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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I'm confused about that mp3 you sent why is it empty? :o!!!

  2. I'm considering bouncing my WAVs out of Audition, putting them in Cubase, and updating my BadAss track. Just thought I'd let you know.

  3. I'm going to try to write as much Fairy Battle as I can either tomorrow night or Saturday afternoon. Just letting ya know. I'll try to work on it at work and get it as far done as possible. :-o!

  4. I'm literally on IRC every waking hour. Hoping to change that in the near future, but who am I kidding. I'd go around with it on my phone too if I could.

  5. I'm not like the common trash that goes to MAGFest, I usually get a room to myself, with a King bed. :-o

  6. I'm sorry fella, I completely forgot about the Pokemon mix vocal. I said I'd make something so I will though. Don't let me forget again!

  7. I'm sorry for trolling your thread a bit.. i hope you found what you were looking for. :3

  8. I'm sorry man I have been dropping the ball hard... if you could think of the short prayer that'd be awesome, until then please sit tight and I'll send you the song as soon as I can!

  9. I'm sorry we didn't hang out more, and none of my texts went through. -_- I did get yours though. Came home and my phone shattered the rest of the way.

  10. I'm thinking you might wanna pick a theme for CMC34... guy is taking too long. :-)

  11. I'm totally gonna say I'll do it so you'll do one on my list but then do something completely different :-D

  12. I'm trying to get those assets my own self, I'll hook ya up if it happens... trying to wrangle 'em from halc. :-(

    Your previous visitor message from me totally reminded me of that idea I had for your song, haha. It's a good thing it's there!

  13. I'm very sorry to hear about that. :'(

    My grandma passed away last June, you never really stop thinking about it but I hope you have some easier times. :o

  14. I've been working to try to recover this hard drive but nothing is working.. I have it in the freezer now, that's pretty much my last resort. I wanted to fix Doomed Lovers and I'm actually somewhat tempted to remake it from scratch...

  15. I've deleted every single pm... just for you... :cry:

  16. I've got a couple obligations before DKC3, namely God of War and Dynamite Headdy, but I've got a full 10 days so don't worry! I knew you'd be asking next time you saw me on AIM so I thought I'd hit you preventatively with this. :-P


    i just didn't remember what it was from

  18. If he wins that just gives us more time to make it super good :P

  19. If I may comment on Gamebox's remix.. I think the song is kinda quiet and the snare is really loud. o_o Apart from that is' pretty cool!

  20. If I remade it, it would have all new instrumentation and vocals, and would be much cleaner. It would be like the "studio version" =]

    I'm editing this and hoping you see the edit in the future -- When you say resub for In joy & sorrow, do you mean that it can be looked at as soon as i turn in the updated version? Or did I need to do the whole "submit, sit, and wait" routine again? ;-)

  21. If it means anything to know, I thought you were Hudson Horstachio from Viva Pinata: Party Animals... If I had realized who you really were, I probably wouldn't have argued. I just really don't like Hudson Horstachio. And this is not a joke. When I read your name before that's what I saw.

  22. If it takes until Sunday to get 24 people, it'll start the next Sunday that night at midnight EDT, so... the 17th? But if we get 24 in like 2 days I could mad dash to get it all prepared in time for the 10th (technically the 11th)

  23. If the date is August 3rd I might need a bit of an extenze x_x

  24. If you could opine on that post I made in FF9 thread a while ago, that'd be swell. Though in the end if you're cool I'll probably just go with orchestral Steiner.

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