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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I've never finished a GTA game despite owning pretty much all of them. I don't think it matters. The amount of enjoyment you get from a game outweighs its length or whether you ever finish it
  2. Someone should make a thread for "Other gamers who ARE into violent games", maybe we could get some good recommendations outside of the obvious ones
  3. everyone vote for me at the last second to make it look like the compo is balanced
  4. 13 year olds shouldn't be playing M-rated games that's not even a topic we should be bringing up it's for the bad parenting thread and doesn't belong here!
  5. Are you suggesting I am real messed up, cause I beg to differ. I may be an unfeeling android but my circuits pertaining to right and wrong are functioning at full capacity!
  6. It's an earlier post in this thread You weren't too lazy to post in it! I hear you though. Hey, maybe I'm different because I grew up with the internet. I remember the thing that really bothered me when I was younger was seeing pictures of an "elderly man" who had fallen asleep in the bathtub that he had heated very hot with boiled water, I suppose because that's how some people have to do that, without having hot water available to them, who knows. Anyway I put "elderly man" in quotes because he wasn't a person in the picture anymore, he was just a bathtub full of veins and mush pretty much. That bothered me, and I've seen stuff since then like video of Mexican gang violence where people were killed with chainsaws, and that bothered me, but after a while and seeing that kind of stuff the feeling turns away from disgust and shifts toward anger against the people who are causing that violence. But that's real life violence which I put in a whole different league from game violence simply because it is real and much more visceral. You're looking at REAL people rather than a polygonal representation of a person. I suppose it's wrong to consider people who haven't had that kind of exposure as "weaker" in some way, but I do feel like people who have witnessed actual, terrible violence or even unfortunate gory situations like that man turned to soup in the bathtub will be stronger from having witnessed that. In our current generation, it's a lot less common for someone to go without ever witnessing violence or gore simply because it's a side-effect of both our nation's actions, and others. I saw the guy with his leg blown off from the Boston bombing in stunning HD and it didn't bother me on a gore-level, but I felt very bad for him, and the life he will now lead without the leg. I've seen video from an Ubama drone strike in the middle east with a child with its brain hanging out. I feel that while our country is causing this harm to other countries it is our duty to be aware of it and recognize the evil involved in that, not for any sort of reverence for the violence or gore, but simply out of respect for those harmed and a determination to never cause such harm to another person. I get out of feeling guilty for such things at the voting booth, but that's a whole different story that is beyond the scope of this thread. As for game violence... I critique games so heavily on their gameplay, graphics, and systems that it's hard for me to really consider violence in games as a disturbing thing. It's part of the journey, the geometry of A to B or a necessity of a leveling-up system or a score system. I don't feel it glorifies real life violence, because it simply is not real life violence. Games like GTA5 are on the spectrum of games where the bad guy causes harm to innocent bystanders (a less common form of game violence). Not all games have the "No Russian" scene. And even then, it's less of an idea of hurting actual people and more of a "let's see how many of these copy/pasted NPCs I can take out, for fun!" Having the same people appear doesn't devalue the violence, but it does expose the game for what it is; a game, which reproduces these non-living entities endlessly because they are the bits and bytes of an artificial game world. Their "pain" is acted by a highly paid voice actor in a booth far, far away, and their motion capture performed was captured by a man or woman covered in little white dots also in a warehouse or studio far, far away. Even in games that have no specific narrative and simply rely on you killing endless crowds of the same people (like the Mario series) don't do it to glorify violence, I feel. It would be ideal if all games had moral standards where if you killed a civilian, you were instantly told "That's wrong" and had to restart from a checkpoint. Call of Duty does that if you kill a Private, but like I mentioned earlier, they did do the No Russian scene. Maybe it was less to glorify violence and more to expose violence that is perpetrated in our real world. When you played No Russian, did you feel like shooting up an airport, OR did you feel that Russians were dicks? If you chose Russians are dicks, you should be on the right path there. It may be seen as tasteless by many people, but it was also quite an effective narrative element that made you want to get revenge on the people who did that. That is how I feel about both game violence and real life violence, not an urge to copy cat it (which is simply absurd), but a craving for justice against those who would perform the senseless violence. Having said all that -- If you play your games with a sense of justice, that's fantastic. If you can also play games as the bad guy and enjoy taking out polygonal NPCs, that is also fantastic, but there is a huge difference between game violence and real life violence. I've never so much as slapped someone in my life, and running over a few hookers in GTA is not going to suddenly make me want to. I will shed no tears for those polygonal hookers. They didn't make bad choices to end up where they are, they were 'scripted' to be hookers, they've never not known anything because they never knew, because they have no capacity to know. They don't think, or feel, they follow along a scripted path. Basically this edited American Psycho quote: Brandon: Come on, Hoboka. There are a lot more important problems than video game violence to worry about. Hoboka: Like what? Brandon: Well, we have to end apartheid for one. And slow down the nuclear arms race, stop terrorism and world hunger. We have to provide food and shelter for the homeless, and oppose racial discrimination and promote civil rights, while also promoting equal rights for women. We have to encourage a return to traditional moral values. Most importantly, we have to promote general social concern and less materialism in young people. Hoboka: [feigning tears] Brandon. How thought-provoking.
  7. Come on. I shared my opinion on this whole topic in my first post: http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=938935&postcount=7 I was merely commenting on, someone who gets sick seeing cartoon violences, needs to grow a pair and stop potentially being a liability as an adult in a disaster scenario. It's not about being a bad butt, I assumed all adults had a grasp on their emotions and ability to assess a situation like that So I am not phased by game violence and it frightens me that some people are. In a way being afraid of video game violence is an insult to actual violence.
  8. Awesome you guys should do it more often but try to keep the conversation a little more focused, at least on some OCR-related topics, sometimes! And I don't know if it's just me but it seems to be buffering out pretty often then coming back on
  9. Glorified violence is great, and part of being a mature adult is being able to cope with adult situations. If a little cartoon violence turns your stomach, you're going to have problems if you ever witness or are in an accident where someone is badly hurt and needs attention immediately. Like a car accident, or a Boston bombing scenario.
  10. The good news is there are other albums in the pipeline before this one and they will be GREAT, as will this one... the bad news is none of them had kickstarter pushing them out the door so there's the usual amount of rush rather than hyper-rush to get them out asap. I'm just sayin' that as an observer, not as someone who really knows, but that's the one difference FF6 had going for it.
  11. You shall not be disappointed, good sir! My sea will be full of sharks, there will be bells aplenty, but bees will be banned from the Cage Kingdom. I will name my first shark after you!
  12. The original voices are perfect. If that's the level of quality they're bringing to the sound production though, they're going to need a broom, because it's a mess.
  13. Here's a "new" trailer that plays like a compilation of footage we've already seen: From TGSLooks good, but still seems like a very focused area of footage, either that or the game has a pretty consistent tone. Who knows. Looks great in 1080p, still no release date, still no English localization or even casting rumors. Here's what I expected to see, to change the tone: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110921155430/finalfantasy/images/b/bc/FinalFantasyVersusXIII_combat_2.jpg (areas that weren't just city areas)
  14. I just pre-ordered Pokemon X from Toys 'r' Us website for $33.91 with free shipping Use the promo code FRIENDS20 for $8 discount
  15. Here's a brand new trailer, sadly still for Japan and not US. And comments + ratings were disabled, so take from that what you will. Looks good to me, though.
  16. There are ways to expose the album outside of the blanket of this community, just sayin'!
  17. Game violence is great. I hope it gets even more extreme. I want to be able to slice people down the middle and watch their guts fall in wet little heap. Playing violent video games doesn't turn you into a violent killer, so any argument about that, as a gamer and as a human, makes me feel like a tool, so I will have no part of it.
  18. I love that I can open the mp3 in a new tab and still see the gif and everything syncs up and it's funny
  19. I think $5 will get you something like 3k to 5k, I've never done it
  20. Here's a world premiere preview of my song Temporal Duality https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13741915/tempdual_preview.mp3
  21. I wouldn't use FF6 as a reference for evaluation length. Standard minimum is a month, it's usually longer.
  22. You should finance a post through OCR so all of their 30k+ fans see it, or better yet, don't finance nothin', people will find the album if they're into that kind of thing
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