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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. No actually I legitimately guessed. I am on my phone at my patents house. I just said it because me vs. Tubetz would ne the saddest match up possible and we're lucky enough to get it. thanks
  2. I've had my plan for the last week. I just don't know if I can make it. If I do, whoever I'm up against will be destroyed.
  3. Don't you have a FF9 track you've been working on for a couple months?
  4. Diablo 3 will drop a few days into our round. Needless to say, not a single song will be made.
  5. SHADIX IS THE FIRST LIZARD TO FALL. So it shall be written, and so it shall be done.
  6. Hey! Any luck with the stuff you PMed me about on April 23rd? :D

  7. Filthy lizard, you're spending enough time in a chemical plant as it is
  8. My secret weapon is to make a 20 minute epic that blows everyone away in round 1, then half-assed doodles for each following round due to not having enough times :3
  9. I thought Demon Hunter looked like a class I wouldn't usually play. I am all about the Barbarians, but I really enjoyed Monk during the Beta. So those are my 2 obvious choices. I am a man who enjoys brute strength (lol gender roles) Alas, I have instead chosen to challenge myself, and hopefully this will lead to a more fulfilling initial game experience. I'd love to take my Demon Hunter to level 60. I also want to try finding rare and amazing items (for other classes, of course) and put them up for sale -- for real money -- on the auction house. I have no intention of buying anything. But if there's someone out there who will give me money for an in-game item... then great. As for the class itself, it seems to shoot things and throw grenades. Like I said, for this kind of game, I'm really more of a warrior. Skyrim revolutionized my view on RPGs by allowing me to quickly shot fire and stab at the same time, etc. So I am hoping for the same kind of new gaming revelation that will open me up to new styles of play.
  10. There was a poll that said Monk and Barbarian were the 2 most picked classes. As a result, I decided to go Witch Doctor. Then I watched a trailer and Witch Doctor looked waaaaay too hard, so I decided to go Demon Hunter.
  11. Thanks for pointing that out to me before. It was cool. http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/image/714 TEE HEE
  12. Man why couldn't you have made that in round 1? Then I would have beat ya.
  13. Orchestras can't play electro chiptunes, ya lizard
  14. Way to murder this epic thread with talk of stupid idiot ponies! One more week? Damn it!! Seriously! ;_;
  15. Can you put 1 day between rounds? So you can have this round go from the 5th to the 12th as usual, but then have the 12th be a "vote counting day" and also Mother's Day, then start the next round on the 13th. THE PANCAKE HAS WILLED IT, THUS IT SHALL BE WRITTEN AND PERFORMED AS SUCH
  16. Things that would have made the movie worth seeing: 1. Ghost Rider 2. Nicolas Cage
  17. Just for that I'm going to lose in round 1. Learn to deal with YOUR PROBLEMS instead of blaming ME!
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