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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. The tracks I make for this wouldn't become an album, like I said! I said I may feature them on a larger album as only a very very very small part of it, comparatively.. but you guys did give me a great idea that I wasn't considering previously, choosing a name for each "section" of the album. Like my Planet Wisp mixes can have their own name.. Almost like a chapter. AN ALBUM WITH CHAPTERS!?!?!?!?
  2. I think an HD Re-release of Diablo 2 ON STEAM would have been so much better. I never did like battlenet and I wish they'd get rid of it.
  3. Hot girls we have problems too, we're just like you, EXCEPT WE'RE HOT Gotta admit it's kinda catchy
  4. I posted a link to The Wettening in a thread on OCR once, and it doesn't have 2 million views... maybe I need some more boring beats and monotonous hot girl singing.. that's what I NEEEEEDDDDDDD yes
  5. I am a level 3 Monk named Bulletproof I am.. Bulletproof Monk. That is all.
  6. I gotta be honest here... Diablo 2 is better. There seems to be a slight graphical upgrade with D3 but the GUI changes are just too tacky and worthless, and the text is so small it's almost impossible to read anything.
  7. You guys can vote aainst me in the runings, vote against me.. but vot eFOR reixy if we happened to be matched up. vote for Rexy.. and in conclusion, vote against me nad vote for Rexy.. but download The Wettening, link my sig below vv you can download it for free, don't be a lziard... haha
  8. I wasn't aware of it being only a beta weekend last night when I downloaded it. I don't even remember how I found it to download it. I just woke up today and it was on my computer.
  9. Oh, it's only free for a couple days? And it doesn't even work. Meh.. why did I download this? Thanks for the notification anyway PixelPanic (I already had it) but your service is much appreciated.
  10. What!??! Why did you switch my source? I had Chemical Plant! > I kid haha, I remember asking... just playing a gag on ya. I LOVE Planet Wisp. I just wish I could use the map music in addition to, or instead of, the act music. EDIT: I might use it anyway, right? Cause I'm evil like that, and I used Schala's theme in WCRG and the Street Fighter thing... Also the idea of making a themed album, like Ben Briggs mentioned, is a good push of inspiration for this. I wouldn't make an album of just these songs but I'd include them on a larger album I'm planning.
  11. Don't become a SLAVE TO OCR AND TEIR SHITTY WAYS just because they give you an infracction!! Share your REAL opinion ofsomething, don't let yourself be censored, be true to yourself, tell it like it is, be real... you are awesome. Don't ever let anyone cyber-bully you, that should be illegal!

  12. i love you roebrt and you know I love you, so don't close th edoor on me before i had the chance to wlak through it
  13. i am drunk but I support this trade 50,000% supeririox if you deny this you are alizard i can call you a lziard cause you rent darksword and you wont hold it against me for eternity that i once called you a lizard i fucking love darkesword but he has to hate me and be mean just because i dont even know why i wont live with that negativity in fact i will forget the entire thing in erxactlt 30 seconds, so yeah. good
  14. Main Finger would you like to trade If not I have at least 1 idea for Chemical Plant lol
  15. Heck yeah, so I'll have plenty of time to do my songs FOR PART 2 AND NEVAR EVAR BE PART OF VOLUME 3 EVARRRRR EVAAARRRRRRR
  16. If someone contacts OCR and asks how the hell to upload their song to OCR, I will be happy and satisfied for the foreseeable future
  17. How does limiting it to OC Remixers make it such a big, different deal? Seriously?
  18. Well I submitted my song, as If I would ever make money from it. I can understand where you're coming from GLL but this is one of those very exclusive things I guess. I would never expected to be able to sell mine, but maybe I just suck a load of burro. It really sucks that it went down this way but eh what can ya do. CAPCOM. Ugh I almost typed COMCAST. Lol.
  19. Yeah, Thank God for guys like you GLL, I never even read T&C. I just hit "Accept".
  20. I probably would have been more interested in asking about details if I hadn't got knocked out in round one like a little bitch, but I'm surprised y'all didn't get more info.. hmmm... maybe there was no info... This is very intriguing and I hope it works out for da best.
  21. I'm wondering if we already gave up that right by participating in this particular competition, eh? I wonder if they are actually the same thing, now that I think about it. edit: it's capcom what did ya expect
  22. Hey can I submit my song to this? http://www.streetfighter.com/SF25Music/ Also "please upload your music to OC ReMix" LOLOLOLOLOLOL
  23. THERE IS you just don't like SCIENCE http://www.codingthewheel.com/archives/the-coin-flip-a-fundamentally-unfair-proposition
  24. Just letting you know in advance that many coins, when flipped ,are ever so slightly more common to land on heads. So if you choose the top person each time, and assign them heads, them the person whose name appears first in alphabetical order on your list will most-likely be heads. Using this theory, you can predict the outcome of every matchup on the board. Maybe it would be slightly better to do 2 out of 3 for the winner of each track.
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