals. Could be any combination of the saturation / compression -- by the way, how did you compress the master? There's a weird sound around 3:38 where it goes silent briefly before the ending, almost sounds like stuff is being pushed there. Almost like you have a gate on it or something. I set up compression / pre-delay / room reverb sends before starting anything in a session. That makes it really easy to apply these same effects as sends on all of the tracks. Is this something you do, or need some clarification on how to do it? And parallel compressing the drums to get that extra little bit of snap out of them. The samples as they are sound kind of dull, so there is some dolling them up involved to make them pop. And indeed, it's NOT live drums! I think it's Studio Drummer for this one, I'd have to double check sometime to make sure but it's either that or Abbey Road Modern Drummer, they're both pretty much the same. The samples try to function like a real drum setup, that's why it has the room mics and all that kind of stuff. It's been a long day, let me know if anything I said is coherent or if you need clarification on anything.
  11. Man, I remember that now. Ansem was Christopher Lee. 8 days, man.... 8 days.
  12. Weirdly I don't barely remember Xehasnort at all. Was that really the main bad guy of all the games? How did I miss it? Was he in KH1? I vaguely remember him from KH2. Oh well
  13. You may get your chance! Everything is colored now, either met deadline or missed it. I have not yet put anything up for grabs, and there are some things I probably won't -- people ask for extensions or ensure strongly that they are good for the songs. Something else may go up for grabs within a couple weeks, we shall see...... Thanks to everyone who is working to make this a great album, and those who have not forget
  14. Weirdly enough, I think I gave the mandolin a different name but I forgot what it was, so I sorta just settled on Manny. Everyone names their instruments don't they? I know I named the sax something else but now I'm thinking Jasmine.
  15. Voice, or even percussion -- I know anyone here could rhythmically pound on a table. Just make sure it's in time and sounds good.
  16. The room wav isn't really supposed to be a "room reverb", it's a room mic that does have some of the crashes and stuff in it, so together with the overheads you'd get the full sound of them. Seems good! Flute seems a bit loud and center, kinda clashes with the vocals at 1:27. It's more of a backing thing than a lead thing, especially at that point. This seems ok The glockenspiel echo is too much I think. Is that expected? Hardpanning them to 100% is not bad. I've done 70% before. I like to stick with 100% when they're used this heavily as rhythms. The difference between 90% and 100% is negligible though. It's a mandolin! The echo is alright, seems oddly timed. The bass is far too strong in this version, and there are a lot of wrong notes at the end at 3:44. This mix kinda makes it seem like the bass guitar is the highlight, it's far too prominent in the mix. The bass slide during the quiet, dramatic part seemed gratuitous Not bad, nice and subtle. Apart from the backing vocals being far too quiet, it seems ok. Automation takes a lot of time but it's always good to do! Produces better results when the extra time is put in. The vocals didn't seem to fade in at the end, and the extra backing tracks (Remember / Drag Me Down) seem to be going loud throughout the ending and kinda clutters things up a little. As a whole, pretty good mix! Pretty good volume, you may have lost some of the power of the overheads by silencing that room wav. Thank you I play a mad Duduk Sax!
  17. happy birthday gimme ff3 wips :-D

  18. Happiest of Birthdays to my home-gerbil, my main gerbil, the best significant other gerbil a gerbil could have! <3 OA Gerbil
  19. That's a really good bonus source that really makes me want to go this week, so I will try, but.... my studio was torn down and moved across a 30ft room yesterday (it's a big room), stuff is still in disarray, and I upgraded the interface to saffire pro from alesis io26 firewire. Probably will have stuff to learn or figure out, but the next song I make should sound a lot better any way you slice it.
  20. Daaaamn Square Enix is making trilogies of years now too? I guess I need to catch up on 2001-2 before I get 2001-3
  21. I have been too, sortof. Mainly due to being busy. But I really want to try to get back into it, and having an extra bunch of days for this free month is a great way to weasel back in. Will I be in the top 10? Or the top 5? Top 3? Probably not, but the goal should not be to win, it should just be to make a song you really like and enjoy, even if it isn't straight-forward metal. Come back Gar!
  22. Greetings. Didn't do so well keeping current OCR DoD threads, sorry. Let's cut right to the chase! DoD 10th Anniversary, September is a FREE MONTH! And the deadline is extended. If you haven't participated, or even if you have, now is the perfect time. Information: http://www.dwellingofduels.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=215 Website: http://www.dwellingofduels.net/ Rules: http://www.dwellingofduels.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=54&Itemid=63 Submit to dodsongs@gmail.com The songs are due: Oct 19, 3:00 AM EST
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