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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Sorry you had to see the OCR mongoloid population at its best. Apparently they're from the 20s and believe it's justifiable to push their own view on and insult other people. I fully expect to see some gay bashing next. As for the tattoo, it's looking cool. Good luck with the rest of it.
  2. Sorry I miss da wip date I'll try to get you a finished song before August :-D

  3. Why would they have to transfer IP rights? Why.... why are you saying this?
  4. :-d :-d Does your universe have the same Square-Enix as mine does?
  5. While I'm still amusing your line of questioning, Nintendo could buy the license rights to these games. Why not.
  6. I meant data relevant to the claim that you made. Something like this http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2010/mar/17/stern-review-male-rape
  7. And Bungie developed Halo and Microsoft ported it to PC. Next.
  8. Yeah, everyone really needs to back up their claims at all times. It's common decency. hah, this thread
  9. wate That's not the same is it? This is Nintendo we're talking about, releasing a Nintendo game on a Nintendo system. Not Nintendo trying to put a Dreamcast game on a loaf of bread. I'm not a Nintendo employee, so no, I don't know that. I don't think you do either. There are rumors that Xenoblade Chronicles will be put on Virtual Console. There's really no reason to speculate that these 2 games -couldn't- potentially make their way on there. I'm an optimist. But anyway I'm done here, ain't got time to argue in circles about something that should have never been an argument.
  10. Uhhh ok? This is not the 3DS thread. I am interested in the game, and even if I had not been, I was on topic -- even a minimod should recognize I did nothing wrong here. I stated an opinion about the game: This lead to a lot of butthurt for irrational reasons. If you disagree that this game should be on other systems, or remastered, that's fine. Take a chill pill and don't join an angry mob every time someone states an opinion that differs from your own. To repeat for anyone who has not actually read the thread, we were talking about 4 Heroes of Light (DS) and Bravely Default (3DS).
  11. I can't enjoy it on the platform it is on. Because for some really strange reason, I own a Wii U. And I have no plans to purchase a DS or a 3DS. If they don't remaster it for the Wii U because the Wii U didn't sell enough, I guess that's fine. It might not help the install base of the Wii U, but maybe having these titles (on 1 disc) would help move some Wii U's. You never know. All I know is, there are a lot of people who want this kind of game on the Wii U right now. If these 2 games sold enough on DS I'm sure Nintendo would find some way to at least get them on the Wii U virtual console.
  12. The point I was trying to make was that these 2 games should be remastered for the Wii U, but it was upended by ignorant bickering.
  13. That's not quite true. All used games are retail games to start with. After someone buys something, it becomes their property. If companies don't get a cut from people sharing their own property then that's not our problem. I don't expect Sears to start banging down doors if you give away a piece of furniture. I don't know why we should tolerate this anti-consumer behavior, nobody else does this kind of stuff.
  14. Guys, calm down. 3DS and DS look exactly the same and are different by 1 character. Just like the Wii and Wii U. There was never any need to talk about specs.
  15. I didn't think people wouldn't know what games I was talking about in the thread for said games. Even the first one is mentioned in first post. Oh well, it is what it is. Some people, eh? I was wrong about the 3DS sales, it was DS that sold 150 million, but they're both pretty much the same device anyway, just one has a 3D screen. Let's not even go into all the tiny variations of DS, DS XL, DSi, DSi XL, and so on. :-/ So maybe it makes no sense to port these to a system that sold 3 million, but it definitely couldn't hurt. That's the point I was trying to make. And ultimately it wouldn't be the first time Square-Enix moved a subpar quality handheld game to a real console. They did it with Chain of Memories I believe, on the PS2.
  16. They should release both games for Wii U. HD port. Sure they sold like 150 million more 3DS's than Wii U's but still, it'd be nice to have.
  17. It doesn't have Bluetooth but Sennheiser RS is affordable, wireless, has a recharge cradle, and I've been using mine for years. Mine were RS60 I think, which doesn't seem to be available anymore, maybe these are better (RS110) Dropped mine countless times, they fall off my head while I'm doing stuff, even knocked something loose, but they always come back and work fine.
  18. In terms of they should have had it ready, I'd say it is a hell of a long time, especially with people specifically waiting for it to buy a Wii U. That's FAR too long. It could have been in development in advance if it meant having it out this summer. If the rumor about a FF remake on the Wii U is true, and depending on what it is, we could be seeing a Wii U sales boom. Or a lot of pissed off people, depends on what the announcement is.
  19. I heard Zelda isn't going to be until 2015. That's waaaay too long to wait for the new Zelda. Here's some rumors: http://wiiudaily.com/2013/05/more-nintendo-e3-rumors/ As for stuff that is out NOW and worth getting, you have NintendoLand right? It came with the Wii u? If you like difficult survival games you could check out ZombiU but there's not really anything worth getting yet. There's some classics on the virtual console like Mega Man X and Kirby Super Star.
  20. DANG! Some really generous person made this Kickstarter a success. I don't know who it was, but dang. That's incredibly generous.
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