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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. What, you mean parallel compression? You set up a compressor, kinda strong like -30 threshold and ratio of 6 or so, and set the release to around 50 Then you make a "Group" and send all your drums to that group. Then you set the compressor you just set up to that group as a SEND, and set it to maybe -9 or so, judge for yourself by listening. What this'll do is add a bit of a snap to your drums, it'll liven them up a bit. I do it on literally every song I do with drums now. This does NOT replace individual compression for each drum piece (kick, snare, etc)
  2. I personally am a little hesitant of the idea of doing another Square Enix kickstarter, but if they decide they wanna do it, I'll support it 500%. But honestly I'd personally like to see them opt for a "Support OCR month" instead to accomplish such a thing. Hey Fishy! Anything new with the album? What's the word?
  3. Yeah see, I'll use the EWQL brass that comes with symphony orchestra, they've got modulation that will let you switch between staccato notes and held out notes. Slap a compressor on that hard, and just go to town... like in my Skyrim mixes... I suppose if you were going to a more subtle performance, you'd need to automate volume, it really depends on the context. Actually, I really really want some better brass samples, some that I could do swells and hard stabs with, not sure where to turn.
  4. Yeah. Hey, what kind of money are you spending that you have brass samples with volume modulation? xD Or did you mean that you do it manually? in FL Studio?
  5. I remember it vividly, everyone being all like "They casted the guy from Brokeback Mountain to play Joker" Rob Schneider is awesome get outta here. They'll probably leave whoever it is in costume and they'll be doing a voice anyway. I don't see how it's such a big deal, they could almost cast anyone.
  6. He was great in Smokin' Aces though his part was really really small. I love that movie.
  7. Christian Bale deserves this, for not doing the part himself. Now he's sharing the Batman legacy with Ben Affleck. Having said that, I love Affleck. He's hilarious.
  8. you heard mah mix you know i'm winnin and you are powerless to compete HOW DOES IT FEEL
  9. I've also seen timaeus22222222 or however many 2's give some inaccurate advice on the workshop and it always kinda bothered me but I never really said anything. I think you can share advice for stuff you do 100% know, but shy away from other things, like suggesting that compression on brass or vocals is bad. I compress brass and vocals hard. Brass is the part of the orchestra that conveys strength, almost flippin' heavy guitar-esque strength, and as a result it's not bad to compress brass. Without compressing vocals pretty hard, they sound inconsistent -- and don't even get me started on growls, without compression they'd be turd. You should not be saying "this is 100% true", you should be saying "I've done it -this way- once and it worked out, but depending on your song, there are several ways you could accomplish this goal." One of those ways may be to put a considerable compression send on the brass and vocals. In fact the only occasion I can think of when I'd have the compressor on them lighter is if the song is very very sparse or needs the big difference between volumes (quiet vs. loud notes) but even then I'd put the compressor on lightly. I'd never just leave it off. But that's me, and I'd only consider it done 'wrong' if it sounded bad in the end, or half of it isn't hearable due to being too quiet. Don't take what Shadix said as an insult, take it as constructive criticism and try to work towards not doing those things, because it can be very damaging to the learning community.
  10. The stems are already on dropbox. Just waiting for round release.
  11. I like Vegas for video editing, but I've been using After Effects presets for a couple of the music videos lately. Takes forever to render though.
  12. derpius maximus Here's a couple more little assets for my song, which you won't get to hear until... Sunday? Ending vocal layers (6 here, 7 in the song including lead vocals) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13741915/wips/tidbits/mychoice_endvocals.mp3 Lyrics: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13741915/wips/tidbits/My%20Choice%20Lyrics.txt You see, I put the lyrics up early so people can't find them when the songs are released. You're right. I got it wrong. Hopefully the example is put in first post next time, I can't find anything in this thread! Also I already told Garpocalypse this a couple days ago, but I'm going to release the stems for my entry, so people can practice mixing I guess, or just mess around with them and see how they sound. Maybe make your own mix of the song and compare it to mine, a learning experience.
  13. Awesome!! What did you do, Celtic? Also-- my song seems to be mostly the Zero theme, but Commando Man is in there too! Edit 2: Ahh crap, I might as well map this out while I'm at it... 0:00 - 0:16 - Commando Man 0:39 - 1:11 - Zero Theme 1:11 - 1:42 - Commando Man ( , seems loose now though, listen to the piano)1:42 - 2:15 - Zero Theme 2:15 - 2:42 - Commando Man (on the glockenspiel) / Moonlight Sonata 2:50 - 3:39 - Zero Theme 3:39 - END - Commando Man Hmm the perfect symmetry of switching back and forth was not intentional or preconceived at all. I hope you judge it as a cohesive piece rather than the distribution of sources.
  14. It's not really backwards compatibility unless you can play the game you already own.. if you have to buy it again.. then it's a different story.
  15. The first post says it would tell us how to name the files, but there's nothing there about what this should be called.. I'm just gonna take a guess and send it in. Edit-- Sent! Sent! Sent! I'm excited for this round. I feel like I brought my all.
  16. I don't know about the other fellas, but by the time I'm done recording EVERY part, I might have 6 hours into my next round's song. I also think it's my best remix to date. But I've been thinking that a lot lately with each new song.
  17. This is mellotron https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13741915/wips/tidbits/4_mellotron.mp3
  18. This sounds exciting for me, and ff2 I won't be free from my shackles until next year... oh lawd...
  19. They turn him into a dork within like 10 minutes of starting the game. :/
  20. Yah I'm in WCRG too and trying to finish Sonic CD asap My wip will probably be... improvised, and subsequently deleted / re-recorded at a later date.. (kinda silly )
  21. If you're cool/lucky/trustworthy/etc enough to be a facebook friend, you can follow the adventures of Nicolas Cage in Saints Row IV: Coming soon.
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