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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Eh was just trying to make it sound not harsh, I certainly wasn't laughing at you or about what happened or anything. Someone said I come across intense a lot of the time, or people can't tell I'm not being super serious, so I should use more emoticons. It's a work in progress. Thanks! I'll be less silly if I need to report something like that in the future. EDIT: I can't find the project resources, concerning proper file naming and all that... There should really be a thread in Projects or something with that information.. Edit: Judge process thread update?
  2. Yes, that is a very small amount of copies. For comparison Tomb Raider sold about 3 million copies (more than Wii U itself) and Tomb Raider was considered a disappointment.
  3. He might have meant that they sold a very small amount of copies.
  4. Can you have another round of voting after the top dogs are picked for those of us who voted for none of the people who are selected
  5. Happy birthday amphibious you make me wet
  6. Eh be careful what you wish for. If they do that and it becomes incredibly successful, then they might make sequels to that, and new variations to it with each game until it becomes stale. I mean, just look at Square Enix.
  7. My sincerest apologies. I should not have suggested you look at something so profane.
  8. "Impossibru!" ? All Nintendo would have to do is... I dunno, make it, or something. They don't need the original creator to continue it. I mean look at Square Enix.
  9. They've been bringing back a lot of old stuff people love with new rehashes and sequels. I hope they make a really awesome sequel or remake. Maybe Earthbound or something.
  10. Yeah, lock it. It's just angry people flinging insults at this point, instead of trying to contribute thoughtfully to the conversation. I've lost respect for a lot of people today.
  11. I don't think the PS4 will be better, with always on internet and a ridiculously high price point (I'm expecting $1,000 for the one people will actually want to own, with a decent hard drive, and all that) In fact, I'd be surprised if the PS4 doesn't also flop, maybe not as hard as the Wii U, but still. Did I say the PS4 is better? Or did I say that developers said it is easy to work with whereas developers are quickly diving away from the Nintendo implosion? I wasn't saying PS4 was better. I was saying they probably have better relationships with developers than Nintendo does. You can go back and read if you want.
  12. But seriously, you have something against 12 year old boys? How is Wii U doing badly a "console war"?
  13. Because it's rude to point out your vitriol.
  14. That only goes up to 2011 from.... 1981 something...? What? At any rate I don't think that picture belongs in this thread about the Wii U, which began its downward financial spiral in 2012. Here ocre, this is for you.
  15. I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo has really bad relationships with developers. The PS4 has countless devs singing the praises of the system and how easy it is to work with. Nintendo must be slipping Sega a LOT of money. Or have some kind of seppuku pact.
  16. In this thread the people calling others trolls are the trolls themselves, unable to acknowledge legitimate criticisms about Nintendo and the Wii U. Nobody can deny they should have waited until they had games ready before launching. Pikmin 3 and Bayonetta 2 will only appeal to a small audience, people who like micro-managing bugs and people who like objectifying women and big boobs as an attempt to hide subpar gameplay.
  17. That's a good point. We should all return our Wii U's and tell others not to buy them so we can force Nintendo to stop making consoles and become a developer for other systems. The best part is that it would force Nintendo to up their game (hah!) or fail. Sink or swim.
  18. And you can't even play the best minigames in NintendoLand without multiple people. No online capabilities. Huge fail.
  19. It would be good if Wii games played on the gamepad. At least then you'd have 2 analog shticks to control the camera in The Last Story. The whole "it has to be scripted to run on that!" is a bunch of baloney. Everyone knows they just stream the TV image to the gamepad. Come on, Mintenda. Can't be arsed to script a new version that will run on Wii U I guess, when the other consoles are fully capable of running it. *shrug* I don't think mobile platforms are particularly hard to develop for. I mean look at Square Enix.
  20. Nobody even made decent use of the Wii's motion controls. You only got anything good in that regard from shovelware. Even stuff like The Last Story has crappy manual aiming without the wiimote. Damn, it would be better to play that game with ANY other controller. At least one with 2 analog sticks so you can adjust the camera. Sheeeeitt...... Part of why Wii U failed is because people just don't trust Nintendo after what happened with the Wii and how truly crappy the controllers were integrated and used by developers. Ain't nobody got time for promises and failure to deliver the goods. And.... Wii U can't run Frostbite engine... When I bought my Wii U I knew it wasn't truly a next-gen console, because games would be coming out that can't even play on the Wii U. There are games even on the PS3 that you would never see on the Wii U, or you'll see it with severely limited graphic and effect quality. Yeah, it's not really next-gen, but at least I HOPE they release some really refined games. They dropped the ball by not having new HD Zelda ready at launch. I don't give any damns about Pikmin or Luigi and they're not exactly announcing anything substantial for the summer as far as I know.
  21. It was a fun game but you can't deny the new stuff summed up to about 3 minutes of new content. Troll. I found it funny and ironic you said this in the same post.
  22. I guess in the end it will come down to whether people are impressed with a rehash of what came out on the Wii without any big change (NSMBU, et al) or miss the "browngray" of major games coming to every other system.
  23. Not to mention STAR WARS I'd just buy third party stuff on PC. But consoles are fueled by third party games and the rubes who buy them on consoles. And Wii U being the one system that doesn't get Battlefield 4, or Madden 25, or Fifa 13, the STAR WARS series, or who knows what, is a big hit.
  24. http://www.nbcnews.com/technology/nintendos-software-problem-wii-u-just-went-bad-worse-1C9977314 Of course you can personally decide whether it is or not. But objectively.......
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